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  • Response to requests for specific contracts

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In the case of reopening of competition leading to a specific contractWhen a framework contract (FWC) is managed through the F&T Portal, the contracting authority notifies all the coordinator contacts (CoCos and PCoCos) of the selected contractors per email, that a new request for specific contract (RfSC) has been launched.

This RfSC is made available in the Funding & tenders opportunities portal (Funding & Tenders Portal). The invitation also appears in the notifications area of the portal

If you have the role of coordinator contact, you will find your invitations and the related submissions in the section My Invitation(s) on the Funding & Tenders Portal. 

You will first acknowledge that you received the invitation. Then, you will be able to submit.

When in the eSubmission homepage, you can choose the display language by using the button at the top right of the screen: Image Removed

Navigating your submission

By acknowledging the invitation, eSubmission automatically opens.

At any time during the submission process,

  • you can consult the procedure main data and documents by clicking on the procedure reference number button on the left side of the screen.

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  • you can see which documents have been uploaded by clicking on the  Submission documents  button on the left side of the screen. The list of Submission documents is always instantaneously updated.

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(warning) Nothing is submitted to the contracting authority until you have clicked the Submit button at the end of the submission process.

Notifications about upcoming deadline:

In order to remind you in due time about the upcoming deadline of a procedure in which you are participating, the system will send out an email 5 days before the time limit of receipt of submissions to all contractors who have created a draft submission.

All persons having a role as candidate/tenderer in the Funding & Tenders portal (primary coordinator contact or coordinator contact, see here for a definition) will receive the notification. In the Funding & Tenders portal, the email will also be visible under the section My Notifications.

sends the requests for specific contracts through the Portal.

The FWC Primary Coordinator Contacts (PCoCos) and Coordinator Contacts (CoCos) receive email notification when the contractor is invited to reply to a request for specific contract. The notification (accessible also in the F&T Portal section My notifications of the logged on user) includes a link to the F&T Portal section My Invitation(s) where the invitation, including all the documents attached to the request, can be found.

The F&T Portal sends to the PCoCo/CoCos also a reminder about the approaching submission deadline 5 days before the deadline (the reminder is sent only if a PCoCo/CoCo has created a draft submission in the F&T Portal).

If the contracting authority decides to cancel the request for specific contract, the PCoCo/CoCos receive a   cancellation notification by email, available also in the F&T Portal section My notifications

Acknowledge receipt

Table of Contents


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Quick overview on how to submit your request for a specific contract

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(info) Please note that this video's purpose is only illustrative, the exact workflows and mandatory data and/or documents may vary depending on the contract and its conditions. For detailed instructions please consult the procurement documents and follow the steps on this wiki page.

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This first step allows you to acknowledge that your organisation has received the request for specific contract.

F ollow the

Follow the

link in the invitation mail that you received. The

invitation also appears in the notifications area of the portal
It will direct

link will bring you to the section My Invitation(s)




of the




T Portal

. You

which you can

also directly select My Invitation(s) (2)

access also from the


menu on the left

to find the invitation to participate in the re-opening of competition

(2) .

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Open From the list of invitations on My Invitation(s) page, open the Action menu (3) next to the invitation .This first step allows you to acknowledge that your organisation has viewed the request. wish to respond to. Select the Acknowledge

Receipt option

Receipt option.

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The status of the invitation becomes Acknowledged.

Acknowledging the invitation allows the contractor to view the tendering request data (1), by accessing the main details of the procedure: procedure reference number, procedure type and domain, procurement type, payment modality and invitation mode.You immediately see the time limit to tender (1) and the time limit for questions (2). You will click on Show more (3)to expand the panel and view the full details of the request. You can download the request for specific contract, the draft specific contract and other documents attached by the contracting authority from the expanded panel.

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Start submission

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including the applicable deadlines (2), and the request documents (3)

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You will click on Show less / Show more (4) to display less or more data and hide/unhide the request documents. 

(info) Y ou can choose the display language by using the button at the top right of the screen:

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Express willingness to participate

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After receiving a request for specific contract under a single or cascade FWC, the invited contractor must first express its willingness to participate, i.e. its intention to reply to the request or not. This must be done within the deadline to express willingness indicated in the request.

The contractor can start the reply submission process only after expressing willingness to participate in the request by clicking Yes and then Save. The status of the invitation becomes Accepted.

If the contractor does not intend to reply to the request, he needs to select No and provide reasons in the Comment field before clicking Save. The status of the invitation becomes Rejected.

The contracting authority is notified immediately of the contractor's positive or negative response.

If the contractor does not react within the willingness deadline, the contracting authority has the right to cancel the request or, in case of cascade FWC, send the request to the next contractor in the cascade.

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(info) The contractor can change the willingness response at at any time before the submission deadline.

Click on View willingness in the Action menu next to your invitation and then Change Willingness on the next screen.

