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This page explains the specifics for KA229 projects. For general information relevant for other KA2 projects, please view the list of pages in the index.
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2018 KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships projects are projects that involve only schools as participating organisations. The coordinating school applies on behalf of all participating school organisations, but each organisation is contracted by the National Agency in their country, via a separate Grant Agreement.
The National Agency submits the project data to Mobility Tool+. Each participating organisation receives access to their own project version containing specific information pertaining to that organisation.
Each grant agreement displays the project reference, which is reused in Mobility Tool+. The first part of the project reference is called the Partnership Identification and is the same for all partners. It contains the call year, round of application, National Agency of the coordinating organisation, the key action (KA229) and the project code. The unique grant agreement contains the partnership identification followed by a sequential number.
The project belonging to the coordinating organisation always displays "_1" at the end, for example 2018-1-FR01-KA229-123456_1. Partner projects follow in the order they were added to the application, for example 2018-1-FR01-KA229-123456_2, 2018-1-FR01-KA229-123456_3 and so on.
Each school is the beneficiary of their own project.
KA229 Coordinator Project - Menu display in Mobility Tool+
KA229 Partner Project - Menu display in Mobility Tool+
The preferred contact person of each project partner (including the coordinator) can edit their own project. They can also view all other partners' projects provided they are added as contact persons to those projects. Partner projects can be accessed via the hyperlinked grant agreement number in the partnership dashboard.
The partnership dashboard also provides an overview of the status of all partner projects and enables the coordinator to submit all reports that are ready for submission.
The following sections list the tabs with the specific functionality for KA229 - School Exchange Partnerships:
Learning, Teaching and Training ActivitiesIn 2018 KA229 projects the Learning, Teaching and Training Activities have a different structure than the other school-to-school projects of previous years. Within one activity, there are now defined groups of participants and no longer individual participants. After project creation in Mobility Tool+, the coordinator adds the basic information for the Learning, Teaching and Training Activities for all partners, including partners' activities which the coordinator is not involved in. The information for those created activities remains editable for the coordinator. Any changes made by the coordinator are automatically transferred to the partner projects. After the Learning, Teaching and Training Activities are created, Groups of participants in those activities can be created by the coordinator and partners in their individual projects. Only the creator of a group has edit access to it. All organisations participating in the project can view the groups added by other partners. Deletion of a group is only possible by the organisation that created it. | |||
Other Project EventsThe tab Other Project Events in Mobility Tool+ enables project coordinators to specify any additional activities that have facilitated the management and organisation of the school-to-school project. There is no budget calculation for such activities, however they are listed in the final beneficiary report.
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ReportsThe final beneficiary report is completed by the partners under the Reports tab in their individual projects. Each partner school will prepare their own report and mark it as Ready for Submission. The projects are then locked and no further changes are possible. The general functionality for generating, drafting, sharing and completing the report remains the same as for all KA2 projects. The specific layout and questions vary according to the key action. The button Ready for submission is only available for KA229 projects which remain linked to the coordinator project. The coordinator submits all reports at once via the Partnership Dashboard. Only when all reports are marked as Ready for Submission will the option Submit all reports become available to the coordinator via the Partnership Dashboard (see next section). | |||
Partnership DashboardThe Partnership Dashboard provides an overview of the status of all partner projects. It also enables the coordinators to submit all reports marked as Ready For Submission, at the same time. Partners have view access to this tab. The National Agency of the coordinating organisation has the option to unlink partner projects that are not ready for submission or that should be considered for termination. Once the partner project is unlinked, it can be processed further alone, allowing the coordinator to submit all other reports ready for submission. | |||
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