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The Activities section of the application form  asks for information on the learner and staff mobility activities you intend to implement and the planned resources. Our example below shows how to complete this part of your application form using a KA131-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by internal policy funds application form

First you will add he type of activities and, if applicable, the blended intensive programmes you wish to organise, then indicate the estimated number of participants for each activity. The total estimated number of participants at project level will be calculated automatically and displayed.

You will also fill in the estimated share of students and recent graduates eligible for the top-up for fewer opportunities, as well as the budget share you intend to use for international mobility.

Image Added


Questions or fields may vary depending on the action type you apply for and the selected activity. Please read the onscreen information carefully to complete the relevant fields and sections.

titleRelevant For...

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ Call year 20232024
    • KA131-HED - Mobility of higher education students and staff staff supported by internal policy funds
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Before you start

  • The  Context  section must have been completed, indicating at least the project start date and duration.
  • The  Participating Organisations  section must have been completed, by adding the Applicant organisation and, if already identified, the planned hosting organisationsapplicable, consortium members.


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Numbered Headings

Open "Activities" 

Click on   Activities in the Content menu. The  Activities  screen opens.  List of Mobility Activities, Blended Intensive Programmes and Budget share for international mobility are available for completion in this part of your application form. 

Access the Activities section from the Content menuImage Removed

Here you will addthe required information about the planned activities and blended intensive programmes.

Click to open the Activities section in the Content menuImage Added


Fill in the planned

"Mobility Activities"

and fill in the details

For each To provide information for your first planned mobility activity, click on the  Add an activity  button. 

Click on the Add an activity button under List of Mobility ActivitiesImage Removed


You can only add one activity of each type.

Add activityImage Added

An empty row displays is displayed in the list with an ID 1assigned in incremental order.  Select the Activity type  from the available drop-down list and provide the the Estimated No of participants.Click on the green check icon to save the information.

Provide the required information and save the changesImage Removed

Add additional Mobility Activities

Click on the Add an activity button to add additional mobility activities and complete in the same way, if required. Each added Mobility activity will receive an ID. The Total number of participants for all activities is calculated automatically calculated


There cannot be two different activities of the same Activity type within the same application.

In our example below we have added one activity of each type.

Select activity type and provide required informationImage AddedAdding additional Mobility Activities using the Add an activity buttonImage Removed

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Update or Delete a

"Mobility Activity"

mobility activity

To  update an already completed Mobility Activity:

  1. Click on the Edit (pencil) icon for the activity to update.
  2. Make the desired changes to the activity type and/or number of participants. 
  3. Click on the green check button to save the changes. 

Edit a Mobility ActivityImage Removed

To delete a Mobility Activity from the list:

  • Click on the X icon for the activity to remove.
  • update the number of participants for a given activity, simply update the value in the relevant activity row.

    To delete a mobility activity from the list, click on the Delete (X) icon for the activity you wish remove, then confirm


    the deletion by clicking on


    Yes in the Delete Activity pop-up window.

    Delete a Mobility ActivityImage RemovedDelete a mobility activityImage Added


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    Provide details for

    Add "Blended Intensive Programmes", if applicable

    and fill in the details

    If your organisation, as the applicant, or another consortium member, plan to organise blended intensive programmes, these must be added to the application form following these steps for each programme:

    1. Click on the

    Adding Blended Intensive Programmes is optional. To add such programmes: 

    1. If required, click on the Add a blended intensive programme button. A new row displays in the list.
    2. Add an Estimated the Estimated number of participants ,(not involved in delivering the programme) - a minimum of 15 10 participants is required. 
    3. Click on the Add a blended intensive programm button to add additional Blended Intensive Programmes, if required. 
    Adding a Blended Intensive Programme activityImage Removed

    The total Number of blended intensive programmes for which funding is requested is calculated automatically and displayed.

    In our example below we have added two blended intensive programmes:

    Add a Blended intensive programmeImage Added

    Update or Delete a "

    Blended Intensive Programme

    blended intensive programme"

    To update the update the number of participants for an existing Blended Intensive Programme, click blended intensive programme, simply update the value in the relevant field and update the value as desiredprogramme row.

    To remove a Blended Intensive Programme delete a mobility activity from the list, click on the  Delete button for the programme to remove and confirm the deletion by clicking on on YES in the pop-up confirmation window.Delete (X) icon for the activity you wish remove, then confirm the deletion by clicking on Yes in the Delete Blended intensive programmes pop-up window.

    Delete a blended intensive programme activityImage AddedDelete a Blended Intensive Programme activityImage Removed

    <div class="page-break-ruler">&nbsp;<> </div> 

    Fill in the "Estimated share of students and recent graduates eligible for the top-up for fewer opportunities"

    In this section, you have to fill in the estimated share (percentage) of students and recent graduates eligible for the top-up for fewer opportunities out of the total requested number of student mobilities.

    Type the applicable number in the percentage field. If no mobilities are eligible per the Erasmus+ Programme guide rules, enter 0.


    The value you provide should not take into account incoming mobilities to the blended intensive programmes organised by your consortium.

    Provide the Estimated share of students and recent graduates eligible for the top-up for fewer opportunitiesImage Added

    Fill in "Budget share for international mobility"

    The last section of the activities is Budget share for international mobility. Here you have to fill in the in the share (percentage) of the awarded project budget in % you intend to use for international mobilities, for example for activities of type Mobility namely for the mobility of students and staff between Programme and Partner Countriesfrom EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme to Third countries not associated to the Programme. A maximum of 20% of the awarded budget can be requested. 

    Fill in the budget share Type a value between 0 and 20% without 20 in the percentage signfield. Enter 0, if no international activities are planned. 


    The value you provide should not take into account incoming mobilities to the blended intensive programmes organised by your consortium.

    Provide the Budget share for international mobilityImage AddedProvide Budget share for international mobilityImage Removed

    Example of a completed "Activities" section

    Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.

    Activities marked complete in Content menuImage Removed

    The number of activities added to the application, not including blended intensive programmes is displayed in the Content menu.

    Activities marked complete in Content menuImage Added

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