ESC50/ESC52 - Quality Label projects
The following sections are available in accreditations carried out under ESC50/ESC52 Quality Labels, call year 2019 onward:
- Details - Displays the general information regarding the Quality Label, such as the Programme, Key Action, Action type, Call, Accreditation Code, Accreditation field, Accreditation type, Roles, Status, Validity start and end date, as well as the responsible National Agency.
- Participating organisations - Allows you to view the list of organisations for the Quality Label. Only the Quality Label owner, the Accredited organisation, is listed.
- Associated persons - Allows you to manage the project contacts and their access rights.
- Hosting locations - Allows you to view the locations of the host organisation for the Quality label for the Host role.
- Activity plan - Displays the goals, plans, expected benefits, a link with the programme objectives, as well as a broad planning for activities to be organised and volunteers to be supported by the organisations holding the Quality label for the Lead role (ESC50 only).
- Reports and updates - Allows you to submit the Accreditation Progress Report, if requested by the National Agency.
See below for details on how to manage these project sections. For a quick overview of the basic functionalities of the Beneficiary module, please view the eLearning videos.
For additional information regarding the quality label in the Beneficiary module, see ESC52 and ESC50 Quality Label for beneficiaries.