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titleClick here to expand to see the table below indicating the Call Year(s), Key Action(s) and Action(s) where the following wiki page is relevant.
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2015 onward

KA1 - Mobility of individuals

KA107 - Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries

All except Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment 
2017 onwardKA1 - Mobility of individualsKA107 - Higher education student and staff mobility between Programme and Partner Countries Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment 
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This page explains the functionalities within the Budget Transfer screen for KA107 projects.

The screen allows beneficiaries to view the total number of mobilities per Partner Country and can be split further into incoming (to the beneficiary) or outgoing (from the beneficiary) mobility flows, here again per Partner Country.

According to KA107 rules, up to 40% of the total project budget allocated in Annex II of the beneficiary grant agreement may be transferred between incoming and outgoing mobility flows without amendment, provided that the type and direction of the mobility is eligible. Exceeding this limit will require an amendment of the grant agreement.

In addition, the beneficiary can transfer up to 50% of the approved Organisational Support (OS) to Travel and Individual Support, as well as Special Needs Support, in order to undertake longer mobilities or new mobilities.
In case the Organisational Support is used to organise new mobilities, the beneficiary will not receive additional Organisational Support from the National Agency. Therefore the automatically calculated Organisational Support equivalent to those additional mobilities should be deducted from the Adjusted Organisational Support amount in Mobility Tool+.

Moreover, up to 10% of the approved total grant can be transferred to Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment at project level. For more details see Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment below.

The Budget Transfer screen displays warnings if either of the 10% Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment, 40% Incoming/Outgoing or 50% Organisational Support limits are exceeded. These warnings should help the beneficiary manage the project budget.


These warning signs in the Budget Transfer screen will NOT prevent the beneficiary from submitting the final beneficiary report. However, the amounts exceeding the 10%, 40% and 50% rules will NOT be validated by the NA.

In the case of an expected breach of transfer rules, the beneficiary should contact the National Agency in order to establish an amendment to the grant agreement.

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The "Budget Transfer" screen

The Budget Transfer screen consists of a table divided into four main sections. The totals of the transfers are displayed in the bottom row of the table.

The four sections are:

  1. The Partner Country list.
    • This section indicates all Partner Countries encoded in the project as either receiving or sending countries.

  2. The Granted Amounts (Travel + Individual Support).
    • This section is divided into three columns: Incoming / Outgoing / Total.

    • Each column shows the amounts granted by the National Agency for incoming (to the beneficiary) or outgoing (from the beneficiary) mobility flows with a given Partner Country.

    • Incoming (column a) and Outgoing (column b) mobility flows are expressed as the Total (column c) granted for that country (a + b = c).

  3. The Realised Amounts (Travel + Individual Support).
    • This section is divided into three columns: Incoming / Outgoing / Total.

    • Each column shows the amounts realised (the current amount spent) for a given Partner Country, for incoming and/or outgoing mobility flows.

    • Incoming (column d) and Outgoing (column e) mobility flows are expressed as the Total (column f) realised for that country (d + e = f).
  4. The Amount Transferred Calculation.
    • This section is divided into five columns: Outgoing to Incoming /  Incoming to Outgoing / Total Budget Transfers / Total Transferred (from OS) / Total Transferred (I>O / O>I).
    • Outgoing to Incoming (column g) shows the difference between the funds used for realised incoming mobilities (column d) and the original approved budget for incoming mobilities (column a) with a given Partner Country. The amount by which the realised incoming mobilities exceed the approved amount is supposed to be transferred from the outgoing budget (if d > a then d - a = g).
    • Incoming to Outgoing (column h) shows the difference between the funds used for realised outgoing mobilities (column e) and the original approved budget for outgoing mobilities (column b) with a given Partner Country. The amount by which the realised outgoing mobilities exceed the approved amount is supposed to be transferred from the incoming budget (if e > b then e - b = h).
    • Total Budget Transfers (column i) shows the sum of columns g and h (g + h = i).
    • Total Transferred (from OS) (column j) shows the difference of transfers only if the total realised (column f) is greater than the total approved (column c) for a given Partner Country (if f > c then f - c = j).
    • Total Transferred (I>O / O>I) (column k) shows the total budget transfers minus the amount taken from Organisational Support funds (i - j = k).

The Budget Tranfer screen 


Please note that for 2015 projects the transfer is only possible from Organisational Support (up to 50%). The column Total Transferred (from OS) is displayed instead instead of the column Amount Transferred Calculation and applies the same rule as column J as explained above. 

2015 only transfer from Organisational Support

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Are the transfers compliant?

When transferring funds from incoming mobility flows to outgoing, and vice versa, the transferred amount is calculated as the difference between the Total Realised Amount (B) and the Total Granted Amount (A), minus the amount transferred from Organisational Support funds (D).

This transferred amount cannot be higher than 40% of the Total Granted Amount: (B - A = C) - D = E, where the Total Transferred (E) must be less than or equal to 40% of the Total Granted Amount (A).

