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We just published examples of organic farming practices on the JRC wiki website.
You can find 8 fiches describing projects in different MS and a list of around other 60 projects screened to produce these fiches.
The process to select these examples has been explained in the main page: it is quite interesting as the aim was to find examples which respond to the main challenges for the organic sector (commercialization, conversion, harmful inputs, systemic approaches etc.).
These examples complement the fiches on organic farming systems available on the wiki website. Similar material is available on agroforestry examples.
New and revised fiches are now available on the wiki including Landscape features, livestock housing techniques, livestock dietary manipulation techniques, manure management techniques and organic systems
On Wednesday the 30th of June 2021, between 18h and 23h, we will upgrade the Extranet Wikis platform. During this period, the platform will not be available.
The wiki was presented to the participants of the Expert Group Monitoring and Evaluation the CAP (GREXE) on Tuesday 27 April.