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Logframe Management

What indicators are suggested in the system?

The system suggests lists of indicators that have been quality controlled by the relevant methodological and thematic units.

These lists include:

  • Indicators that the European Commission reports on;
  • Sector indicators suggested by thematic Units;
  • Sustainable Development Goals.

The goal is to suggest ready-to-use indicators to the users who are creating a logframe of a new intervention. The use of existing indicators increases the overall quality of the results, and allows the possibility to aggregate them when relevant.

The lists are managed by the Indicators Managers: DG INTPA 04, FPI.1 and DG NEAR A4.

Why can’t I add a value?

It is possible to add values to indicators only when the Logframe has been approved. If the "Access indicator's page" button is not displayed, check the status of the Logframe that it is "Approved". 

What are the statuses of a Logframe?

The status of the Logframe can be:

  • New - No data have been yet encoded;
  • Draft - Sections of the Logframe are encoded, but it has not been completed and approved;
  • Pending for approval - The Logframe has been submitted by the Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor, and still has to be approved by the Operational Manager;
  • To be revised - The Logframe has been reviewed by the Operational Manager, but still has to be revised by the Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor;
  • Approved - The Logframe has been approved by the Operational Manager, and it is now possible to add values.

If the Logframe is modified (e.g. change to the wording of an indicator), its status will go back to "Draft", and it will have to be re-approved.

Implementing Partners, Contractors or Experts Management

What is the difference between a Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor, and an Implementing Partner or Expert?

The Operational Manager grants access to the Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor, who can then grant access to the other Implementing Partners or Experts taking part in the Intervention. 

While Lead Implementing Partners or Contractors and Implementing Partners or Experts have the same access and edit rights, only Lead Implementing Partners or Contractors can submit information officially to the European Commission. 

If an Operational Manager revokes the access to the Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor, all Implementing Partners or Experts are automatically removed.

How many Implementing Partners or Experts can I add?

You can add as many Implementing Partners or Experts as required.

Can I change the Lead Implementing Partners or Contractors?

No, only Operational Managers can grant access to a new Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor, or promote an Implementing Partner or Expert to the role of Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor. 

Why don't I have access?

If you are a Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor and you don't have access, it means that the Operational Manager hasn't granted you access yet. Please contact your Operational Manager directly to request access.

If you are a Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor and you don't have access anymore, it means that your Operational Manager has revoked your access. If you think it is an error, please contact your Operational Manager directly.

If you are an Implementing Partner or Expert and you don't have access, it means that the Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor hasn't granted you access yet. Please contact your Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor directly to request access.

If you are an Implementing Partner or Expert and you don't have access anymore, it means that your Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor has revoked your accesses, or that the Operational Manager revoked the access to your Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor. If you think it is an error, please contact your Lead Implementing Partner or Contractor directly.

Why can't I add an Implementing Partner or Expert?

Only Lead Implementing Partners or Contractors can provide access to the intervention for Implementing Partners or Experts.

Actions and Interventions

What is an Action?

Action, as per the Financial Rules and the Common Implementing Rules, is a generic term describing the content (or part of the content) of a Commission Financing Decision. An action corresponds to one or several budgetary commitments.

It usually takes the form of an Action Document or of a similar document. In some cases (such as for administrative expenditure), it is reduced to core information.

What is an Intervention?

The term "Intervention" comes from the Better Regulation Package, where it refers to EU activities for the purpose of assessing performance. In the External Action context, Interventions are usually referred to as "programmes" or "projects". In the EAMR, Interventions correspond to what is currently called "projects", which can be either an Action or a Contract.

Intervention has been defined in the note Ares(2018)831615 -

An Intervention is a coherent set of activities and results, which constitutes an effective level for the operational follow-up by the European Commission of its operations:

  • Monitoring of results and indicators;

  • Monitoring the quality of deliverables;

  • Monitoring of missions and site visits;

  • Evaluations;

  • Annual reporting on KPIs in the EAMR.

The scope of an Intervention can correspond to an Action or an Action Component. It can group more than one Contract.

The scale of an Intervention and its level (Action, Action Component, Contract) is determined in function of:

  • The coherence of the planned activities and results; and

  • The responsible entity (e.g. Delegation in charge).

The Delegation will define the intervention's level in the action document.

Interventions inherit the logframe (or part of the logframe) from the corresponding action(s).

What are the types of intervention?

An intervention can be Primary Intervention (PINTV), a Support entity (SENT) or Other General Interventions (INTV)

Primary Intervention (PINTV)

Primary Interventions are Interventions with business rules. This has been defined below. 

Support entity (SENT)

Individual operation that does not produce direct and reportable development results and, as such, does not need a logframe

Other General Interventions (INTV) 

Interventions of free creation for operational needs that do not need to respect the business rules, such as evaluations, monitoring, programming, contract components, analyses...

Definition of the Primary Intervention (PINTV)

What we currently refer to as programmes and/or projects are in fact primary interventions. Primary interventions respond to the institutional needs to define a complete portfolio of operations and are related to ensure proper operational management, internal monitoring and annual reporting, results collection and to the definition of the operational perimeter for external monitoring and evaluations. They are created in an institutional and formal manner with hierarchical validation through the Action Document approval process.

A Primary Intervention, more specifically, is an intervention to take into account for institutional reporting. It responds to the three following defining principles:

Exhaustive coverage of the entire portfolio: the totality of result-bearing activities under a given AOSD's responsibility is covered. 

  • Projects/Programmes producing results should be part of only one PINTV.

Non-duplicity: activities within actions and contracts under the responsibility of different AOSDs must be reported only once.

  • Projects/Programmes should be reported only once.

  • If a PINTV is defined at the level of Action, none of the contracts of that Action can be part of any other PINTV

AOSD single responsibility: there is no INTPA activity authorized by multiple AOSDs. Actions under the responsibility of different AOSDs must be reported broken down at the proper level.

