
Take note

The illustrations in the Application Forms wiki pages are for consultation purpose only and may not always reflect the latest implementation.

There may be minor changes to the screen appearance and layout which are described on the updated page: How to complete the application form

This part of your application form asks for information about the Budget for mobility activities you plan to organise and the amount of EU grant you are requesting to implement them. 

General information for the activities and their mobilities must have been added in the separate Activities section.

How to complete the Budget section in KA122 application

In the Budget section you must add detailed budget information related to each mobility flow:

  • Travel Costs for participants and accompanying persons
  • Individual Support
  • Linguistic Support (if applicable)
  • Preparatory Visits (if applicable)
  • Inclusion Support (if applicable)
  • Exceptional costs (if applicable)

Once completed, the calculations can be verified in the Budget Summary and Budget Details.

Our example below shows how to complete this part of your application form using a Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education (KA122-SCH) application form

Questions or fields may vary depending on the action type you apply for and the selected activity. Please read the onscreen information carefully to complete the relevant fields and sections.

This page is relevant for:

  • Erasmus+ Call year 2024, Round 2
    • KA122-SCH - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in school education
    • KA122-VET - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in vocational education and training 
    • KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of learners and staff in adult education 

Before you start

  • The Context section must have been completed, indicating at least the project start date and duration.
  • The Participating Organisation section must have been completed, by adding the Applicant organisation and, if already identified, the supporting organisations.
  • The Background and Project objectives sections must have been completed.
  • The Activities section must have been completed and all mobilities added.



1. Open "Budget" 

Click on Budget in the Content menu. The Budget screen opens. 

The budget section details budget information related to the planned activities and their mobilities specified in the Activities section.

The budget contains a summary and a number of subsections depending on the action type and the activities requested. The details can be displayed or hidden in the Content menu by clicking on the arrow next to Budget. 

All detailed sections must be completed except Organisational Support, which is prefilled based on information specified in the Activities section of the form. 

The Budget sections are:

  • Budget (Summary and Details)
    • Organisational Support (prefilled)
    • Travel
    • Individual Support
    • Linguistic Support
    • Preparatory visits
    • Inclusion Support
    • Exceptional costs

Take note

You can collapse the Content menu using the dedicated arrow to gain more space on your screen. 

Open Budget

You can navigate to the different subsections in the budget in three ways:

  1. Select a section directly in the Content menu.
  2. Go to previous / next subsections by using the previous / next arrows in top right corner of the page.
  3. In any subsection, click on the Go to button and select the appropriate section from the drop-down list.

Navigate to budget details

2. View Budget calculations

2.1. View "Budget summary"

The Budget summary includes information per activity type and totals for:

  • Organisational support
  • Individual support
  • Travel
  • Course fees
  • Linguistic support
  • Preparatory visits
  • Inclusion support 
  • Total

Initially, the summary displays only budget information based on the organisation details and activity information entered in previous steps. It is updated as information is added in the budget screens, as described below.

Budget items that are not applicable for a particular activity type are marked as Not applicable.

View Budget summary


2.2. View Budget Details

The Budget details include information per activity type and totals for:

  • Individual support for participants
  • Individual support for accompanying persons
  • Standard travel
  • Inclusion support for participants
  • Inclusion support for organisations

View Budget details


3. Provide additional budget information

3.1. Organisational Support

In the Content menu select Organisational Support under the Budget section. The information in this section is prefilled, based on information specified in the Activities section.

Organisational support covers various costs directly linked to the implementation of mobility activities and not covered by other cost categories.

Organisation support grant is calculated automatically for each mobility flow based on activity type, countries involved and number of participants.

The Organisational support screen displays the rates and the calculation grant for each mobility flow as well as totals.

Organisational support


3.2. Travel

In the Content menu select Travel under the Budget section. 

Travel costs must be specified per mobility flow / activity.

The travel grant covers the return travel costs of participants and accompanying persons from their place of origin to the venue of the activity.

