If you wish to update any details about your project, begin by contacting your National Agency. The National Agency will be able to instruct you on how to proceed requesting changes to the project. In this example, in a 2021 KA220-YOU project, the beneficiary requires the following changes: - The Project title.
- Project duration to change from 36 months to 30 months.
 - Adding an additional organisation and the two organisation contacts, as in KA220-YOU projects organisations cannot be added manually to the project in Beneficiary module.

The National Agency checks the requestThe National Agency will check the requested changes and decide whether there is a need to amend the grant agreement.
The National Agency updates the project detailsIf deemed necessary and depending on the type of change, an amendment to the grant agreement is issued, sent to the beneficiary and, once signed, returned to the National Agency. The National Agency will then sign the amendment and send it back to the beneficiary. Only then will the changes become available in the project in Beneficiary module and, if applicable, the Project results platform. A notification email is sent to the beneficiary contact, informing them of the changes to the project.
Project updates available in Beneficiary moduleWhen opening the updated project, all changes confirmed by the National Agency in their project management system will be available. In our example, all requested changes are now available in our project: - The Project title.
- Project duration changed to 30 months.
 - The new organisation and the two organisation contacts are available.

In the project History Information, accessible from the project Details tab, the Updated on: and by: National Agency indicate the last updates sent to Beneficiary module.

"Update project data" functionality in Beneficiary module Excerpt |
Project contacts with edit rights in a project also have the option to Update project data from the Project details header. Using this functionality will check the project details available in the NA's project management system and transfer changes such as changes to organisation information or changes related to an amendment, to the project in Beneficiary module. This option is also useful before completing the final beneficiary report, as the project information must be correct before the report should be submitted. Using Update project data will ensure the latest information for the project as available in the NA's project management system is also available in Beneficiary module. Any information entered in Beneficiary module will not be affected by this update functionality. Only information maintained in the National Agency Project Management module will be updated using this functionality. In the header of the project details, click on the Actions button and select the option Update project data. 
A success message displays after the check for updates is completed. The relevant changes, if any, will be available in the project within an hour. 
An error message will display if there already is a check for updates running, for example initiated by another project contact. 
KA121 Specifics - Interim Amendment Exercise and KA151 AmendmentsFor KA121, call year 2021 onward, and KA151 projects from call year 2022 onward, it is possible to submit an amendment request, or Interim amendments exercise, from request from the Amendments section of the project. Please see page Amendment request for KA121 and KA151 projects for details. Image Added