In June 2019, the Commission launched the STING (Science and Technology for Pollinating Insects) project through which it mandated a group experts to develop options for a field-based monitoring scheme that will provide robust information on the status and trends of pollinator populations in EU countries. The result was a proposal for an EU Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (EUPOMS), finalised and published in October 2020. This has been a key deliverable under the (revised) EU Pollinators Initiative.
The proposal provides options for a comprehensive methodology for monitoring as well as for policy indicators, including a tailored indicator for the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Experts from national environmental and agricultural authorities were closely involved in this process.
The Commission continues working with experts and national authorities on fine-tuning and operationalisation of the proposal and capacity building for the implementation of the scheme on the ground. In June 2021, the Commission launched the SPRING project (Strengthening pollinator recovery through indicators and monitoring). With the budget of EUR 5 million, the project will strengthen taxonomic capacity with regard to pollinating insects, support preparation for the implementation of EUPOMS and pilot the scheme in all 27 EU countries.
Furthermore, the Commission launched STING 2 project in November 2022 to support further methodological development of EUPOMS. For questions regarding the project or EUPOMS, please contact the JRC POMS team: Please check here for more information about the STING project