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This page explains the common functionality available in sections containing lists of items in beneficiary projects, for example the list of organisations, mobility activities or contacts.

It describes features that enable users to handle items in lists either individually or grouped.

For a quick overview of Navigation and basic functionalities in Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning video.


  • Certain options are only available to users or project contacts with specific access rights, for example Edit access is required to edit or delete items in a list.

Numbered Headings

Overview of list functionalities

Lists in a project have the following general functionalities and options:

  1. List title including number of items available 
  2. Bulk Actions button - allows to apply a specific operation to multiple list items at the same time.
  3. Create button - enables you to add an item to the list, such as an organisation, a mobility activity, contact, etc. The Create button is inactive if:
    • a user has no Edit access in the project, or
    • adding an item to the list is not allowed, depending on the list and action type of the project.


      Additional buttons may be available for a list, depending on the list viewed. 

  4. Search and More Filter - allows to apply to search for specific items in the list. 
  5. List of items - lists the items available as per selection in the Content menu with the option to sort the listed items and the options to Delete, View and/or Edit an item
    • depending on the list viewed, additional actions may be available, for example the Duplicate option for mobility activities in KA1 projects
  6. Browse and Items per page - allows to change the number of items displayed per page and to navigate to previous or next pages

Here an example of the list of Organisations in a KA122-VET project for a contact with Edit access in the project. 

List functionalities in Beneficiary module

Here is an example of the List of mobility activities in a KA122-VET, call year 2022, project. The Provide access to OLS button is displayed on top of the list and the Duplicate action is available for the listed mobility activities. 

Example of list of mobility activities

Some lists have a slightly different layout and do not provide the options for Bulk Actions, Search and More Filters. The icons available in the Actions column have a different look, but provide the same options: View, Edit and Delete. The basic list options Sort by column, browse and items per page are also available for these lists.

Here an example of such list in the Activities of an ESC51 project from call 2021. 

Example of list in the Activities of an ESC51 project from call 2021



The Create button enables you to add an item to the list, such as an organisation, a mobility activity, etc. Clicking on Create opens a new screen where you can add the relevant details and Save the item.

If adding an item to a list is not allowed, the Create button will be inactive. 

Create an item


Delete, View and Edit


Once items are added to the list, the following icons become available under the Actions column:

  1. Delete - click on this icon for the desired item and follow the onscreen instructions to delete it.
  2. View - click on this icon to open the details of the selected item in read-only mode. All fields are greyed out and you will not be able to change any details.
  3. Edit - open the details of the selected item in edit mode. Make the desired changes, then click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen to save the updated information.

If editing or deleting an item from the list is not possible, the relevant icon is greyed out. 

Delete,View or Edit an item


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Bulk Actions

Bulk Actions allow you to apply a specific operation to multiple list items at the same time. The available options vary depending on the project section and on your permissions in the project. Following bulk actions may be available: 

To perform a bulk action, take the following steps:

  1. Click on the Bulk Actions button at the top of the list. Note that as long as the bulk actions option is activated, the button name changes to Disable Bulk Actions.
    Click on the Bulk Actions button
  2. Check the relevant tick boxes next to the items you want to select. Where applicable, you will see additional filters at the top of the list (e.g. in the mobility activities section)
  3. Click on the three dots next to the Disable Bulk Actions button to open the list of available actions and select the desired action.
    • The options available depend on the list and on your permissions.
    • Depending on your selection, the action is applied immediately to all the selected items, or you may need to take additional steps. For instance, for deleting several items in bulk, a confirmation is required, as the items are permanently removed.

      titleTake note

      If no items are selected, the bulk options to choose from are disabled.

      Select the items and select the specific Bulk action

  4. Click on the Disable Bulk Actions button to deactivate the bulk actions again.
    Click on the Disable Bulk Actions button to deactivate the bulk actions
titleTake Note

When rolling over the Disable Bulk Actions button, you are prompted to select at least one row to enable bulk actions, if none are yet selected. If no items are selected, the bulk options available are disabled. 

Bulk options inactive if no listed items are selected


Bulk Export

The functionality to export multiple list items is available, where you can select either the full list or selected items to be exported in one of the following formats: PDF, CSV, or XLS.

In this example, we will export the list of mobility activities.

  1. Select Mobility Activities (1) from the Content Menu.
  2. Click on the Bulk Actions button (2)
    Click on the Bulk Actions button
  3. The button changes to Disable Bulk Actions with three dots indicating a drop-down menu option.
  4. Tick the check boxes of the items to export or alternatively, to select all items in the list, tick the check box in the heading row of the table.
    Select the listed items to bulk action
  5. Once one or more items have been selected, the drop-down menu button (three dots) becomes active and the options to export the list in various formats are enabled.
  6. Choose the specific export option from the list. In our example, we select Export XLS
    Select the Bulk action from the drop-down
  7. The file automatically downloads and will be available in the default download folder on your computer. The file opens in the format you selected (for xls and csv formats in your spreadsheet software, and for PDF in your selected PDF reader). 

File exported as per selected option


The search field allows you to add general text to narrow down the list of results.

Type at least two characters in the search box and click the Searchbutton (1) to retrieve the items matching your criteria. The number of items found is updated and displayed at the top of the list. The found item(s) is (are) displayed in the list (2)

To remove a search filter and return to the full list, click on the X in the Search box (3)


You can combine the Search functionality with the More Filters options. 

Search in the list


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Filters help you refine your search to find specific items that match several search criteria from the data displayed in the list.

  1. Click on the More filters (1) button to display the filters at the top of list.
    Click on the More Filters button
  2. The button name has changed to Less filters. Clicking on Less filters will hide the filters again.
  3. One filter for each column in the list will become available. There are two types of filters and they can be combined to narrow down the results:
    • Text fields: add at least 2 characters, then click outside the text field. The list is automatically updated with the matching items containing the text you inserted.
    • Drop-down fields: select one value from the list. The list is automatically updated with the matching items containing the text you selected.
      Filter options become available in the list
  4. Provide your criteria in the relevant filters. The list is updated as per set filter options. In our example, we provided a Participant's first name and combine it with the filter for Sending country France.
  5. The selected filters will displayed next to the left of the Less Filters button. 
    Provide the criteria as per your needs
  6. You can remove a filter by clicking on the X next to the filter name.

To remove a filter, click on the X


Even if you hide the filters (by clicking on the Less Filters button), the previously applied filters remain active if they have not been removed, and the results are displayed accordingly. The applied filters also remain visible next to the More Filters button.

Filters remain active if not removed


Sorting a list

The list can be sorted by clicking on a column header (1st click ascending, 2nd click descending, 3rd click off). An arrow indicating the current sort sequence is displayed next to the selected column header.

In this example, the list of organisations is sorted in ascending order by Mobility Activity ID. 

Sorting a list

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