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After the submission deadline you can only view your willingness response:

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Start submission

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After consulting the request data/documents and expressing your willingness to participate in the request if the request is made under a single or cascade FWC, you can start your

In the case of re-opening of competition, contractors do not need to send any willingness to participate. They will immediately start their


Tick the box (1) to accept the  Terms and Conditionsand , acknowledge that you have read and understood the the Data Protection Notice and click on New submission (2) .

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You can start the submission also from the Action menu of the invitation - click on Start New Submission.

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(info) You can always leave eSubmission when drafting your submission - click on the Leave  (info) At any time during your drafting, you can leave eSubmission by clicking the Leave  Image Modified button at the top of the page. You will select The submission will be saved as Draft which can be resumed at any time before the submission deadline. To resume the draft, find the invitation under the section My Invitation(s) from the main F&T Portal menu on the left of the Funding & Tenders Portal and search for the invitation to proceed further.

If you leave eSubmission just after consulting the request / before clicking on "New Submission", the invitation status is "acknowledged" and to start a submission, you will click on the Action menu that will show a Start New Submission action. Clicking on it will re-direct you to eSubmission.

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click on View willingness under the Action button - the eSubmission screen opens where you can choose whether to resume the draft or start a new submission.

Alternatively, you can resume the draft by expanding the submissions line next to the invitation Action button and then clicking on Edit under the Action button of the draft submission.

Image Added(info)  As soon as you start submitting, you will be informed in case the procedure is cancelled. Upon procedure cancellation, a cancellation notice will be sent per mail and will be available in the notifications section in the Funding & Tenders portal. The invitation status will be set to cancelled

Draft submission

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Identification of the participant

When you start your submission you will see a progress line on top of the screen. This line shows all the steps you have to go through before submitting. You can also see which step you are currently inof the submission process and your current step.

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You must designate a contact person in order to proceed. can always consult the request data and documents by clicking on the procedure reference number button on the left side of the screen.

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Identification of the participant

The submission process starts with the identification of the participant - the contractor details (in case of a consortium the details of the If you are part of a consortium, the details about the  consortium leader and the consortium members of the consortium are displayed. The information included in this list has been ) are retrieved from the framework contract.

Click on the edit Image Removedicon on the right. A form will pop up where you can identify the contact person of the main participant (consortium leader or sole participant). 

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FWC data and cannot be edited.  

The FWC Primary Coordinator Contact (PCoCo) is automatically defined as the c ontact person but the PCoCo/CoCo drafting the submission can change it by c licking on the edit Image Added icon  (1) .

(warning) This contact person becomes the PCoCo (Primary Coordinator Contact) for the submission and, if the contractor is successful, the resulting contract. Read here about PCoCo's permissions.

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A form will pop up listing all The contact persons already identified for the organisation are listed. By default, the in previous submissions. The name of the last person identified as the last contact person appears at the top of the list. If you want to designate another contact person, either select another member of from the list or indicate a new contact person.

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Upon submission, the contact person defined here will become the primary contact person for the tender, also known as the PCoCo (primary coordinator contact).

The person indicated here will thus appear as the contact person in the submission report. The e-mail address indicated will be used by the contracting authority for all communications related to this submission, including the notification of the outcome of the procedure. It is your responsibility to provide a valid e-mail address and to check it regularly. 

You will click Next> to continue your submission.

(info) In case the contact person indicated by the submitter

If this person does not have an EU Login account,

the system will automatically create

a temporary EU Login account

for the indicated e-mail and will send a message requesting

will be automatically created based on the indicated email address. The person will be invited by email to complete the EU Login registration.

 In this message, there is

The invitation will be an automatic system message with no reference to the request procedure.

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Click Done after defining the contact person and then Next (2) to continue your submission.

Upload the tender data

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The type of information required is determined by the procedure type.

A form pops up. Encode the amount of your offer in the appropriate field In the step 'Tender data' you will see a field to encode the total amount of your submission (1). 

(info) As from 21/09/2022, the “Total amount” field will not be shown any longer in case of best price-quality ratioawarding method  If your total amount exceeds the contracting authority’s maximum budget announced in the request, you will receive a warning. The warning does not prevent you from proceeding with your submission - you should check the request for specific contract documents for the legal consequences. 

In requests under FWCs with reopening of competition. With this modification we minimise the need of clarifications required in case the encoded tender amount is not identical with the amount included in the uploaded financial tender.Before being able to proceed to the next step, you need to confirm that your specific tender complies with the minimum requirements specified in the procurement documents (2).If you confirm that your tender does not comply with the minimum requirements, it is mandatory request documents or, if it does not, to provide an explanation in the dedicated text box. The confirmation of the compliance or non-compliance and the explanation in case of non-compliance (2). This statement will be reflected in the submission report.

After clicking on the Save button (3), you can upload the offer.

(warning) Make sure you always click the Save button after entering the total amount and the confirmation about the (non) compliance.

