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CoCos have the same contract/project-level permissions as the PCoCo.

The PLSIGN is a person who has the right to sign contracts and amendments on behalf of the organisation. An organisation can have one or more PLSIGNs per project.

Once appointed by the LEAR of the organisation as LSIGNs, PLSIGNs are nominated for a particular project by a Coordinator Contact (CoCo or PCoCo) of the project.

PLSIGNs can only be revoked by the Coordinator Contact (PCoCo or CoCo) of the project.

Legal Signatories (LSIGN and CLSIGN) are able to sign contracts and amendements for the organisation, but if the orgaisation would need to restrict the signatory role for contracts and amendments, the LSIGN can nominate a CLSIGN to the contract (project-level). The LEAR or Account Administrator of the organisation would first need to appoint the LSIGN role to a user beforehand (organisation-level).

CLSIGNs can only be revoked by an LSIGN of the organisation.

CLSIGNs PLSIGNs have the same permissions as the Coordinator Contacts (CoCos and PCoCos) for contract information (view and edit), but they cannot assign or revoke any roles.


As LSIGN or PCoCo/CoCo of a project or contract, if you need to add or modify a CoCo/PLSIGN/PFSIGN CLSIGN for the project or contract, then you must follow the procedure detailed in Manage Project Roles (CoCo, PLSIGN, PFSIGNCLSIGN).

Role and LevelPermissons (user rights)Can Nominate or RevokeIs Nominated or Revoked By


(Primary Coordinator Contact)


  • Can only be one PCoCo per project.
  • Primary point of contact between European Commission and Consortium.
  • View and edit permissions to all the forms of their own organisation, and to common forms of the Consortium.
  • Can submit forms to the European Commission.
  • Can nominate or revoke CoCos, Task Managers (TaMa) and Team Members (TeMe) within their own organisation.
  • Can nominate or revoke LSIGN to a project within their own organisation.
  • Can nominate or revoke Participant Contacts (PaCo) for any organisation within the Consortium.
  • CoCo submission initiator of a tender is automatically nominated as PCoCo.
  • Can only be modified or revoked by the Project Officer (PO)

(info) Please note that in the case of a modification of the PCoCo, the LEAR must provide to the Contracting Authority the full name, e-mail address and EU Login username of the new PCoCo.


(Coordinator Contact)


  • Can be as many CoCos as required per project.
  • View and edit permissions to all the forms of their own organisation, and to common forms of the Consortium.
  • Can submit forms to the European Commission.
  • Can nominate or revoke other CoCos within their own organisation - all Coordinator Contacts (CoCo and PCoCo) have the same permissions within their own organisation.
  • Can nominate or revoke LSIGN to a project within their own organisation.
  • Can nominate or revoke Participant Contacts (PaCos) for any organisation within the Consortium.
  • Can be nominated or revoked by another Coordinator Contact of their own organisation (CoCos and PCoCos).


(Project Contract Legal Signatory)


  • Can be as many PLSIGNs CLSIGNs as required per project.
  • Signs contracts and amendments for a particular project on behalf of an organisation.
  • PLSIGNs CLSIGNs have the same view and edit permissions as the Coordinator Contacts (CoCos or PCoCos)
  • PLSIGNs CLSIGNs cannot nominate or revoke any roles.
  • Once appointed by the LEAR of the organisation as LSIGNs, PLSIGNs CLSIGNs are nominated for a particular project or contract by a Coordinator Contact (CoCo or PCoCo) LSIGN of the projectorganisation.
  • PLSIGNs CLSIGNs can only be revoked by the Coordinator Contact (CoCo or PCoCo) a LSIGN of the projectorganisation.

2.2.4 Intervention

For the results and monitoring of Interventions, Operational Managers (OM) assign Lead Implementing Partners (LIP) to manage Interventions. The assigned Lead Implementing Partner then receives a notification via e-mail, and can access the Intervention that has been assigned to them from the Manage My Area > My Intervention(s) section of the portal.
