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When you respond to a call (reopening of competition, open procedures, etc.) or an invitation for submission (Request for Specific Contract under a Framework Contract), you are automatically assigned as the Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) for that procedure. As the PCoCo, you are the main the main contact and responsible person between your organisation (or consortium) and the European Commission for that particular submission/procedure/contract.

Role and LevelPermissons (user rights)Can Nominate or RevokeIs Nominated or Revoked By


(Primary Coordinator Contact)


  • Can only be one PCoCo per procedure/submission.
  • Primary point of contact between European Commission and the Organisation/Consortium.
  • View and edit permissions to all the forms of their own organisation, and to common forms of the Consortium.
  • Can submit forms to the European Commission.
  • Can nominate or revoke CoCos, Task Managers (TaMa) and Team Members (TeMe) within their own organisation.
  • Can nominate or revoke LSIGN to a project within their own organisation.Can nominate or revoke Participant Contacts (PaCo) for any organisation within the Consortium.
  • CoCo submission initiator of a tender is automatically nominated as PCoCo.
  • Can only be modified or revoked by the Project Officer (PO)

(info) Please note that in the case of a modification of the PCoCo, the LEAR must provide to the Contracting Authority the full name, e-mail address and EU Login username of the new PCoCo.


Please note that for Contribution Agreements, the PCoCo must be communicated by the legal representative of the Organisation (entrusted entity) to the Contracting Authority.

2.2.3 Contract (Project)

Once a contract is awarded, the PCoCo of the initial procedure is automatically assigned as the PCoCo for the contract. As the PCoCo, you are the main contact and responsible person between your organisation (or consortium) and the European Commission for that particular contract. As such, the PCoCo will be able to manage the tasks and documents relating to the contract, submit reports (deliverables), and initiate amendments to the contract of behalf of the organisation/consortium (if required).
