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Those individuals that have participated in an Erasmus+ mobility project are requested to submit their feedback on the experience. The participant receives an email with a dedicated link to the participant report (this link will not expire). The email request is automatically triggered by Mobility Tool+ when the end date of the mobility is reached. The individual participant report is completed online in an EU Survey and is offered in various languages. The participant can save as draft and submit the form. After submission, the participant may download a PDF version but they can not edit the form again.


Participant reports are not required for mobilities flagged as force majeure and having a duration of 1 day (i.e. cancelled mobilities, for which the start and end date are the same). 

However, participant reports are required for virtual mobilities, even though the physical duration is technically set to 1 day. The report request is submitted by Mobility Tool on the end date of the virtual mobility. For blended mobilities, the request is submitted on the last day of the physical activity.

What are the participant reports?

In Mobility Tool+, you can view the status of the participant report. The report status can be:

  • Requested,
  • Prefilling (is a temporary status, used to distinguish the reports for which the call to set the name and email address in the participant report was not made yet. It usually happens during the night and can be longer (until after mid day) due to the huge amount of reports which have to be processed),
  • or Submitted

If the email address is incorrect or there is an issue with sending the email, the status will be Undelivered. In this case it is possible to send the email request to the participant again. To do so:

  1. Select the participants to which you would like to resend the report request
  2. Click on the link Resend participant report request


The participant reports will not be sent out if the mobility is in draft (draft mobilities are available starting from call 2016). Please complete the mobility details or revalidate the mobilities.

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View participant reports status for your project

Click Mobilities to see submitted participants reportsImage RemovedClick Mobilities to see submitted participants reportsImage Added 

Bulk download all participant reports for a project

All participant reports can be downloaded from the Mobilities list view.

Bulk download participant reportsImage RemovedBulk download participant reportsImage Added

For those key actions that have more than one activity type, the zip file will contain as many files as there are activity types, as the participant forms differ for each activity type.

The participant reports are not mandatory for all key actions, for example for youth key actions only the group leader may be requested to complete the participant report. For KA2 no participant reports are required.

The functionality in MT+ allows for sending of the beneficiary report even if not all participant reports have been submitted.

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Download individual participant report

You also have the possibility to download the reports individually

Access the Mobilities tab in your project. For mobilities having sent the report, it is declared as Submitted in the Report Status column.

Click on View.

Click view reportImage RemovedClick view reportImage Added

In the participant details window, access the Participant Report tab.

For the participant, select the Participant report tabImage RemovedFor the participant, select the Participant report tabImage Added

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Click the Download PDF button.

Click Download PDF buttonImage RemovedClick Download PDF buttonImage Added

Automatic Reminders

The rules governing the triggering of an automatic reminder to the individual participants inviting them to fill their participant reports are the following:

Participant Profile

Reference Date

Invitation Sent

All Action Types


Activity Types, except KA107

Mobility End Date

on the Reference Date

by 15 calendar days after the Reference Date, if report not submitted.

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Automatic Reminders for KA107

The rules governing the triggering of an automatic email to the individual participants inviting them to fill in a Participant Report in EU Survey are the following:

Participant Profile

Extension Granted?

Reference Date

Invitation Sent



Mobility End Date

30 calendar days before the Reference Date



Extension End Date

30 calendar days before the Reference Date



Mobility End Date

At the Reference Date



Extension End DateAt the Reference Date
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How to do this in the tools

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