Timings of the webstreams are available here.
Download the final report by clicking on the link below
<div style="text-align:left;margin-top:15px;"><a href="https://wikis.ec.europa.eu/download/attachments/20283474/Report_Pollinators%20conference_21%20Feb_final.pdf?api=v2" style="background-color:#ffd617;color:#000;font-size:16px;padding:11px 16px;font-weight:bold;display:inline-block;margin-bottom:15px;">Final report</a></div> |
In past decades, pollinators have dramatically declined in occurrence and diversity across the EU. Numerous pollinator species are already extinct or threatened with extinction. This is a significant cause for concern. Pollinators are vital for the functioning of ecosystems, and human-wellbeing depends on the direct and indirect benefits they provide. In response to this challenge, the European Commission adopted on 1 June 2018 the first-ever EU coordinated action on pollinators – the EU Pollinators Initiative.