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Table of Contents

The Background section of the application form is used to clarify "Who are you as an organisation?". 

If you are applying on behalf of a larger organisation with multiple departments or sections, or as a consortium, it is important that you clearly describe the structure of the entire organisation and explain which parts of the organisation are working in the field covered by this application. The field of the application is displayed in the Context section of your application form. It can be Adult education, Vocational education and training, or School education.

Our example below shows how to complete the Background section using an Erasmus Accreditation for mobility of learners and staff in adult education  (KA120-ADU) application form

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titleRelevant For...

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ Call year 2023
    • KA120-SCH - Erasmus Accreditation for mobility of learners and staff in school education
    • KA120-VET - Erasmus Accreditation for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training 
    • KA120-ADU - Erasmus Accreditation for mobility of learners and staff in adult education 
    • KA122-SCH - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education
    • KA122-VET - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training 
    • KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education 
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Before you start

  • Context and Participating Organisations section in the application form must be complete


Numbered Headings

Open "Background" 

Click on Background in the content menu. The Background screen opens.

Initial information on your organisation is prepopulated from the organisation profile, retrieved from your organisations OID entered under the Participating Organisations in applications section, and cannot be changed, including:

  • Is the organisation a public body? 
  • Is the organisation a non-profit?

Open Background section

Fill in Background details

Fill in "Type of Organisation"

If the Type of Organisation is not prefilled, select it from the available drop-down list. 

Fill in Type of organisation

Provide additional information on your organisation

Complete all other required information in the section, such as main activities of your organisation, number of learners, teaching and non-teaching staff.  

titlePlease note

The fields and questions vary according to the type of application, type of organisation, and whether you apply as an individual organisation or as a consortium.

complete the section

Check and confirm "Past Participation" if any

Scroll down to Past Participation in the detail screen. 

If your organisation has previously participated as an applicant and/or partner and/or consortium member, a list is displayed ordered by applicant and/or partner, consortium member role and action type. If no such past participation is found, an empty list is displayed. 


Only for KA120: If you have past participations listed you must check the box to agree that the National Agency can use the information about your organisation’s previous participation to assess its capacity to implement activities under this accreditation, as specified in the call for proposals. 

Check and confirm Past participation

Strategic Documents (only for KA120)

Scroll down to Strategic Documents in the detail screen. 

Read the text related to strategic documents.

For further information on how to add annexes, please see the Wiki page: Annexes in applications

Read section on strategic documents

Example of a completed "Background" section

Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.

Background section is completeImage Modified

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