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What is the Project Results Platform?

The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform Platform (PRP), is a dissemination tool that offers a comprehensive overview of all projects for Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corpsprogramme. Directly accessible to the public, this tool gives access to descriptions, contact information, results and grant amounts of all projects funded under the Erasmus+ and the ESC programme.

The The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform consists  consists of restricted working areas - Beneficiary and Officer  Beneficiary and Officer dashboards. These restricted dashboards are only available for Beneficiaries of Erasmus+ projects that require results for which results can or have to be published, and for NA Officers to review them before the results become published.

The project results are assessed at the same time as the beneficiary report; therefore,


it is advisable to submit the results at the same time as submitting the final beneficiary report

. If you terminate the project without completing the review of all the project results in NA Officer Dashboard, you will no longer have access to the project in the NA Officer Dashboard and you will have to ask the helpdesk to manually re-open the project to make it available again in the NA Officer Dashboard.

The Beneficiary Dashboard is only available for Erasmus+ projects that require results to be published.

The Beneficiary Dashboard is used to upload the results and submit.


 The project results are then approved by the Project Officer and published once the project

is finalised

is finalised or the project has


been terminated with eligible costs.

titleProject Results Platform

The project results can be submitted for review only to the Project Results Platform only after one of the following has occurred:

  • the submission of the final beneficiary report
  • the end date of the project has been reached

Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps funded projects are displayed on the public interface. To search for projects, you can type a keyword in the search box or select filter criteria.

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Who has access to the Project Results Platform

The Project Results Platform has a public interface for general searching of projects, and also restricted working areas called Beneficiary Dashboards and Officer Dashboards (for National Agencies). 


When the application request is selected, the applicant organisation will receive a message from the National Agency where they will be invited to sign the grant agreement (contract). Once the project is awarded and the contract signed, the applicant is referred to as the beneficiary. When the Agency receives the beneficiary's signed contract, the project details are published to:

For those Erasmus+ projects that require or allow to publish results, the contact person of the project is notified via email with a link to the Project Results Platform. Only this contact has access to the Beneficiary dashboard in the Project Results Platform. 

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NA Officers

NA Officers are staff of National Agencies (NAs) that are responsible for checking and validating project results before publication, as well as, identifying good practice examples. 

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What project information is available to the public?

In general, basic project details originally entered into the application form and confirmed in the contract, such as: project title and description, the key action and activity, the duration and grant amount awarded are published to the Project Results Platform.


 Participating organisations information is also available (for coordinators and partners).


 Contact details of the coordinating organisation and its partners are hidden by default. The coordinator can choose which organisation details should be displayed in


the Personal Data Management


 page, in accordance with the mandate received from partners.

The information published into the Project Results Platform d epends on the programme:

  • Erasmus+ projects - KA2x mandatory results, and the following project information

    • Title

    • Start & end date, EU Grant, Key Action, Action type, Topics

    • Organisation details (name, address, map of participating organisation(s), type), coordinator, and partners, if applicable

    • Summary (Background & challenges, Objectives, partnership, Activities & methodology, results & impact, Post-project sustainability)

    • Results (website address, Feedback from participants, Practical & reusable resources for the practitioners, Dissemination material)

    • Grant amount

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  • European Solidarity Corps - Since there are no results published for ESC projects only the following information is available:
    • Start date

    • End date

    • Project reference

    • Action

    • Topics

    • Objectives

    • Activities

    • Impact

    • Grant amount

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Where does the Project Results Platform fit into the project lifecycle

The National Agency is responsible for the project and financial management of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes from application stage to finalisation. During the project lifecycle two main milestones occur where project information is published.

  1. When the signed grant agreement is sent to the applicant, the project is sent to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform or the European Solidarity Corps Projects Platform.
  2. When the project is finalised, the project details and results (if available and approved by NA) are also published to the Project Results Platform (PRP).

