The Special Costs section of your project can be accessed from the Content Menu. The Special Costs screen contains a list of Special costs items, if any are available. Initially the list is empty. Once you have added special costs, they will be listed here. Include Page |
| Root BM List functionality |
| Root BM List functionality |

Click on "Create" to add a "Special costs" itemTo add a new Special costs item, click on the Create button. 
Select the Special Costs type from the drop-down list In the pop-up window, select the Special Cost type you want to add, from the drop-down list. The following options are available: - Exceptional costs - costs incurred by the organisations participating in the project, which include, but are not limited to, subcontracting and purchase of goods/services. Costs related to Covid will also have to be requested here.
- Exceptional costs for financial guarantee - costs incurred by the participating organisations in order to produce a financial guarantee.
- Inclusion support for organisation - costs allocated to organisation involving participants with fewer opportunities in the project
- Inclusion support for participant - participants with special needs (disabilities) are entitled to extra financial support within the scope of a strategic partnerships project
Depending on the cost type selected, additional fields become available. In the example below, we selected Inclusion support for participant. 
Provide the required information for the special costs you want to request. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk * . Special Costs type: Exceptional costsThe following fields are available for Exceptional cost: - Cost type - displays the selected cost type.
- ID - read-only; automatically assigned.
- Organisation - select the organisation for which cost is requested, from the drop-down list containing the organisations participating in the project.
- Total Incurred Cost - provide the actual cost incurred.
- Cost related to COVID-19? - select from the drop-down list one of the available options:
- No (80% coverage)
- COVID-19 test (100% coverage)
- Yes (75% coverage)
- Total amount adjusted - read-only; the value will update with the calculated amount once all required information is provided.
- Description and Justification - provide a description and justification for the costs in the text field.
Note |
| The field Total Amount Adjusted can exceed the value of the Awarded Budget for Exceptional Costs. The Total amount for all exceptional costs within a project is however capped at 50.000€. |
It is possible to request Exceptional costs more than once for the same organisation. 
Special Costs type: Exceptional costs for financial guaranteeThe following fields are available for Exceptional costs for financial guarantee: - Cost type - displays the selected cost type.
- ID - read-only; automatically assigned.
- Organisation - select the organisation for which cost is requested, from the drop-down list containing the organisations participating in the project.
- Total Incurred Cost - provide the actual cost paid by the organisation to produce the financial guarantee.
- Total Amount Adjusted (80% of the Total Incurred cost) - read-only; the value will update with the calculated amount, once all required information is provided.
It is not possible to request Exceptional Costs for financial guarantee more than once for the same organisation. 
Special Costs type: Inclusion support for organisationThe following fields are available for Inclusion support for organisation: - Cost type - displays the selected cost type.
- ID - read-only; automatically assigned.
- Organisation - select the organisation for which cost is requested, from the drop-down list containing the organisations participating in the project.
- No. of participants with fewer opportunities - provide the number of participants with fewer opportunities for the organisation.
- Unit cost - read-only; a predefined value.
- Total inclusion support for organisation requested - read-only; the value will update with the calculated amount, once all required information is provided.
It is possible to request Inclusion support for organisation more than once for the same organisation. 
Special Costs type: Inclusion support for participantThe following fields are available for Inclusion support for participant: - Cost type - displays the selected cost type.
- ID - read-only; automatically assigned.
- Organisation - select the organisation for which cost is requested, from the drop-down list containing the organisations participating in the project.
- No. of participants with fewer opportunities - provide the number of participants with fewer opportunities within the project.
- Total inclusion support for participants requested - provide the total amount you are requesting.
You can request costs for Inclusion support for participant for an organisation more than once. 
"Save" the changesClick on the Save button to save your changes. A success message displays. 
The special costs are added to project You are returned to the list of Special costs, where the added special cost is now displayed. The Total (Calculated) values are displayed. Excerpt Include |
| List functionality in projects |
| List functionality in projects |
nopanel | true |
Include Page |
| Root BM List functionality |
| Root BM List functionality |