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1.     What is the function of OPSYS for monitoring and reporting results? Does the reporting in OPSYS apply to all types of contractual commitments?

·       OPSYS is an IT system developed by the Commission services of the Relex family (DG FPI, DG INTPA, DG NEAR). Among other functions, OPSYS is used to monitor and report results for the entire portfolio

·       OPSYS allows all Implementing Partners to store the logframes of their interventions and update the values of the indicators.

·       The use of OPSYS to report on results has been introduced gradually for closed and on-going contracts/agreements and will be done systematically for new ones. The provisions of each contract/agreement gives indication on whether its related documents (including the logframe) are to be processed via OPSYS (=the System)

·       As a general rule, the use of OPSYS to report on results applies to all types of contractual commitments that produce results and have a logframe

·       For the time being, Trust Funds are not processed in OPSYS and they are not part of the results monitoring and reporting in OPSYS

2.     What is a Primary Intervention (PINTV)? How does it relate to a logframe?

·       A PINTV refers to what is commonly called project or programme. It is an entity linked to one or more contractual commitments that serves the purpose to host a Logical Framework Matrix (=logframe). PINTVs exist only in relation to a logframe that defines in a logical manner the strategy of the intervention to contribute to a desired change, allowing to monitor and report results

·       From an Implementing Partner point of view, a PINTV is the place where the logframe to be reported against regularly is going to be stored

3.     Who decides what is a Primary Intervention (PINTV) and who creates it in OPSYS?

·       A PINTV in OPSYS is created by the European Commission, via the Operational Manager (OM) in charge (the person in charge of managing the contract within the EU)

·       PINTVs related to recently closed and ongoing contractual commitments have been created

·       For confidential and sensitive PINTVs there are special arrangements. Please, check with the OM if you are not sure if your PINTV falls in this category

4.     As Implementing Partner, which actions do I have to take for the creation of a PINTV?

·       Implementing Partners do not have to perform any task related to the creation of a PINTV

·       Following contracting, once the PINTV is created by the European Commission, the Implementing Partner is granted access to it to encode the structure of the logframe and for results monitoring and reporting purposes

5.     What is the difference between a primary and non-primary intervention?

·       Primary Interventions (PINTVs) are created by the European Commission as linked to a logframe

·       Non-PINTVs are created by the European Commission against internal business rules – not entailing any implication for Implementing Partners


     Do Implementing Partners have to report against PINTVs linked to closed contracts

     The results data collection 2023 is concerned with which interventions?

This year the annual results data collection is being done in OPSYS entirely for interventions that meet the criteria below:

  • MFF 2014-2020
  • Started before 01/01/2022
  • EU contribution above EUR 750,000

In other words, the results data collection campaign will cover primary interventions funded under MFF 2014-2020 that started before 01/01/2022 and which have an EU contribution above EUR 750,000.This year’s sample will still not include interventions from the EU Trust Funds (EUTF).

By 30 April 2023, the Operational Managers and Implementing Partners have to submit the latest results indicator values included in the logframe
