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After successfully selecting the Final Report (and other(s) if applicable) deliverable in the Evaluation, and the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations are completedsubmitted by the  EVAL Contractor or EVAL Expert(s) and reviewed by the Evaluation Manager, the Evaluation Manager will submit the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL to the next status/step "COMPLETED". The Contracting Authority manages the final payment and clearing of the pre-financing (if applicable).


To fill-in the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations, as EVAL Contractor or EVAL Expert(s), first find and access the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL.

On the Evaluation page:

  • (Recommended) If you want to Fill Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations via the online form, choose theFill Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendationsoption (1) and complete the online form; or
  • If you want to complete the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations via downloading the downloadable template (editable PDF file), choose theDownload Conclusions. lessons learned and recommendations template” option (2) to download the PDF file to your computer and complete the file.


At any moment while completing the form, you can click on the "Save" button at the top right of the Evaluation Online Form page to save the form.

How to set the status of the Conclusions, Lessons Learned and Recommendations as Final


Click on the "Yes" button in the Confirmaton pop-up message to confirm the completion of the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations form. This action cannot be undone!

Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the confirmed completion of the form.

If the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations form is successfully confirmed as completed, a green Success! message is displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

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  • The status of the Evaluation Online Form is updated to "Final".
  • The Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations are registered and set to read-only.

Click on the “Back to Evaluation” button at the top of the Evaluation Online Form page to be re-directed back to Evaluation page.
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Via the PDF template



Please note that that if modifications are required to the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations form and the status of the form is "Final", you can revert back to the "Draft" status and apply the changes (by clicking on the "Set as Draft" button at the top right of the Evaluation Online Form page), as long as the Evaluation is still in status/step "SYNTHESIS".

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Click on the “Back to Evaluation” button at the top of the Evaluation Online Form page to be re-directed back to Evaluation page.

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Via the downloadable PDF template

Select the "With Clusters" option in the pop-up message when downloading the

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  1. Open the downloaded PDF file template;
  2. Complete the required fields and questions in each template file (using the same procedure as described above for the online form;
  3. Once completed, save each template file to your computer;
  4. Once the template files are saved, return to the Evaluation page in the system, click on the “Actions” button at the top right of the page and choose respectively:

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- the “Upload Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations template” option to upload the completed PDF file template from your computer to the system; andIf the .

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1. Open the downloaded PDF template file.

2. Complete the required fields in the template file (using the same process as described above for the online form).

3. Once completed, save the template file to your computer.

4. Once the template file is saved, return to the Evaluation page in the system, click on the “Actions” button at the top right of the page and choose the “Upload Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations templatewas successfully filled in, a green confirmation message Upload Template will be displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

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  • You stay on the Evaluation page;
  • The document has been “Uploaded”.

2.6 Evaluation Completed and Follow-up Phases

Following the submission and approval of the Final Report, and all the compulsory deliverables are submitted, the Evaluation can be set as “Completed” in the system.

The inputs provided by the Evaluation are disseminated to policy makers, concerned services and partners for future reference by filling the Response of the services Report in EVAL module of OPSYS by the Evaluation Manager, with the input of the services involved.

The Follow-up Phase is an internal phase carried out one year later, in which there is no intervention by the Contractors.

2.6.1 Evaluation to Completed

If no further modifications are needed or there is no need to revert / cancel the status of the evaluation, Evaluation Manager navigates to the Evaluation page in EVAL module of OPSYS (Monitoring & Evaluation > EVAL > Evaluations > Evaluation ID), clicks on “Actions” and selects “Submit to Completed” option.

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In the confirmation pop-up, click on “Continue”, to change the status to Completed.

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Alternatively, click on the “Cancel” button to cancel the status change of the evaluation.

If the Evaluation is successfully confirmed, a green Success! message is displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

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  • The evaluation status is changed from Synthesis to Completed.

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Please note that the Conclusions, lessons learned, and recommendations form needs to be in FINAL status, to access the Response of the services Report form.

2.6.2 Fill Responses of the services Report

If no further modifications are needed or there is no need to revert / cancel the status, on the Evaluation page, click on the “Actions” button at the top right of the page, and then select “Fill Response of the services Report".

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On the Response of the services section, navigate to Recommendations 1 to view the recommendation(s) recorded for the evaluation. Information related to:

  • Linked to Conclusion(s)
  • Priority
  • Importance
  • Main implementation responsibility
  • Main associated actors (from the online report).