Most information is prefilled in the screen, but you must specify the following:

  • Exceptional costs for expensive travel - check the available box if applicable - note that if selected, you must specify the costs in the Exceptional costs subsection.
  • Sustainable means of transport (green travel) - check the available box if applicable
  • Travel distance - select from drop-down list 

 The Travel unit cost and Travel grant are calculated automatically based on the specified information.

Distance bands for green travel and standard travel may differ for your destination country(ies). If you are planning to use green travel, make sure you check the relevant checkbox before selecting the distance band.


Initiate exceptional costs for expensive travel


3.3. Individual Support

In the Content menu select Individual support under the Budget section.

Individual support covers costs of subsistence for participants and accompanying persons during the activity.

Individual support is calculated per mobility flow.

Most information is prefilled in the screen, but you must specify:

  • the number of Travel days for each mobility flow 

The Individual support grant for participants and Individual support grant for accompanying persons, as well as the totals per flow and per project, are updated automatically based on the specified information.

Individual Support


3.4. Linguistic support

In the Content menu, select Linguistic support under the Budget section.

Linguistic support covers the costs for providing language learning materials and training to participants who need to improve the knowledge of the language they will use to study or receive training during their activity. Linguistic support is only applicable for some activities.

You must specify:

  • the Language - select from the drop-down list
  • the Number of participants for whom OLS is available

The Linguistic support grant for participants is calculated automatically based on the specified information. If OLS is available for all participants, the total Linguistic support grant will be 0 (zero) EUR.

Linguistic support


3.5. Preparatory visits

In the Content menu select Preparatory visits under the Budget section.

Preparatory visits may be applicable for each mobility flow.

Take note

Funding is limited to 3 persons per preparatory visit and one preparatory visit per host organisation.

You must specify:

  • the Number of persons taking part in preparatory visits - if no preparatory visit is foreseen, type 0 (zero).

The Preparatory visits grant is calculated automatically based on the specified information

Preparatory visits


3.6. Inclusion support

In the Content menu select Inclusion support under the Budget section.

Inclusion support covers various costs related to the organisation of mobility activities for participants with fewer opportunities.

Inclusion support is applicable for each mobility flow.

  • Inclusion support for organisations is pre-calculated based on the number of participants with fewer opportunities.
  • For each mobility flow that includes participants with fewer opportunities, specify the total amount requested for Inclusion support for participants, then fill in the Description and justification of expenses in the available field.

Inclusion support


3.7. Exceptional costs

In the Content menu, select Exceptional costs under the Budget section.

The following types of exceptional costs may be claimed:

  • Exceptional costs for expensive travel - when this checkbox is selected in the Travel subsection of the Budget section.
  • Exceptional costs for visa and other entry requirements 
  • Financial guarantee - if requested by the National Agency.
3.7.1.  Exceptional costs for expensive travel

If you selected Exceptional costs for expensive travel for a mobility flow in the Travel subsection, a line has already been added in the Exceptional Costs section for each flow requiring exceptional travel grant. Here you must specify:

  • Description and justification of expenses
  • Eligible costs (EUR)

The Eligible amount is calculated automatically based on the specified information and the predefined support rate.

Exceptional costs for expensive travel
3.7.2.  Exceptional costs for visa and other entry requirements

To request coverage for Exceptional costs for visa and other entry requirements, click the blue Add element button. A new row is added.

You must specify:

  • Cost type - select from the drop-down list
  • Mobility flow ID - select from the drop-down list the flow for which the exceptional costs are expected
  • Type the Number of participants supported with this cost item
  • Provide a Description and justification of expenses
  • Type the Eligible costs (EUR) amount

The Eligible amount is calculated automatically based on the specified information and the predefined support rate.

Exceptional costs for visa and other entry requirements

3.7.3. Financial guarantee requested by the National Agency

To request coverage for a Financial guarantee, tick the checkbox: The National Agency has requested a financial guarantee.

You must specify:

  • the Amount of financial guarantee

The Eligible amount is calculated automatically based on the specified information and the predefined support rate.

Financial guarantee requested by the National Agency

4. Example of a completed "Budget" section

Once you have correctly completed all sections and subsections, the section is marked with a green check.

Complete budget KA122

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