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The Organisations tab in Mobility Tool+ is where the organisations participating in the project are managed. Organisations validated in the National Agency project management tool are created automatically when a project is sent to Mobility Tool+.

For KA2 projects the organisation details cannot be changed in Mobility Tool+, except for KA203 invited organisations.

If any change in organisation details is needed, the beneficiary should request an amendment process with the National Agency. Organisation details that are entered in Organisation Registration system (Organisation Registration system guide) should first be updated there before the National Agency will be able to adjust the details in the National Agency project and financial management system. Once the changes have been applied, the updated data will be sent to Mobility Tool+. The contact person of the beneficiary or coordinating organisation will receive a notification once the updated information is sent to Mobility Tool+.

This page provides an overview of organisations for KA2 projects, excluding detailed information on invited organisations in KA203 projects. Information on those specific organisations can be found under KA2 invited organisation from enterprise.

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Numbered Headings

List of participating organisations


Explanation and illustration

Organisations validated in the National Agency project management system are created automatically when projects are sent to Mobility Tool+.

The list of participating organisations in the projects organisations tab is sorted as follows by default:

  1. The Beneficiary Organisation is displayed first.
  2. Other participating organisations follow, ordered by country.
  3. Invited organisations (only for KA203, from 2017 onwards) are shown last in the list.

In the list view you will also see following information:

  • OID
  • Legal Name of the organisation
  • Department
  • Public Body
  • Non-Profit
  • Country
  • City
  • Contacts

Note: The display and displayed columns can be adjusted via the Add/Remove columns functionality in the organisation list view. Select and/or deselect columns to be displayed and click Done.  

Add or remove columns

Example for KA201: 

Example for KA201

Example for KA203 incl. organisations of invited staff:

Example for KA204

Example KA201:

List of organisations KA201

Example KA203 incl. organisations of invited staff:

Example KA203 with organisations of invited staff

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Changed organisation details


Explanation and illustration

In the list of organisations, the organisations that have had details updated in the National Agency project management system are easily identifiable as they are marked with an exclamation mark in the column: Changed Organisation Details.

Details on how to update these for KA2 projects can be found here - MT+ Update OID or confirm changed organisation details.

Changed organisation details

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Organisation details


Explanation and illustration

Clicking on the View icon   in the organisation list will open the organisation details window. In this screen you will find all organisation details available.

Note: Not all fields or flags are available for all KA2 projects. Slight differences are possible, depending on the specific action and the call year.

 Field Name Description

Organisation Details Screen  

1. OID

Organisation ID, a unique identifier of the organisation as provided by the Organisation Registration system and used in the National Agency project management system after NA certification.
2. Erasmus CodeShown whenever a Higher education institution is participating in a KA2 project, irrespective of the action.
3. Partnership Entry Date

Date at which the organisation became active in the project.

4. Partnership Withdrawal Date

Date at which the organisation stopped being active in the project.

This field is visible only if its contents are different from the Project End Date, meaning the organisation has withdrawn from the project before its conclusion.

5. Number of employees below 250Indicates if the organisation's number of employees is below the threshold of 250, considered as a Small-Medium Enterprise (SME).
6. Legal Name Legal name of the organisation using Latin characters as indicated in the Organisation Registration system.  
7. Business NameLegal name of the organisation using any characters (incl. national language characters) as indicated in the Organisation Registration system. 
8. Full legal name (National Language)Legal name of the organisation entered by the National Agency in its project management system and using any characters (incl. national language characters). 
9. National ID The national identification of an organisation, e.g. registry number given by country's chamber of commerce as indicated in the Organisation Registration system.
10. AcronymThe acronym of the organisation, if existing. 
11. DepartmentIf needed, the responsible department within the organisation.   
12. Type of organisationThe type of the organisation, e.g. School, Foundation, Research organisation etc.  
13.  VATThe Value Added Tax national number of the organisation as specified in the Organisation Registration system. 
14. BeneficiaryIndicates if organisation is the project's Beneficiary Organisation. 
15. Public Body    Flag indicating if the organisation is public body.   
16. Non-profit   Flag indicating if the organisation is a non-profit organisation.  
17. CoordinatorFlag indicating if the organisation is the project's coordinator, the initial applicant organisation as indicated in application form.
18. PartnerFlag indicating if the organisation is a project partner. 
19. InvitedFlag indicating the organisation is sending invited participants in Learning, Teaching and Training Activities of type "Invited teachers at higher education Intensive Study Programmes (SP-HE-IST)".

Organisation details

Address and Contact information screen


In addition to the organisation details, you will find the address and contact information such as: the website, telephone, fax number, the number of contacts linked to the Organisation, etc.   

Address and Contact information screen



You will also find information about the number of contacts linked to the organisation. By clicking on the hyperlink Go to Contacts tab, the Contacts tab opens and shows the list of Contacts.

Contacts overview and list of contacts

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Adding, Editing or Deletion of organisations


Explanation and illustration

New participating organisations cannot be added by the beneficiary in Mobility Tool+. Existing organisations in the project cannot be updated or deleted.

For those situations, please contact your National Agency for an amendment process.

Exceptionally, for Invited Organisations in KA203 projects starting call year 2017, it is possible to add, edit or delete those specific organisations.

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Entry and Withdrawal dates of Participating Organisations


Explanation and illustration

Inactive Participating Organisations in the project need to be flagged as such in the National Agency project management system. The period during which a participating organisation is active in a project has to be indicated using a start (Partnership Entry Date) and end date (Partnership Withdrawal Date).

PArtnership entry and withdrawal dates

Partnership Entry Date


By default the Start of project date is used as the Partnership Entry Date in Mobility Tool+. If a new participating organisation is added, the date the organisation was added will be used as the Partnership Entry Date in Mobility Tool+.

Partnership Withdrawal Date.

By default the End of Project date will be used as the Partnership Withdrawal Date in Mobility Tool+. If a participating organisation is marked as withdrawn in the National Agency system, Mobility Tool+ will set the Partnership Withdrawal Date to the last modified date received.

Organisations that enter the project later or withdraw during the project life cycle must be indicated to the National Agency so that all needed updates can be made and the new information is made available in Mobility Tool+.  


Any updates to the dates will not affect any details where the organisation has already been indicated to be participating in. However, for an activity extending beyond the withdrawal date, this activity has to be updated to indicate the organisation's participation up until the withdrawal date and not beyond.

It is the responsibility of the beneficiary to maintain this data in a consistent state at all times.

Example: A new Intellectual Output is created in Mobility Tool+ starting 01/10/2016 and ending 31/10/2016. An organisation whose "Partnership Withdrawal Date" is the 30/09/2016 is not allowed for this particular Intellectual Output.

In our example you see:

  1. Organisation with default / project duration dates
  2. Organisation with later partnership entry date
  3. Organisation with earlier partnership withdrawal date

Project start and end date

Partnership start and end date

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Content by Label
cqllabel in ("ka2","organisation") AND label != "wf" and label = "eac_naitdoc_search" and label = "4_eac_naitdoc" and label = "mt" and space = currentSpace() and type = "page"