
The connection between the Union database and the external systems (Member State, Voluntary Scheme, Certification Bodies, Economic Operators and Third-party service providers) shall be based on the Commission’s secure electronic registered delivery service (CEF eDelivery).

  1. SP/AP: The Service Provider / Access Point need to develop an AS4 compliant application (Only the list of software mentioned here are allowed to be used : https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/wikis/display/DIGITAL/eDelivery+AS4+conformant+solutions ).
  2. SP/AP: Once you have the above then you will have the URL for the end point
  3. SP/AP: Kindly Fill the attached document. All field are mandatory except party id.
  4. UDB : We will request eDelivery team for the onboarding.
  5. UDB : Will inform SP/AP when the onboarding started.
  6. SP/AP: If you opt for PKI service then you can send an email to EC-EDELIVERY-SUPPORT@ec.europa.eu with your CN and you get back the keys and certificate.
  7. SP/AP: Send the .pem file (public key to us
  8. SP/AP: If you don’t opt for PKI then you create a PKI yourself and send us the .pem file (public key) as part of Step 3 itself.
  9. UDB : Further notification from UDB as eDelivery will do the connectivity tests.
  10. SP/AP: Test the connection from your side.
  11. SP/AP : Ready to use UDB

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