Select the "Targets" tab from "Mobility activities"Targets are accessible in a separate tab when accessing Mobility activities via the Content menu in your project. It is from here that you can view and compare the targets per activity type and totally within your project. Image Modified
The tables displayed under Targets present the targets for delivery, the Indicative targets or Indicative planning, as defined in your grant agreement versus the achieved, Implemented, targets in the project. Implemented targets are calculated based on the information provided for all completed mobility activities and related preparatory visits, if applicable, in your project. The Implemented targets information will display the calculated value and the % of the target achieved. Note |
| Mobility activities in Draft status are not counted for the Implemented targets. |
In the first table, following information is available: - Activity Type - lists the activity types as per signed grant agreement
- Number of participants - total number of participants, excluding accompanying persons
- Total duration (in days) - total and average duration in days for participants
- Number of accompanying persons
- Total duration (in days) for accompanying persons
- Number of persons in preparatory visits
- Total - calculated totals
In this example, three Activity types are available. For two of them, Implemented target information is available in the table. For activity type Short-term learning mobility of adult learners no implemented target information is yet available.
In the second table, the following information is available: - Activity Type - lists the activity types as per signed grant agreement
- Number of participants with fewer opportunities
- Number of participants in blended activities
- Number of persons using sustainable means of transport (green travel)
- Total - calculated totals
In KA121-VET projects, the Number of participants in international activities will also be displayed in this table. In this example, a KA121-ADU project, three Activity types are available. For two of them, Implemented target information is available in the table. For activity type Short-term learning mobility of adult learners no implemented target information is yet available.