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titleRelevant For...

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ 2023
    • KA182-SPO - Mobility of Sport Coaches and Staff

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Table of Contents

This page outlines the specifics for mobility activities carried out within projects under Erasmus+ KA182 Mobility of sport staff projects.

For general instructions on how to create and manage mobility activities in beneficiary projects in Beneficiary module, please see the page Add mobility activities to projects.

For a quick overview of mobility activities in Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning video.

In the Mobility Activities section, you can fill in basic participant and other details, save the information as draft and continue to update the mobility activity either immediately or at a later stage. Where applicable, you can also manage and monitor participant reports. 

Draft mobility activities must be completed or removed before attempting to submit the beneficiary report, as they will not be considered in the budget summary.

The form content will adapt based on your input and will provide feedback such as warning messages or error messages in case there is missing information or if eligibility rules are not observed

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CP BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities
CP BM Compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation for mobilities

Numbered Headings

"Mobility Activity" section

Activity types

In KA182-SPO - Mobility of Sport Coaches and Staff projects, the following activity types are available to choose from:

  • Coaching or training assignments (SM-CTA)
  • Job shadowing and observation periods (SM-JOB-SHOP)

Use the drop-down to select one of these two options.

Activity type drop-down in KA182 mobility activity

Mobility activity ID

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Mobility Activity ID
Mobility Activity ID

Mobility activity ID field


"Participant" flag

This flag is selected by default and indicates the mobility activity as a participant. 

Participant flag selected by default in KA182 mobility activity

"Accompanying person" flag

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Accompanying person
Accompanying person

If this flag is checked, the Type of accompanying person field displays and an option must be chosen from the available drop-down.

"Blended mobility activity" flag

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Blended mobility activity
Blended mobility activity


"Force majeure" flag

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Force majeure
Force majeure

If this flag is checked, the following rules apply: 

  • The rules for the minimum and maximum duration of the mobility activity will no longer apply.
  • The fields Travel Grant, Individual support grant, and Inclusion support for organisations will become editable and can be updated. If any values were already present they will remain.

Force majeure flag

"Participant" section

"Participant profile"

From the Participant profile drop-down you must select one of the available options. 

Participant profile drop-down in KA182 mobility activity

"Online language support (OLS)" flag

Excerpt Include

When this flag is checked, the Provide access to OLS button becomes available, allowing you to register the participant for OLS in the EU Academy. See Provide access to OLS for details.

OLS flag and Provide access to OLS button

"Incoming international participant (under special conditions)" flag

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Incoming international participant (under special conditions)
Incoming international participant (under special conditions)

If this flag is checked, the Participant with fewer opportunities flag will be checked automatically and is read-only. It will be possible to select an organisation from the Ukraine as Sending organisation in the From-To section of the mobility activity. 

"Inclusion support" section 

"Participant with fewer opportunities" flag

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Participant with fewer opportunities
Participant with fewer opportunities

Once the flag is checked, the fields Inclusion support for participants, where you can request this type of support for the participant, and Inclusion support for organisations, read-only, become available. 


For participants flagged as Incoming international participant (under special conditions), the Participant with fewer opportunities flag is checked automatically and cannot be deselected. 

Participant with fewer opportunities flag

For participants flagged as Force majeure, the Inclusion support for organisations field will be editable. 

"Inclusion support for organisation not requested" flag

Check this flag if this type of support is not required. Once checked, the value in the field Inclusion support for organisations is set to 0 EUR.

Inclusion support for organisation not requested flag

Linguistic support

In Job shadowing and observation periods activities, this flag displays if the participant is not flagged as an accompanying person and if the mobility activity duration is equal or higher than 31 days. 

Once checked, the field Linguistic support grant becomes available, containing the support grant. The field is read-only. 

