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9th Annual Conference on Control with Remote Sensing of Area-based Subsidies

Maritim Hotel, Köln, Germany

27-28th of November, 2003


Opening address

  • Opening address and welcome
  • Introduction

Session 1: CAP Reform

  • Introduction to the CAP Reform
  • The Control System of the Reformed PAC
  • CAP Reform:  Technical consequences on management of  geographic information, LPIS, CwRS

Podium Discussion: Effects of the CAP Reform on the Control System and implications on RS and GIS

Session 2: Review  of 2003 years CwRS Campaign  

  • Summary Statistics of the campaign
  • Results of QC 2002 and consequences on recommendations
  • Acquisition and delivery of satellite data
  • Acquisition of VHR satellite data for pilot tests
  • Pilot CwRS Campaigns in new Member States
  • Land Parcel Identification System: Status of implementation

Session 3: Posters session and Software Demonstrations

Session 4: New VHR satellite data processing and geometry

  • Overview of the VHR systems and testing
  • VHR satellite data processing and geometry.  Results of the geometric tests – Eros, Quickbird, Ikonos
  • Using VHR satellite imagery in the Czech Republic: testing with Ikonos
  • QuickBird coverage for the Cyprus LPIS
  • Use of IKONOS for LPIS coverage in Poland
  • Conclusions - VHR geometric tests and quality control

Session 5: CAPI crop identification and parcel measurement with  VHR data (+ Agri-Environmental AEM issues)

  • Processing of VHR imagery to optimize CAPI
  • Test of the use of SPOT5 Pan super mode data in crop area estimate
  • Evaluation of Ikonos data in the UK CHAR control zone
  • VHR Imagery – More than extra pixels
  • The experience of using Spot5 Ms & VHR images in the Spanish Remote-sensing Control of Arable & Forage Land (2003 campaign)
  • AEMs compliance using VHR data

Session 6: Airborne digital VHR imagery

  • High resolution Airborne Digital Sensor [ADS40] for photogrammetric and thematic applications
  • Study on the acquisition of digital airborne data for agricultural control purposes 
  • Assessment and Quality control of ADS40 image deliverables

Session 7: Preparation of 2004 years CwRS Campaign

  • New Issues in the specifications
  • Definition of CwRS Sites: past, present and future optimisation
  • Future of QC
  • any other issues – support to new MS, training, organisation of controls, lateness in delivery, 


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