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The meeting was chaired by the EC (JRC) and attended by experts from xxxAT, BE, BG, HR, CY, CZ, DK,  EE, FI, FR, DE, HU, IS, IE, IT, LV, LI, LT, LU, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SK, SI, ES, SE, the European Commission (ENV, DIGIT-SEMIC Group, AGRI, JRC), and the EEA.

Welcome and approval of the agenda 

The agenda of the 77th MIG-T meeting was approved without changes.

Actions from the previous meeting (for discussion and agreement)

Actions from the 76th MIG-T meeting were reviewed and their current status is reflected in the dedicated wiki page.

INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting

  • Context and overall approach to monitoring 2023
  • Monitoring results
  • Lessons learned
  • Discussion
  • The process and components used for the calculation of the yearly INSPIRE monitoring Monitoring indicators 2023 were presenteddescribed, followed by the announcement presentation of the monitoring results. Indicators were calculated using the new The process has been performed with the revamped INSPIRE Geoportal infrastructure based on GeoNetwork and some ad hoc SQL and Python scripts developed by the JRC. In particular, the Python scripts allow the calculation of accessibility indicators based on the INSPIRE Good Practice on for a second consecutive year, complemented by a new set of Monitoring and Reporting Tools for evaluating the accessibility (implementing Part 1. of data-service linking simplification good practice), and the declared conformity of the harvested reseources.
  • The Monitoring and Reporting 2023 dashboard, showing the values of indicators with supporting materials, is available for all Member States and EFTA countries. The results from 2022 are available here to allow for comparison.
  • With regards to the monitoring indicators, overallOverall, a slight improvement of the results is observed in the conformity of metadata, and availability and accessibility of INSPIRE data when compared to the 2022 exercise. The improvement is significantly evident , increased when compared to the 2021 , and 2020 and 2019 baselines. Accessibility is significantly improved in 2023. However, heterogeneity in the performance of the different countries still remains and, similar to M&R 2022, there are concerns about the reliability of indicators on the conformity of datasets and services (both being self-declared).
  • A discrepancy is identified between the Geoportal Frontend and the Monitoring approach with the latter providing higher results.
  • Several issues were identified in the Member States implementations during the M&R process and reported during the meeting, which may turn into opportunities for future improvement:
    • presence Presence of metadata records with indexing indexation errors, and non-INSPIRE metadata records in national catalogues;
    • common practices breaking functionality of infrastructure tools, like the way used to declare the GEMET INSPIRE themes keywords that prevents a correct filtering of datasets;
    • .
    • Several several cases of conformity of datasets network services non properly declared and/or declared without the previous use of the INSPIRE Reference Validator as a compliance checking tool;.
    • Declaration of GEMET INSPIRE Theme keywords is often not following all the applicable recommendations.
    • Existence of service timeouts and misconfiguration of services (SSL certificate errors), preventing dataset accessibility through network services

      services not meeting the quality requirements (timeout issues) and/or returning SSL errors


  • Good practices were also highlighted, showing the good performance of several countries in specific monitoring indicators.
Coffee break
  • .
  •  JRC to add timestamps to the checks for the accessibility of INSPIRE view and download services in the new monitoring and reporting GitHub repository.
  •  JRC to investigate and fix the discrepancy between the Geoportal frontend and the M&R results regarding viewable and downloadable datasets.
  •  JRC to organise a bilateral meeting with Luxembourg to discuss an anomaly observed for downloadable datasets.

MIWP Actions

Action 1.1 10'

  • GeoJSON Good practice - legal scrutiny outcome
  • GPKG Soil example
  • GeoDCAT-AP GP update & high-value datasets (DIGIT, JRC, MIG-T)

Action 2.3.1 Governance of artefacts 15'

  • Schemas and TG updates after the IR amendment
  • INSPIRE Registry content update

Action 2.4 Central INSPIRE Components 15'

  • ETF and Reference Validator
  • Re3gistry software
  • INSPIRE Geoportal

Action 1.1

  • The GeoJSON INSPIRE Good practice successfully passed the legal scrutiny step foreseen in the good practice procedure. As a result, it is now considered officially endorsed. The INSPIRE good practice webste is updated accordingly.
  • Examples of encoding according the GeoPackage Good practice are available for Soils.
  • The SEMIC Group from DIGIT, which leads the update of the GeoDCAT-AP Good practice with the support of ENV and the JRC, delivered a presentation explaining the objectives of this working group and its work plan. The work aims to establish a bridge / transformation between ISO and DCAT metadata, taking into account the alignment with DCAT 3.0 update and the requirements specific for high-value datasets.
      •  MIG-T members are encouraged to actively participate in the SEMIC working group on GeoDCAT and provide feedback on the work.

