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All grant and accredited grant projects, unless terminated with no grant, will be subjected to a Final Report Check and NA Validation. If a project receives the statusFinalised or Terminated with eligible grant, the information changed or updated by the NA during NA Validation can be viewed.

Beneficiary projects may undergo different types of checks by the National Agency:

  1. Final Report Check and NA Validation - applicable to all grant and accredited grant projects
  2. Desk check
  3. On the spot check during completion of the project - only managed in the National Agency's project management system; no project version in Beneficiary module
  4. System Check
  5. On the spot check after completion of the project 

If an additionalcheck on the project is required, the NA will contact you with details of documentation to provide and further explanation. Once the check(s) are performed, the information changed or updated during these check(s) in the project can be also be viewed.

Beneficiaries also have the option to raise a claim regarding the Final report or NA Validation, mainly associated to objections relating to the accepted costs and these objections can be expressed in the form of observations or appeals. See the Erasmus+/European Solidarity Corps programme guides for additional information.

For each registered check by an NA or claim for a project, a specific project version is created in Beneficiary module. The project version drop-down, available in finalised projects, allows you to view the project details at the various stages, including for any claims and/or checks. Generally speaking, a project version is only available for the beneficiary when the relevant item (check or claim) was finalised by the NA in their project management system. 

In the case of a registered claim on the final beneficiary report, the Claim on Final Report (Open) project version is however available for the beneficiary, allowing for project updates and the resubmission of the final beneficiary report. In this case, an email notification is sent to the beneficiary, informing them of the final report request including the submission deadline.

This page provides an overview of how to view the impact of those validations, checks and/or claimson a project, specifically their impact on the mobility activities and the project budget. 

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Project versions drop-down list

The project versions drop-down list in the Content menu of a project is available in finalised beneficiary projects,meaning for projects in status Finalised or Terminated with eligible costs. See Project Statuses for additional information on the various statuses. 

Once the project is finalised, the project version drop-down list is available from the Content menu in Beneficiary module. It lists all available project versions. By default, upon opening a finalised project, the last available project version is selected and the relevant project information displayed. 

Each item available in the list displays its name and/or type, its check or claim reference code, as applicable, and its status as either Submitted or Open (only applicable for a Claim on final report). For example, a Desk check registered for the project and closed by the NA will be displayed as Check: Desk check 2024-IE01-CHECK-DES-000013 (Submitted). 

The code consists of: Year of creation-NA Code-Check Type Acronym or Claim Type Acronym-6 digit number, for example: 2023-PL01-CHECK-SAC-003834 or 2023-FR02-CHECK-SYS-004736 or 2023-IE01-CLAIM-NV-000004. The check type acronyms used in the code, displayed in the project version drop-down, are: 

  • CHECK-SAC - On the spot check after completion of the project
  • CHECK-DES - Desk check
  • CHECK-SYS - System check

The claim type acronyms used in the code, displayed in the project version drop-down, are: 

  • CLAIM-NV - Claim on NA Validation
  • CLAIM-FR - Claim on Final report

Project version drop-down list is available in Content menu in finalised projects

Using the drop-down gives you the opportunity to check the different project versions and see what changes, if any, were made by the NA during the various checks, including the impact on budget and mobility activities. The project is locked for editing, regardless of the project version selected.

Here are three examples of the Project version drop-down list:

  1. For a project in status Finalised not subject to an additional check:
    • Reported (Submitted) - This project version reflects the project information submitted with the final beneficiary report.
    • NA Validated (Submitted) - This project version reflects the final report check performed by the NA. 
  2. For a project in status Finalised subject to additional checks: in addition to the Reported and NA Validated project versions, a check version for each check as applicable for the project; in our example:
    • Check: Desk check 2024-IE01-CHECK-DES-000013 (Submitted) - This reflects a check performed by the NA. In this case it is a check of type Desk check that has been conducted by the NA.
  3. For a project in status Finalised for which a claim was raised, in our example, a Claim on Final Report
    • Claim: Claim on Final report 2024-IE01-CLAIM-FR-000012 (Open) - This reflects a claim regarding the final beneficiary report.
      • In the claim project version that is Open, the project is unlocked for editing and a new version of the final beneficiary report can be submitted by the beneficiary.
      • After the new version of the report is submitted, the claim project version will change to (Submitted). The project will be locked for editing.