  • Accountability falls under the scope of one Authorising Officer (AOSD) at the Commission.

Within the 2020 Results Reporting Exercise which covers the 2014 - 2020 MFF, Primary Interventions can be created at one of the below levels:

  • Group of Actions (e.g.: top-up cases, phases)

  • Action (e.g.: Budget Support, Guarantees, Blending)

  • Contract (e.g. most common case)

  • Group of contracts (e.g.: sequence of Programme Estimates

Four case types are presented below in order to clarify the concept of "intervention" through examples that are representative of the business processes followed by actors in the external action area:

Case type 1

An intervention covering more than one action

Case type 2

An intervention corresponding to a single action

Case type 3

An intervention at the level of an action component or a contract

Case type 4

Several interventions covered by a single contract

The four case types are followed by a remark about aggregated levels of reporting. Each case types below represents the scope of an intervention.

Case type 1: An Intervention covering more than one Action

In some particular cases, a new action (Action 2013 in the example below) may contribute to an existing intervention previously created in the framework of an older action.

  • Action 2011/23101 – Special Measure for Belarus: Open Europe Scholarship Scheme

3 999 981 €, Delegation in charge: Belarus

1 intervention, Delegation in charge: Belarus

- Contract 2011/269645 – Open Europe Scholarship Scheme, NORDISK MINISTERRADS SEKRETARIAT, 3 999 981,00 €

  • Action 2013/024447 – Special Measure: Open Europe Scholarship Scheme – Phase II (OESS II)

8 000 000 €, Delegation in charge: Belarus

→ Contributes to the same intervention, created in 2011

- Contract 2013/331137 – Open Europe Scholarship Scheme, Phase II, NORDISK MINISTERRADS SEKRETARIAT, 7 924 934,67 €


Case type 2: An Intervention corresponding to a single Action

  • Action 2017/39769 - Support to Decentralisation in Ghana 11th EDF

45 000 000 €, Delegation in charge: Ghana

1 intervention

Budget support (Sector Reform Contract)   

40 000 000

Technical Assistance to Inter-Ministerial Coordinating Committee on Decentralisation (Including communication and visibility for € 200 000)

4600 000

Monitoring and reporting

300 000

Evaluation and audit

100 000

Case type 3: An Intervention at the level of an Action Component or Contract

  • Action 2016/38787 – Contribution to the African Investment Facility in support of regional economic integration in West Africa,

100 000 000 €, Delegation in charge: Nigeria (regional)

- Contract 2017/386495 – Construction du pont de Rosso, BANQUE AFRICAINE DE DEVELOPPEMENT, 20 500 000,00 €

→ 1 Intervention, Delegation in charge: Senegal

- Contract 2017/386607 - Projet de réhabilitation de la route Lomé-Cotonou (phase 2) et de protection côtière (Benin – Togo)”, BANQUE AFRICAINE DE DEVELOPPEMENT, 20 525 400,00 €

→ 1 Intervention, Delegation in charge: Togo

3 other contracts in 3 other countries: 3 other interventions

Case type 4: Several Interventions covered by a single Contract

In some cases, reporting may be necessary on several Interventions which are below the contract level when, for example, the contract consists in a contribution to International Financial Institutions. In the example below, the contract is a contribution to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) / European Investment Bank (EIB), who are in charge of managing different "projects" (corresponding to interventions in the context of OPSYS) in different countries:

  • Action 2015/038055 – Western Balkans – Multi-country Action Programme for Connectivity for the years 2015-2016- allocation 2015

    119 254 000,00 €, Delegation in charge: none

- Contract 2016/375830 – EC Contribution Arrangement with respect to the European Western Balkans Joint Fund under the Western Balkans Investment Framework, EUROPEAN BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT
102 100 000,00 €, Delegation in charge: none

→ Several Interventions could be needed in order to monitor the infrastructure projects behind this contract:

KfW_WB-IG00-MNE-ENE-01 Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor (I): Grid Section in Montenegro
12 000 000,00 € (IG 11 750 000,00 €; TA 250 000,00 €)
→ 1 intervention

WBIF CF 1002 MKD ENE MEPSO Power Interconnection (II): Grid Section in the fYRoM
→ 1 intervention

MULTI-ENE-001-PRJ, Preliminary and Main Design of the Ionian Adriatic Gas Pipeline – Montenegro and Albania sections
→ 1 intervention


However, in this example it may also be suitable, as an alternative, to consider that the three (or more) grant agreements constitute a single intervention (instead of the three interventions shown above), subject to single reporting and monitoring by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In case this alternative is chosen, this example will correspond to case type 3.

Reporting at an aggregated level

Apart from the External Assistance Management Report (EAMR) list of 'monitored interventions' (currently "project list"), on which each Delegation is regularly reporting, a higher level of consolidated reporting will also be possible, e.g. reporting by a Headquarters unit at the level of an Investment Facility or of a global (or regional) call for proposals.

Reporting at a disaggregated level

On a similar basis and when necessary, a lower level of reporting will also be possible, e.g. reporting on a geographical basis at national or sub-national level.



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6.     Do Implementing Partners have to report against PINTVs linked to closed contracts?

·       All Lead Implementing Partners (LIPs) of contracts for which PINTVs are identified as on going in 2021 are asked to update the values of the indicators necessary to report on results in OPSYS – following the structure of the logframe If you have a doubt, please contact the Operational Manager (OM) of your contract in the Commission

·       PINTVs closed before 2021 with unreported final results and that were part of last year’s exercise of Results Data Collection (2020-2021) need to report results in OPSYS

·       If the LIP is no longer available to encode the logframe with related results and indicators, this function will be performed by the OM

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