In Job shadowing and observation periods activities with duration of 31 days and more, Linguistic support can be requested

"Participant Survey" section

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Participant Report
Participant Report

"Recognition Certificates" section

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Recognition Certificates
Recognition Certificates

"From-To" section

Sending and Receiving organisations

Choose the Sending and Receiving organisation in the From-To section, using the available Select buttons. If an organisation is not available for selection, check that it is added in your project by accessing the Participating organisations in your project.  

Take note of the following rules regarding the Sending and Receiving organisation in a KA182 mobility activity:

  • The sending and receiving organisations must be different within the same mobility activity.
  • The sending and receiving countries must be different within the same mobility activity. In case the sending or receiving country is an Outer-most region (OCT), the parent country is taken in account.
  • Only the beneficiary organisation can be the sending organisation, with the exception of mobility activities flagged as "Incoming international participant (under special conditions)". In this case, the sending organisation can also be an organisation from the Ukraine. 
  • The beneficiary organisation can never be the receiving organisation.
  • Only other organisations located in a programme country can be selected as the Receiving organisation. 

Select the Sending and Receiving organisation

titleClick here to expand for how to select an organisation, using a KA121 project as example.

Excerpt Include
Add mobility activities to projects
Add mobility activities to projects

"Distance band" and "Main means of transport"

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Distance band and Main means of transport
Distance band and Main means of transport

You must also provide the Real distance in km. The Real distance in km must be within the selected Distance band range. 

Distance band, Real distance in km and Main means of transport

"Sustainable means of transport" flag

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Sustainable means of transport (green travel)
Sustainable means of transport (green travel)

Sustainable means of transport flag


Travel Grant

Here you define the Funded travel days. The minimum and maximum allowed is displayed below the field. The Travel support field is read-only and automatically filled.

For participants flagged as Force majeure, the field will be editable. 

Travel Grant

"Travel grant not requested" flag

If the travel grant is not required for the mobility activity, check the Travel grant not requested flag. Once selected, Travel support is set to 0 EUR. 

Travel grant not requested flag

Request Exceptional Cost for expensive travel

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Exceptional Cost for Expensive Travel
Exceptional Cost for Expensive Travel

Request Exceptional Cost for expensive travel

Request Exceptional Cost for visa and other entry requirements

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Exceptional cost for visa and other entry requirements
Exceptional cost for visa and other entry requirements

"Duration" section

Provide the Start and End date of the mobility activity. The relevant duration fields are updated automatically, as per information provided.

The minimum and maximum duration allowed is displayed below the relevant fields. The minimum and maximum duration for a mobility activity depend on the type of participant and activity type. 


 Travel days are not be included in the start and end date of the activity. The travel days are to be filled in under Travel Grant.

The field Duration for Individual support (days) is prefilled, but can be edited. The maximum allowed is displayed below the field.


Individual support can be requested for all days of the mobility activity and for travel days. If you do not wish to claim a grant for some of the days, you can lower the figure in this field.

Duration section in KA182 mobility activity

"Mobility activity included an interruption" flag

Check this flag if, during the mobility activity, an interruption occurred. When the tick box is selected, the field Interruption duration (days) becomes available and must be completed. 

Mobility activity included an interruption flag

Individual Support

The Individual support grant field is displayed here and is read-only. The value displayed is calculated based on the information provided for the mobility activity. In cases of Force majeure, the field will be editable. 

Individual support grant

"Individual support - grant not required" flag

Check this flag if this type of support is not required for the mobility activity. Once checked, the value in field Individual support grant will be set to 0 EUR.

Individual support - grant not required flag

"Budget" section

Total mobility activity grant

The Total mobility activity grant is calculated automatically as per information provided throughout the form and read-only.

Total mobility activity grant

"Organisation support grant not requested" flag

If Organisation support is not required, tick the Organisation support grant not requested flag. This flag is not available for mobility activities flagged as accompanying persons.

Mobility activities in which this flag is checked will be excluded in the calculation of the Organisational Support on project level. See Budget in KA182 projects for details. 

 Organisation support grant not requested flag

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