Additionally, while the project is ongoing, when updates are made that affect the published information, these too will be published to the Project Results Platform (PRP)

Project Status and Workflow Status

Once a project has reached its end date, the beneficiary will receive an automatic notification informing them of the need to submit their results for review. In the Project Results Platform, there are a number of project statuses indicating at what stage the project results are at within the results lifecycle. 

Project Status on public site when Searching

For example, when searching for project results on the public site - Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps (ESC), the statuses can be:

  • Ongoing - Where the project is still ongoing and is not marked as finalised in the NA Project Management module.
  • Completed - Where the project has been completed and marked as finalised/terminated in the NA Project Management module.
  • With Results - Where the project has been completed and marked as finalised/terminated in the NA Project Management module and results also have been published (Erasmus+ only).

Project Status in Beneficiary dashboard

Within the Beneficiary dashboard of the Project Results Platform, there are also a number of project statuses that relate to what stage the project results are at during its lifecycle:

  • Open for uploading results - When the signed grant agreement is sent to the applicant and while the project is still ongoing, you can start uploading results.
  • Available for submission after all results uploaded -Once  Once a project has reached its end date or the final report has been submitted, the beneficiary will receive an automatic notification informing them of the need to submit their results for review. In the Project Results Platform, there are a number of project statuses indicating at what stage the project results are at within the results lifecycle.
  • Under review - Submitted projects that are under review by the Project Officer.
  • Modifications required -If  If the results have been reviewed by the NA Project Officer and the project is returned to you for further modifications. This requires resubmitting the results for review.
  • Review completed - Submitted projects for which the Project Officer has completed the review of all results.
  • Submission ongoing - This is a temporary status after submission and will automatically turn into another status within 24h.
  • Submission failed - This status indicates that a technical error occurred while submitting projects results.

When is the project information shared?

After applicant receives the signed grant agreement from the National Agency

The NA officer completes the task that sends the signed grant agreement or certificate to the applicant in the NA Project Management module. The project is then sent to Beneficiary module and the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform or the European Solidarity Corps Projects Platform. In Beneficiary module, the beneficiary can start to create the mobilities, intellectual outputs, multiplier events and all other relevant information for the report, after the project is available.

For Erasmus+ projects, mainly KA2, beneficiaries are obliged to upload results in the Project Results Platform

After the applicant submits the final beneficiary report

In Beneficiary module, the beneficiary can start to create the activities, mobility activities, intellectual outputs, multiplier events and all other relevant information for the final report, after the signed grant agreement is sent to the beneficiary. Likewise the beneficiary can also add the results in the Project Results Platform.

Once the beneficiary has filled in the report, they must submit it, along with all required documents, according to the instructions provided by their National Agency. The beneficiary can submit the final beneficiary report at any time. If all activities are completed before the end date of the project, the beneficiary can submit the report before the end date of the project. 

The results can be added in the Project Results Platform once a project has reached its end date or the final report has been submitted. (i.e. they can be added/uploaded at an earlier stage).

The NA officer checks if all necessary information is submitted with the report and also checks if the results are also submitted. If  the report is submitted with all documentation and results, the assessment can begin.

As a result of the final report assessment, the NA may request the beneficiary to modify the results in the Project Results Platform, by rejecting the submitted results. After modifying the results, description or titles, the beneficiary will submit them again and for review by the NA officer can review and publish the results after the final report is finalised. After completing the review of the results and the termination of the project, the results will be published on the Project Results Platform.


When the assessment is completed, the NA can also mark the project as a good practice example. Doing so will result in the project being flagged as good practice in the public interface of the Project Results Platform.

The NA officer should log into the Project Results platform and flag the results to be published, before the project is finalised. This is one of the triggers required for the publication of the results. These actions are carried out in the Officer dashboard before finalising the project in the NA Project Management module. Finalising the project in the NA Project Management module is the final trigger that will finally publish the results already flagged as To publish and make them available on the public interface of the Project Results Platform.


