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Implementation issues

#WFS #WMS #Linkage aspects #DOWNLOAD_LINK_IS_AVAILABLE #Stored Query #Missing Resources #Implementation issues

If you are providing network services that are not being shown in the INSPIRE Geoportal after harvesting it might be due to missing linkages aspects.  

Check out some related issues next and refer to the Resource linkages checker tool section .

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk: 

#Geoportal 'view options' #Geoportal 'download options'  #Coordinate systems #CRS 

The INSPIRE Geoportal provides information on the datasets available based on their metadata records as well as the service capabilities of the network services. This is the case for the Coordinate reference attribute.

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

#Code list tagging  #Priority data sets #Spatial Scope #INSPIRE Registry

To help discovering and retrieving more easily and accurately the INSPIRE resources, new code lists have been published in the INSPIRE Registry. This is the case of  the  Priority data sets code list and the Spatial Scope code list

Check out the guidance documents to implement them:  Priority data sets guidance and  Spatial Scope guidance

Should you see any issue with the code list content or should you be willing to provide a translation please get in touch with INSPIRE registry team through its dedicated issue tracker.

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

#Conformant #WFS #Good examples

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

INSPIRE Geoportal components

#Validation #ETF #bugs

The INSPIRE Reference Validator (ETF) is the tool that assesses the correctness and the conformance of the INSPIRE resources. The INSPIRE Geoportal works as an "INSPIRE Client" attempting to extract information from INSPIRE Resources. Its evaluation messages are now informational only.

Therefore, if a resource is valid for the ETF, then, the INSPIRE Geoportal shall be able to extract information from it unless of course, there is a bug in one of the two tools or both.

If you have any issue concerning the way the validator assess your resources, please open an issue in the INSPIRE Reference Validator issue tracker.

Note that the old ´Geoportal Validator´ also known as ´Validator 2´ has been dismissed as of 15th of May 2019. 

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

#HarvestingConsole #How-to #Frequency #Status

Many issues raised have to do with the functioning of the Harvesting Console tool.  Check out the Harvesting Console Guide to have detailed information on how to access and manage it.

Moreover, to know from which harvesting date are the resources provided by the INSPIRE Geoportal, check out the Harvesting Status page.

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

#CSW #Filter #OGC Filter #Discovery service #harvesting protocol

If you need to modify or apply a filter on your national CSW endpoint open an issue in the INSPIRE Help-desk issue tracker with the filter in it. (TBR)

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

#Linkage aspects #tool #Resource linkages checker tool #Resource Browser

The Resource linkages checker tool helps to understand the reason behind 'missing linkages', errors that refrain the INSPIRE Geoportal from establishing properly the link between the data sets and the network services through the metadata records. It helps to discover errors but it is not a validator. 

 This tool emulates the checks by the INSPIRE Geoportal by implementing the 'Geoportal workflow for establishing links between datasets and network services' document.

The tool makes use as well of the INSPIRE Resource Browser, a tool that helps you filter through its many facets aspects of the INSPIRE resources available in the INSPIRE Geoportal

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

General issues on the INSPIRE Geoportal

# INSPIRE Geoportal CSW endpoint 

The INSPIRE Geoportal has its own CSW service available at:

It supports the minimum requirements for INSPIRE Discovery Services

1) HTTP POST  binding for GetRecords, no HTTP GET which is optional in CSW 2.0.2:

2) Only ogc:Filter is supported as constraint language, no CQL:

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

#licensing conditions #INSPIRE Geoportal

This will depend on the data set you select. The INSPIRE geoportal does not centrally store or manage the data sets provided by public authorities in the Member States. However, the data providers should provide their data sets through "network services" in compliance with the INSPIRE legal acts. However, these have not been implemented yet in all cases and/or may require prior registration or payment. Therefore, you should refer to the "Conditions Applying To Access and Use" given for the individual data sets.

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

#translation #multilingualism #automatic translation

List of related issues/answers from the INSPIRE Geoportal Help-desk:

#Inprovements # bugs #Suggestions #Contact form

If you think you are faced with a bug in any of the INSPIRE Geoportal components, please open an issue in the INSPIRE helpdesk issue tracker after checking the FAQ section

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