1.    Introduction

Accepting/rejecting Seller Transactions in UDB as a buyer is the responsibility of the EO LeadUser/EO user.

An Economic Operator as a buyer can accept or reject trade details from another economic operator acting as a (Seller) in UDB.

        i.            What are the pre-conditions for Buyer transactions?

  • The Economic Operator can be one with certificates (fully onboarded on UDB) or without certificates (Not onboarded on UDB). The difference between an EO with certificate & EO that is not registered on UDB is the mass-balance is not maintained for the EO not on UDB.

Therefore, an EO will be able to register a trade transaction for a non-registered EO by giving the details of NTRID, country & delivery site (optional)

  • A transaction must have been initiated from a corresponding economic operator (in the case the “Seller”) which requires action from the buyer.

2.    How to use the Buyer (accept/reject) transaction feature

There are several use cases associated with the Buyer transaction process. These are shown in the diagram below and then further described in the attached User guide:

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