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On the Response 1 section, open the drop-down box underneath the required Agreed* field. Choose from the following options:

  • Yes
  • No
  • Partially

For the “By when?, select a date by clicking on the “calendar icon”, and change months by using the left and right “arrows” inside the calendar.

Continue to record the remaining required* fields related to:


Follow the described procedure to register the responses for the other Recommendations sections present on the form.

When finished with the responses, click on “Save” to save without setting the response as final.

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In the following confirmation message, click on “Yes” to save the Response of the services online form.


Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the Response online form.

If the Response of the services is successfully saved, a green Success! message is displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

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  • You are redirected to the Evaluation page;
  • The Response of the services Report online form is successfully

Setting the form of the Response of services Report as Final

Return to the response form to mark the response status as final, click on “Actions” and select again “Fill Response of the services Report” option.

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On the Response of services form, click on “Set as Final”.

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In the Confirmation message, click on “Yes” to confirm that the status can be changed from Draft to Final.


  • The status of the Response of the services Report is changed to “Final”.

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Continue editing the Response of services Report

To continue editing the report, select and click on “Set as Draft”.

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When the following confirmation message appears, click on “Yes”, and the form returns to Draft.

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Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the status.

Once finished with the form modifications, to reset the form back to Final status.

Repeat the previous steps, and select “Set as Final”.

Then, click on “Back to Evaluation” button, to be redirected to the Evaluation.

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2.6.3 Fill Follow-up one year later Report



Please note that the Response of the services Report form needs to be in FINAL status, to access the Follow-up one year later Report form.

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Once finished with the answer to the required question(s), click on “Save”.

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” option to upload the completed PDF file template from your computer to the system.

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5. Once to have uploaded the completed template file, click on the "Submit" button to submit the template file.

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6. Confirm the submission by clicking on the "Continue" button. Warning: The submission of the template file will overide the information on the online form!

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If the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations template file was successfully uploaded, a green confirmation message will be displayed at the bottom right of the page.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use the template file option, you still need to update the status of the Evaluation Online Form to "Final":

1. On the Evaluation page, select the "Fill Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations" option to access the Evaluation Online Form.

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2. Review the completed form and set the status of the Evaluation Online Form to "Final".

2.4 Evaluation Completed

Following the submission and approval of the Final Report, the Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations are submitted, and all the required deliverables are submitted, the Evaluation Manager sets the Evaluation in OPSYS EVAL to status/step “COMPLETED”. The Contracting Authority then manages the final payment and clearing of the pre-financing (if applicable).

2.5 Response of Service and Follow-up Phases

For the Response of Service Phase, inputs provided in the Evaluation are disseminated to policy makers, concerned services and partners for future reference. The Evaluation Manager fills in the online template Response of the services Report with the resposes/feedback of the services involved.

If this is the last step foreseen for the Evaluation (no Follow-up one year later is planned), the Evaluation is finalised.

The Contracting Authority closes the Specific Contract.

For the Follow-up Phase (if applicable), the follow-up of the Evaluation is carried out one year later to monitor the impact of the inputs disseminated across the stakeholders. The Evaluation Manager fill in the online template Follow-up on year later Report for the Evaluation with the input of the services and other actors involved.

The Evaluation is concluded.

The Response of Service and Follow-up phases are managed internally, so no action is required from external actors for these phases.

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If the update is successfully confirmed, a green Success! message is displayed at the bottom right of the page, and:

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  • You are redirected to the Evaluation page;
  • Follow-up one year later Report is successfully saved.

Setting the Fill Follow-up one year later Report as Final

Return to the Follow-up one year later Report to mark the response status as final, click on “Actions” and select again “Fill Follow-up one year later Report” option.

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On the form, click on “Set as Final

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In the following confirmation message, click on “Yes” to save the Follow-up one year later online form.

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The status of the evaluation Follow-up form is changed to “Final”.

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Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the status.

Continue editing the Follow-up one year later Report

To continue editing the report, select and click on “Set as Draft”.

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When the following confirmation message appears, click on “Yes”, and the form returns to Draft.

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Alternatively, click on the “No” button to cancel the saving of the status.

Once finished with the form modifications, to reset the form back to Final status.

Repeat the previous steps, and select “Set as Final”.

Then, click on “Back to Evaluation” button to be redirected back to the Evaluation page.

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2.6.4 View and download recorded Forms and Reports


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Select any of the following download(s) from the drop-down list:

  • Download Conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations
  • Download Response of the services
  • Download Follow-up one year later.

The following files are downloaded in PDF format:

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