OEET is a web-based application used by experts to record their evaluations of the proposals and project reports that have been assigned to them by the entity that hired them. The term 'project' is used generically throughout this page to signify proposals, applications and project reports.
This page describes how the Online Expert Evaluation Tool (OEET) is used by experts to record the assessments they carry out for EACEA, DG EAC and the National Agencies.
The page OEET Expert Menu and Navigation provides information on the basic functionalities of OEET. It is advised to read this page before you start assessing projects.
The OEET Assessment tool does not support a multi assessment approach using the same browser. In order to work in multiple assessments at the same time, you need to open each assessment in a different browser (project 1 in Internet Explorer and project 2 in Firefox).
If you open the second assessment in the same browser and if you try to change from one assessment to the other, the system will display the following error message:
You cannot open multiple assessments in the same browser. Please open required Assessment file again to continue.
Please note that if you try to perform this operation, all the data that was not saved will be lost. Ensure that you work in only one assessment at a time with the same browser.
After logon to OEET Assessment, the first page is the programme list displaying the programme(s) and action(s) that you are engaged to work on.
Take note
If you see a header with an empty screen, it means you have not yet been assigned to any programme. Contact the programme team that engaged you.
Please check carefully that this list corresponds to the files you have received. In case of a mismatch, notify your contact in the programme team immediately.
Click on the button Assessment List to open the list of projects.
To start the assessment of the project, click the Assess button.
The assessment screen opens, consisting of:
The recommended order for section navigation and completion of the assessment is:
Take note
The menu content, its order and the section labels vary according to the programme / action that is under assessment.
Click on Application and Annexes in the section navigation. The list of project documents required for the assessment opens. From here you can download, save or print the application or reports package. Click on the Download button(s) to bring up the option to open or save the individual documents.
Click on Award Criteria in the section navigation. This section contains the criteria to be evaluated by you. Each criterion has to be given a score. In the Score column the maximum score for each award criteria is displayed.
Depending on the Programme/action that is under assessment, a supporting comment may also be required. Once the scores (and comments, if applicable) are provided, click Save.
Example Scoring screen:
The total of the scoring you add in this section is automatically updated in the General section. Depending on the programme, it can appear in different formats, such as percentage or as a simple score.
For some programmes, a decision rating drop-down is available in the General section. Click on General in the section menu.
Depending on the programme, the rating drop-down menu(s) will either be active, meaning you can use it to select a rating or inactive.
If the decision rating drop-down is inactive, the rating is automatically completed by the tool; based on the scores you recorded in the Scoring section. The menu is greyed out and displays the value calculated. You have the option to provide comments.
Click Save.
Example for inactive decision rating:
Example for active decision rating.
Select from the available drop-downs, add a comment and Save.
Click on Typology Questions in the section navigation. The Typology section screen opens. This section contains a set of questions to be answered using check boxes.
Where necessary, supporting comments and comments should also be recorded. The questions and check boxes displayed vary, depending on the programme.
Take note
Questions are positively formulated, meaning checking the check box means that the requirement has been met whilst letting it unchecked will mean that the requirement has not been met.
After you provided the required information, click Save.
Example Typology screen:
Once you completed all sections of the assessment you can submit it.
Take note
Do not submit your assessment until all sections of your assessment are complete and saved. Once you submit your assessment it becomes read-only. The content is locked and can no longer be modified.
To submit, click on Assessment Validation in the section menu.
Click the Submit button. Confirm the submission by selecting OK in the pop up. Note: At this point you can still cancel this process by clicking Cancel in the pop up.
Once submission is done, a confirmation message appears. A Submitted date stamp is added and the Submitted watermark is applied to the whole assessment.
Clicking on Project List in the section menu brings you back to the Project List. The Submission date and, if applicable, the Decision are added.
If you open the assessment again, it now displays the Submitted watermark.
You can print your assessment at any time, even before submission, using the print button which is displayed throughout the form.
Click the Print button and follow the instructions on screen.
Depending on your browser settings, the assessment either opens in PDF format in a tab or pops up in a new window in your PDF viewer. Once printed (or saved), you can close the browser tab or the PDF window that popped up.
When you print your assessment prior to submission, the word Draft will appear as a watermark on the print out.
The print out of the assessment after submission does not have a watermark.
Take note
If you are required to print and sign your assessments, it must the submitted version that you use for this. Versions bearing the Draft watermark, even signed ones, are not accepted.
After submission, an assessment becomes read-only and cannot be modified. Should you need to revise the submitted assessment you have to contact the Agency for which you are working.
If the proposed changes are deemed necessary, the assessment will be reopened and you will be able to revise and resubmit it.
The reopened assessment will be identified as Version 2. It contains all the information and scoring you originally entered.
The original submission date is cleared and the new version number is displayed on the General page. You can now make any modifications and re-submit the assessment.
Click on the Project List link in the section menu to return to the list of projects allocated to you. From here you can select another project for assessment.
You can also return to the project list or return to the list of programmes using the 'breadcrumb' navigation trail.
Take note
If you use the breadcrumb trail to navigate away from an assessment that you are working on you will lose any unsaved data. Therefore only use the breadcrumb trail when you have finished working on an assessment and saved all data or after you just submitted an assessment.
On the other hand, clicking on the Project List link in the section menu to navigate away from an assessment invokes an automatic save of the assessment in progress.