Examples of Project version drop-down list

The "NA Validation" tab in the project

After a project is finalised, in addition to the Project version drop-down list, a new item is displayed in the project's Content menu,labelled NA Validation.It is availableif any version other than Reported (Submitted) or Claim on Final Report is selected from the project version drop-down. Under this project section, an overview of changes performed during the NA Validation or a check is provided. 


The NA Validation tab is not available when the Reported (Submitted) or Claim on Final Report project version is selected. 

The "NA Validation" tab in the "NA Validation (Submitted)" version

When selecting the NA Validation (Submitted) project version, the NA validation project tab is available. The NA validation screen provides an overview of:

  1. NA validation budget information, including Calculated budget after NA Validation, Reduction of EU grant and the NA validation approved budget, as applicable.
  2. Activities validation summary,provides an overview of changes made in the project during NA Validation and displays the numbers for each associated fields: Approved activities and costs, Unapproved activities and costs and Changed during NA Validation.

NA validation screen in the NA Validation (Submitted) project version

The "NA Validation" tab in the "Check (Submitted)" version 

When selecting the Check (Submitted) project version, the NA validation screen displays the following sections:

  1. Budget - provides an overview of Grant awarded and Grant reported
  2. Budget before Check/Claim - provides an overview of the budget before the check, incl. information on the activities/items changed
  3. Budget after Check/Claim - provides an overview of the budget after check completion, incl. information on Reduction of EU grant, Grant approved, Difference compared to previous budget version and information on the activities/items changed during the check
  4. Details - provides information on the check, such as check code, type, selection and description
  5. Result - contains the outcome of the check, incl. information on the Result type (Findings with impact on grant amount, Findings without impact on grant amount or No findings) and Result description

The individual sections in this screen can be collapsed/expanded using the arrow available for each section. 

NA validation screen in the Check (Submitted) project version

Project versions and Mobility activities

In the Mobility activities section of your project, you have the possibility to review changes made during validation or checks using the version drop-down. This is also applicable for other project sections, for example Complementary activities or Participations, depending on the action type of your project. 

Reported (Submitted) mobility activities

When selecting the Reported (Submitted) project version, the list of mobilities, as submitted with the final beneficiary report, displays. No NA validation or check information is available. 

Reported (Submitted) mobility activitiesImage Modified

NA Validation (Submitted) mobility activities

When selecting the NA Validation (Submitted) project version, the list of mobilities now displays the Validation status column. Possible validation statuses are: Approved, Approved with corrections and Not approved.

You can only View mobility activity details. 

In the example below, we see three mobility activities with validation status Approved with corrections, meaning information for these activities have changed. The changes made by the NA during NA Validation could have an impact on the budget. 

Validation status column visible in the list of mobility activities NA Validation (Submitted) project versionImage Modified

Check (Submitted) or Claim (Submitted) mobility activities

When selecting the Check/Claim (Submitted) project version, the list of mobilities also displays the Validation status column. Possible validation statuses are: Approved, Approved with corrections and Not approved.

You can only View mobility activity details.

In the example below, we now see two mobility activities with validation status Not approved. This could have had an impact on the budget. 

Validation status column visible in the list of mobility activities Check (Submitted) project versionImage Modified

Project versions and project Budget

Via the project version drop-down you can also easily review changes made to the budget of the project during validation and/or checks.

Reported (Submitted) budget

When selecting the NA Validation (Submitted) project version, the Budget screen will display the budget information as submitted with the Final report. You can view the Awarded and Reported budget. 

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Awarded and Reported budget in projects
Awarded and Reported budget in projects

In our example, the total Reported budget is 58 067 EUR, which equals 100.68 % of the Awarded budget.

Reported (Submitted) budget

NA Validated (Submitted) budget

When selecting the NA Validation (Submitted) project version, the Budget screen will display the budget information after the NA Validation of the project. In our example, we can see a difference in the NA Validated Budget compared to the reported one we looked at previously. This is, for example, due to the fact that the NA unapproved or approved mobility activities with changes during the validation, resulting in this update in the validated budget. 

In our example, the NA Validated budget is 54 055 EUR, which equals 93.72 % of the Awarded budget.

NA Validated (Submitted) budget

Check (Submitted) or Claim (Submitted) budget

When selecting the Check/Claim (Submitted) project version, the Budget screen will display the budget information after the check of the project. In our example, we can see a difference in the Check Budget compared to the reported one we looked at previously. This is, for example, due to the fact that the NA unapproved or approved mobility activities with changes during the check, resulting in this update in the check budget. 

In our example, the Check budget is 53 199 EUR, which equals 92.24 % of the Awarded budget.

Check (Submitted) budget

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