The 40% limit is displayed visually in the transfer tracker below the budget transfer table, entitled 40% Incoming/Outgoing Budget Transfers. The number highlighted in blue (G) corresponds to 40% of the Total Granted Amount (A), which can be transferred between incoming and outgoing mobility flows without amendment (40% of A = G).

If this amount (G) is exceeded, a red check mark will indicate that the 40% limit has been breached and that the project is no longer compliant. This will also be illustrated by the bar indicating the percentage by which it has exceeded the 40% limit.

If the realised budget per Partner Country exceeds the granted budget per Partner Country, up to 50% of the approved Organisational Support funds can be transferred. The total approved Organisational Support is displayed in the Budget screen (H). The limit of the total approved Organisational Support is displayed in the transfer tracker entitled 50% OS / Mobilities Budget Transfers, where 50% of H = I (highlighted in blue).

The Total Transferred (from Organisational Support; D) is shown in the transfer tracker as a green bar (J), where D = J. If this amount exceeds the 50% of the total approved Organisational Support (H), then it will be marked as non-compliant and the percentage by which it exceeds will be highlighted in red on the bar. In short, if D > H then the transfer from Organisational Support funds exceeds the 50% limit and is non-compliant.

Budget Transfer validity and transfer trackerImage RemovedBudget Transfer validity and transfer trackerImage Added

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Example: Brazil transfer analysis

In the following example, we can see that the amount granted for incoming mobilities from Brazil is less than the amount realised for incoming mobilities (from Brazil also); a > d.

The additional amount to be transferred from outgoing to incoming mobilities is displayed in column g.

In this example, the total realised amount with Brazil is greater than the total granted amount with Brazil (f > c). The amount by which the granted amount is exceeded shall therefore be taken from the Organisational Support funds, displayed in column j.

The total amount that can be transferred from outgoing to incoming mobilities (k) is equal to the amount granted for outgoing mobilities (b) minus the amount realised for outgoing mobilities (e).

Sample transfer analysis

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Zero Grant Flag

For KA107 projects, mobilities flagged as Zero Grant do not automatically trigger Organisational Support from Erasmus+ EU funds.

To change this, the flag "OS Covered by Erasmus+ EU Funds" becomes available once the Zero Grant flag is set to Yes. This allows the mobility to be covered by Organisational Support funds, while not including the incurred costs in the realised budget amounts. Additional Organisational Support funds have to be requested to and approved by the National Agency.

In the example below, the beneficiary is organising two additional mobilities to Uruguay. These mobilities have to be funded from transfers from Organisational Support funds, as they were not included in the original granted amount. This results in transfers from Organisational Support, which in our example will exceed the 50% Organisational Support transfer rule. To make the transfer compliant, the beneficiary will mark one of the two mobilities as Zero Grant. This will subtract that mobility from the realised budget amount and therefore reduce the amount transferred from the Organisational Support funds.

To do this:

  1. Select the edit icon of the mobility.
  2. In the section Budget, check the box for Zero Grant.
  3. The option for OS Covered by Erasmus+ EU funding appears. Check the box.
  4. On the budget screen the number of mobilities remains the same which calculates the current possible Organisational Support limit (350€ multiplied by the number of mobilities).
  5. In the budget transfer screen, the amount transferred from Organisational Support for outgoing mobilities to Uruguay has been halved.
  6. In the section 50% OS / Mobilities Budget Transfers the transfer from Organisational Support is now compliant.

Edit mobilityImage RemovedEdit mobilityImage Added

Tick Zero grantImage RemovedTick Zero grantImage Added

View transfer in budgetImage RemovedView transfer in budgetImage Added

Budget is halvedImage RemovedBudget is halvedImage Added

Budget is now validImage RemovedBudget is now validImage Added

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Exceptional Costs for Services and Equipment 

The maximum amount allowed for the Exceptional costs for services and equipment (total) within a project is 10% of the Approved Budget (by National Agency). In addition, this amount cannot exceed the approved budget per country of mobility under any circumstances and must be taken into account in the 40%- and 50%-rule transfers.

If the 10% rule is not observed, the transfer tracker will indicate the transfer as non-compliant. Nevertheless, the 10% rule is not a hard constraint on MT+, which means that the Final Report can be still submitted to the National Agency.

The beneficiary has to first check if there has been a mistake in the encoded amounts at mobility level. If all seems correct, the beneficiary needs to provide justification to the National Agency why the 10% rule could not be respected, which the National Agency can accept or decline. 

Budget Transfers in the Dashboard

The Transfer Tracker appears in the Dashboard tab of the project.


Please note that for 2015 projects the Transfer Tracker only shows the transfer from OS.

 Transfer tracker in DashboardImage RemovedTransfer tracker in DashboardImage Added

 Transfer tracker for 2015Image RemovedTransfer tracker for 2015Image Added

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