Q. Why are project results not published?
A. Beneficiaries should check the status of their project in Beneficiary module and if the project is not in status finalised or terminated with eligible costs, this could be the reason for the project results not being published.

After finalising the project, there are no more updates taken into account by the Project Results Platform. Any later change should be requested via your National Agency.

Termination with eligible costs

For projects that stopped earlier than has been agreed in the contract, but with eligible costs incurred, the beneficiary and National Agency can start the Terminate with eligible costs procedure procedure. 

No assessment is required for such a project's final report. When t he project is finalised by the NA, the project status is updated to Terminated in the beneficiary Beneficiary module and the project will remain published in the Project Results Platform. After completing the review of the results and the termination of the project, the results will be published on the Project Results Platform.

All the approved results are automatically published and the results that were not already approved by the officer will not be published.

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Termination with no grant

For projects that stopped earlier than agreed in the contract, without any results and without any eligible costs, the beneficiary and NA officer can start the Terminate with no grant procedure.

The beneficiary does not add any activities or mobility activities, intellectual outputs, multiplier events and other information for the report, after the project information is available in BM. All mobility activities, if already existing in the project, must be removed from the project in BM before starting the Terminate with no grant procedure.

If the Terminate with no grant report is accepted in the NA Project Management module, the project is finalised as Terminated with no grant. The project status is updated in Beneficiary module to Terminated no grant. The project is also hidden from the public site Project results platform.


Notifications, by default, will be sent to the beneficiary organisation at the e-mail address of the specific contact person from the Application form. There are 4 possible notifications the system sends to the beneficiaries of Erasmus+ projects.

  • Initial notification : (the email notifications for school to school projects (KA219 and KA229) are sent at another time).
    Once a beneficiary receives this notification, they can access the Beneficiary Dashboard and start uploading the results of the project as well as the project logo and website. Unlike all results and logo which need to be approved by an officer before publication, the beneficiary can choose to publish the project website after being uploaded. At the revision stage, an officer has to also approve or reject the website.
  • Change of contact person notification
    It is highly important to note that the beneficiaries are not allowed to perform any changes on contractual information e.g. contact person, email address of the contact person, title, project summary, partners and budget. If any of these have changed during the lifetime of a project, the beneficiary has to contact his/her/their NA officer to inform them about the change, where the information is updated in the NA Project Management module. Once it is done, the change is automatically transferred to the project public card. In case the contact person has been changed by an officer in the NA Project Management module, a notification is sent to the new contact person informing her/him/them about the platform and providing her/him/them with the link to the Beneficiary Dashboard. This notification is triggered by a change in the respective field in the NA Project Management module.
  • End date reminder OR final report submission notification
    An end date reminder notification is sent to the beneficiaries once their project has reached its end date or when the final report has been submitted - depending on the action that comes first which triggers the notification email. By this notification, the beneficiaries are informed that their project can now be submitted for the NA officer's review. The Submit for Review button is disabled during the lifetime of a project. It becomes active only after a beneficiary has received an end date reminder or when the final report has been submitted. The project is not visible on the Officer Dashboard until the beneficiary clicks on the Submit for Review button. Then the project is then sent from the Beneficiary Dashboard to the Officer Dashboard.
  • Optional rejection
    If an NA officer decides to reject one or several results of a project, they can decide whether to send an automatic notification to a beneficiary to inform them about the reason for rejection and request further improvement of the rejected results. The NA Officer's comments sent in the notification are taken from the Rejection Comments box. By this notification, beneficiaries are informed that the final report will be approved only after the required corrections have been made.

Remember, the contact person or details may have been updated in the Beneficiary module or the National Agency's project management system.

Accessing Projects Results Platform

Access to the Project Results Platform can be used to search, view and edit details (depending on access rights) of projects that have been funded/awarded using the following links:

For detailed instructions on how to login to the Beneficiary's Dashboard and how to update and submit results, please see Beneficiary Dashboard in Project results platformResults Platform.

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