
Take note

The illustrations in the Application Forms wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.

There may be minor changes to the screen appearance and layout which are described on the updated page: How to complete the application form

In the Activities section of the application form you are asked to provide information on the foreseen mobility activities you plan to organise, the number of participants and exceptional costs.

First you must select which activities you plan to perform in your project. The activity types you can choose from depend on the field you are applying for (School Education (SCH), Vocational Education and Training (VET) or Adult Education (ADU)). 

At activity level you must then specify the number of participants and the number of accompanying persons (if applicable), as well as the duration of the participation for each person, and specify whether persons will participate in preparatory visits.

For each activity you will then provide further activity details, such as the number of participants with fewer opportunities, participants involved in blended mobility activities and/or whether green travel will be used. 

At the end you can request coverage of various exceptional costs and inclusion support.

Once all the information has been filled in, review the participants and requested budget for each activity.

How to complete the Activities section in KA121 applications

You might have to use the scroll bar(s) to access all available information in the sections and subsections. Move between sections and subsections by clicking on them in the Content menu or use the arrow button ( > ) to move to the next section.
To gain additional space on your screen you can also close the Content menu using the collapse menu icon ( <  ) or work in Full screen mode.

See How to complete the application form for details. 

Take note

Questions or fields may vary depending on the field you apply for. Please read the onscreen information carefully to complete the relevant fields and sections.

Our example below shows how to complete this part of your application form using a form for KA121-SCH - Mobility for learners and staff of accredited organisations in school education. 

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ Call year 2025 round 1
    • KA121-SCH - Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education
    • KA121-VET - Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training
    • KA121-ADU - Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education

Before you start

  • Accreditation section must have been completed
  • Participating organisations (applicant organisation as well as planned hosting organisations) must have been added to the application. 



1. Open "Activities" 

Click on Activities in the Content menu. The Activities screen opens.

Please read the introduction before completing the tables below. 

Three tables are available. In the first one you have to provide information on the activities you plan to implement, in the second you have to specify the numbers of and accompanying persons for each planned activity and in the third you may add exceptional costs and inclusion support for participants if required.

Open Activities (KA121)


2. Add activities

The following activity types can be added for the different fields of KA121 application forms:

  1. KA121-SCH - Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education
  2. KA121-VET - Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training
  3. KA121-ADU - Accredited projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education

Available Activity types for SCH, VET and ADU


Each activity type can be added only once.

Under List of activities, an empty row for the first activity is already available when you open the section.

If necessary, you can add more activities by clicking on the Add activity button. A new row is displayed in the list for each newly added activity. 

Add an activity


3. Fill in the basic activity details

In the List of activities, for each activity in the application form, fill in the details as follows: 

  1. Select the Activity type from the available drop-down list. Depending on the field you are applying for, different options will be displayed to choose from.
  2. Fill in the number of expected participants, total duration, the number of participants with fewer opportunities, the number of participants in blended mobility activities and the number of persons using sustainable means of transport..

When you fill in the durations, you can switch between the default view and the average duration view using the Switch to average duration button.

Select and fill in an activity

Be sure to meet the requirements for each field as per the Programme guide. If a requirement is not met, an error message is display. You have to correct such errors.

Validation errors

The totals for all added activities are displayed below the table.

Add activities


4. Fill in "Additional expenses" for accompanying persons and preparatory visits

A second table is displayed under Activity details, with a row for each activity you added earlier. Provide the required information on accompanying persons with duration travel days, as well as persons for preparatory visits for each activity.

Fill in participants details per activity

4.1. Justify additional persons

If you request a large number of persons either as Accompanying Persons and/or participants in preparatory visits, you may need to justify this. 

Sample boxes for large numbers of Accompanying persons and Preparatory visits


5. "Switch to average duration"

If you click the Switch to average duration button, the following will happen:

  1. Columns Average duration (in days) and Average duration (in days) for accompanying persons will become editable (numerical values with two decimals).
  2. Columns Total duration (in days) and Total duration (in days) for accompanying persons become read-only and are automatically calculated as the Number of participants and Number of accompanying persons, respectively, multiplied by the respective Average duration for each category of persons, and rounded to the nearest whole number.
  3. The button Switch to average duration changes to Switch to total duration. If clicked, it reverses the columns and the button label back to the default view.

Switch between average and total duration


6. Add "Exceptional costs and inclusion support for participants"

At the bottom of the page you can add details about expected additional costs of one or more of these types, if applicable:

  • Exceptional costs for expensive travel
  • Exceptional costs for financial guarantee
  • Exceptional costs for visa and other entry requirements
  • Inclusion support for participants - if your project includes participants with fewer opportunities.

Each cost must be linked to one of the requested activity types (selected in the drop-down list). 

Specify number of participants, justification and estimated cost.

Add exceptional cost item

To delete a cost item, click the Delete button on the right of that item. In the pop-up message, click Delete to confirm the deletion. The cost item will be removed from your list.

Delete cost


7. Delete an activity

To remove an already filled-in activity from the list:

  1. Click on the Delete button on the right of the activity which you want to delete. 
  2. Confirm the deletion.

Take note

Any information previously entered for the activity you want to delete will automatically be removed from the second table once you confirm the deletion.

Delete an activity

8. Example of a completed "Activities" section

Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.

Activities section completed

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