Action 2.3.1 Governance of artefacts

  • Version v2024.1 was released for:
    • INSPIRE TGs, including the integration of the data-service linking simplification approach, the changes deriving from the IR amendments and 8 new TGs in AsciiDoc format;
    • INSPIRE schemas, including the changes deriving from the IR amendments; this release was then updated with three hotfix releases: v2024.1.1, v2024.1.2 and v2024.1.3 (the latter was in preparation at the time of the MIG-T meeting); GitHub Actions were introduced to automatically validate schemas after any pull request;
    • INSPIRE UML models, including changes derived from the TG/schema changes.
    • The latest release of the INSPIRE Registry (v.2024.1) happened on 5 February 2024, including the changes listed here.  It is highlighted the creation of a new Coordinate Reference System register, as derived from the Amendment of Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010. The next release (v.2024.2) is scheduled on.
      •  Changes deriving from the IR amendments will be propagated to the INSPIRE Validator and the INSPIRE Registry.

Action 2.4 Central INSPIRE Components

    • ETF and Reference Validator
      • v.2024.0 of the INSPIRE Reference Validator was released on . It includes validation against the newly released schemas and it adds a new Conformace Class testing Part A of the data-service linking simplification approach.
      • Updates ATS/ETS for view services implementing Part B of the data-service linking simplification approach are planned for the next versions v.2024.1 or v.2024.2. Version v.2024.1 will also include a redesigned architecture with several upgraded components.
    • Re3gistry software
    • xx
    INSPIRE Geoportal
      • Latest releases of the Re3gistry software were v2.5.1 (September 2023) and v2.5.2 (December 2023).
      • The next release (v2.5.3) is expected in March 2024 and will include solutions to the issues listed here.
    • INSPIRE Geoportal
      • The revamped INSPIRE Geoportal, based on the open source GeoNetwork software (v.4.2.6), was released on 24 November 2023. It provides access to high-value datasets in the scope of INSPIRE. For the second consecutive year, it has been used for the INSPIRE Monitoring and Reporting.
      • Procurement options are currently being explored to fine tune the backend, implementing the OGC API - Features and Data-service Linking Simplification INSPIRE good practices, as well as incorporating some missing functionalities from the Classic INSPIRE Geoportal. Member States’ feedback and experience from the Monitoring and Reporting 2023 will be also taken into account.
  • xx

JRC Digital Building Stock Model (DBSM)

  • The Digital Building Stock Model (DBSM) is an openly-licensed (under the Open Database License - ODbL), pan-European building footprint datasets produced by the JRC for energy-related policy needs.
  • The first version (available here) derives from the hierarchical conflation of OpenStreetMap, Microsoft Building Footprints and the (vectorised) European Settlement Map. A second version is in preparation, which also includes other input data sources and richer semantic information.
  • The dataset is currently downloadable as one file per country; an API may be made available in the future.

Topics proposed by MIG-T (tbc)

PRES LPIS/GSAA + Italian guidelines for HVD

IT representatives presented

  • A proposal to include the Technical Guidelines for Discoverability and Interoperability of IACS (LPIS and GSAA) agricultural data, and the associated Application Schemas, as part of the resources offered in the INSPIRE Artifacts GitHub repository. This will help in their promotion and will improve their accessibility.
  • The Italian Operational Guidelines for High-Value Datasets, an action aimed at supporting public authorities in aligning INSPIRE implementation and the publication of High-Value Datasets. This interesting initiative may serve as inspiration for other MS / EFTA countries in dealing with this alignment at national level.
  •  IACS and GSAA models and TGs to be migrated to a dedicated GitHub repository for long-term governance.

Update on relevant EC initiatives (I)

  • GreenData4All (ENV)
  • MIG-T meetings in 2024 (JRC)
  • New mailing lists (JRC)
  • The Call for Evidence for the GreenData4All initiative will be launched at the end of February 2024 in the “Have your say” website. The public consultation will remain open until end of March 2024 (Call for Evidence - Published and open for feedback till 25 March 2024).
  •  MIG-T members to provide feedback within the Call for Evidence and circulate the questionnaire to relevant stakeholders.
  • The next MIG-T Meeting will take place on .
  • A new mailing list system is ready for the MIG-T, which will replace the current one based on outdated technology. MS / EFTA countries will soon receive information in this regard.
  •  JRC to provide information to MIG-T members on the new mailing list.
  • Wrap-up and next steps

Bilateral meetings with MIG-T members (upon request)

  • FI
  • DE