Upload your submission documents in the Attachments sectionDepending on the framework contract and the procedure type, some documents are mandatory. They are marked with a red asterisk. You will not be able to continue until they are uploaded. Following the procurement documents, you might also need to upload one document containing both offers: the financial and technical offers. In that case, you may upload the same document twice but with a different name. The accepted formats vary according to the procedure. Click on the system requirements hyperlink hyperlink to get view the list of accepted file types. 

Upload the mandatory documents in the attachments section. First, select which type of document you are uploading from the list on the right (4). T hose marked with asterisk are mandatory. 

Then, drag and drop the file in the dashed area. Alternatively, click on C hoose file to browse your computer.

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  You can see which documents have been uploaded by clicking on the Submission documents button on the left side of the screen. 

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To proceed click on Next Once  you consider the tender data is correct and the submission complete, click on  Next> (5).   T he button will be active only if all mandatory data and documents have been provided.

(warning) At this stage, your draft submission, including all your documents, is not submitted yet.

Preview the submission report

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The submission report is generated by the system and is part of the submission. The report lists all the documents included in the submission and includes the details of the contact person and the person making the submission.

eSubmission automatically generates  and and adds the submission report to your submission. You can consult the report on the screen or download it for your own records (before submitting the tender). You don’t need to sign and upload the signed report in eSubmission.

(info) Note that if you do not download the submission report at this stage, you will not be able to view it anymore as it will not be accessible on eSubmission or the F&T Portal

The details of the contact person and the submitter are mentioned in the report.

To download the submission report click on this button:

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After viewing the submission report, if you consider the submission complete and ready for submission, click on Next> to continue.

(warning) The The submission report is not a proof of submission. You have  have not submitted yet  . Please proceed to the next step and and   click on Submit   to to finalise the submission.


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When you are ready to submit your tender, click on  Submit Image Modified.

The system will display a confirmation message similar to this one. 

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Click Yes if you want to confirm and continue the submission. You will then no longer be able to modify this submission.

After you have submitted:

  • An e-mail email notification will be sent to the email address of the Contact Person contact person indicated in the tender submission (PCoCo) and the  email email address (if different) linked to the EU Login account used to submit the tender  (CoCo). 
  • Both the person making the submitter submission and the designated contact person get the get the notifications in the Funding F& Tenders portal T Portal as well . (See the bell icon next to your name.(F&T Portal section My notifications )
  • This e-mail email notification contains a link to the Funding & Tenders Portal where the F&T Portal where you can find the Submission Receiptthe submission receipt.
  • A message is displayed , which includes a number of links to the Funding & Tenders portal:

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  • Use the Display where you can click on the Display your submission link to open the relevant section in the Funding F& Tenders T Portal and find the submission receipt. Submission Receipt.

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  • Your submission will be available in under My Invitation(s) section of the F&T Portal. Search for the invitation to participate in the portal and click on the submission link in order to display the submission. In the Action menu, you will find the option to view the receipt.

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(warning) The Submission Receipt constitutes proof of compliance with the time limit for receipt of submissions. 

Manage a submission draft

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Resume a submission draft

If the invitation status is "acknowledged" (1) , y ou can click on the submission link (2) in order to display the draft submission (3). The Action menu next to the draft submission shows an option to edit (4) this draft submission. Clicking on it will re-direct you to eSubmission.

Delete a submission draft

Search for invitation to participate in the F&T portal and click on the submission link (1) in order to display the draft submission. The Action menu next to the draft submission shows an option to delete (2) this draft submission from the Funding & Tenders Portal. Clicking on it will re-direct you to eSubmission where you will confirm that you want to delete it and you will be asked to provide the reason for deletion.

The  Action menu is not available for the tenders with the status Deleted. Once a draft tender has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved be retrieved by the tenderer. 

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Multiple submissions

You can prepare multiple submissions and send several ones Unless your FWC foresees a maximum number of submissions per contractor in response to a request for specific contract, you may prepare and submit several submissions until the submission deadline is reached.

The latest submission will be considered In that case a pop up will appear informing you on which will be taken into account for the evaluation. 

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Withdraw a submission

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In case of Re-opening of competition, you can withdraw a submission You can withdraw your submission only in case the request for specific contract is made under a FWC with reopening of competition and only until the submission deadline is reached and the invitation status is "closed".

Search for the invitation to participate in the F&T portal and click on the submission link (1) in order to display the submission. The Action menu next to the submitted submission may will show an option to withdraw the submission (2) . Clicking on it will re-direct you to eSubmission .

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where you need to confirm the withdrawal and provide the reason for it.

Image AddedYou will be prompted to add a reason for this withdrawal and confirm you want to withdraw.

After confirming the withdrawal, you can use the  Display Display your submission link to open the relevant section in the Funding F& Tenders T Portal and find the withdrawal receipt. Your withdrawn submission will be available in Search for the invitation under My Invitation(s) . Search for the invitation to participate in the portal and click on the submission link in order to display the submission. In the Action menu, you will find the option to view the withdrawal receipt (1) .

Once you have withdrawn a submission, you cannot view, edit or submit it again.

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