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Wednesday, 4th of July 2018, 15:00-16:30 CEST

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Recording:  Streaming, Download


TimeAgenda itemDocument(s)

Welcome and approval of the agenda (JRC)

15:05-15:20Context and tasks of the sub-group (JRC)

Action mandate: Action 2017.2 on alternative encodings for INSPIRE data

Call for participation: MIG temporary sub-group 2017.2 on Alternative Encodings

Example encoding rules: Guidelines for the RDF encoding of spatial data

15:20-15:30Round-table of sub-group members (all)
  • introduction (name, affiliation, expertise)
  • planned contributions to the the tasks of the sub-group
    1. developing an encoding rule for GeoJSON (as a first example)

    2. developing generic rules / approaches for flattening the INSPIRE data models (which will be useful for a number of alternative encodings)

    3. developing the overall procedure for proposing and endorsing additional encodings


Work plan / approach (JRC)

  1. developing an encoding rule for GeoJSON (as a first example)

  2. developing generic rules / approaches for flattening the INSPIRE data models (which will be useful for a number of alternative encodings)

  3. developing the overall procedure for proposing and endorsing additional encodings

Context, deliverables, (rough) work plan and tools: 20180704 2017.2 Kick-off meeting.pptx

16:00-16:15Working methods and tools (JRC)
  • Collaboration tools (wiki, issue trackers, e-mail, webex, ...)
  • Frequency of meetings

16:15-16:30Open questions & AOB



The minutes summarise the main conclusions and actions from the meeting. Actions are indicated in the minutes using checkboxes and are tracked in the "Open actions" section below.


Karin Wannemacher (AT), Scott Wilson (Eurocontrol), Ilkka Rinne (FI), Peter Parslow (UK), Clemens Portele (DE), Nathalie Delattre, Gael Kruwialis (BE), Paul Janssen (NL), Alexander Kotsev, Robert Tomas, Michael Lutz (JRC)

Welcome and approval of the agenda

The agenda was approved without changes.

Context and tasks of the sub-group

The overall context and background for the action and the tasks of the sub-group were introduced.

The outcomes of the planned work on simplification rules could also be used to create simplified GML encodings. This has been one of the encodings that has received most widespread support during the consultation with the MIG.

Round-table of sub-group members

The following points were raised during the round-table:

  • The work plan should also include testing of the resulting data with different client applications (desktop, web) and how to serve the data (in alternative encodings) through download services.
  • There should be a close link to action 2017.3 on improved client support for INSPIRE data.
  • Simplification in the mapping from the conceptual model to the target data structure should not only include flattening of complext structures, but also specific (pre-defined) mappings for certain complex types (e.g. GeographicalName) and/or profiling, e.g. selecting only certain properties and types that are relevant for a specific purpose (e.g. addresses for postal delivery).
  • Simplification may need to be done differently depending on the theme and/or purpose. It may not (always) be possible to do simplification only by applying automatic rules, but can require as a first step the mapping from the conceptual to a (simplified) implementation model (see also the minutes from the Paris meeting in 2014).
  • There are issues with existing simplification/flattening procedures, and these are carried out using different combinations of (homegrown) rules. It is therefore important to come up with a common set of rules (and maybe combinations of rules).
  • Additional resources / background reading for this action include:
  • Alternatives encoding might fulfil all (legal) requirements specified for INSPIRE, or also only some of them. In the former case, they could be used as the only encoding to meet one's INSPIRE obligations, in the former case only in addition to another, fullt INSPIRE compliant encoding. Such possible limitations should be clearly stated in the encoding, but also when proposing it for endorsement by the MIG.

The participants indicated their planned contributions to the the tasks of the sub-group, as follows:

  • Developing an encoding rule for GeoJSON: Alexander Kotsev (testing of resulting data), Ilkka Rinne, Karin Wannemacher, Peter Parslow (reviewer), Clemens Portele, Scott Wilson (examples, review and testing, mainly for TN), Michael Lutz

  • Developing generic rules / approaches for simplification (incl. flattening): Ilkka Rinne, Nathalie Delattre, Paul Janssen, Peter Parslow, Clemens Portele, Robert Tomas, Michael Lutz

  • Developing the overall procedure for proposing and endorsing additional encodings: Karin Wannemacher, Michael Lutz

  • Observers: Gael Kruwialis

Work plan / approach

The proposed approach for the 3 main deliverables was agreed, with the following comments:

  • Task 1 should focus on schema and instance conversion rules. The task of writing the actual encoding rule will be supported by a contractor to start in September/October. The encoding rule should include a clear definition of the purpose(s) the proposed GeoJSON encoding will be used for.
  • Task 2 should not only discuss flattening, but more generally simplification rules. The starting point for the GP document should be rules that are actually needed / used in the collected examples or for task 1.
  • Task 3 should be based on the new procedure for INSPIRE Good Practice documents was accepted. The question whether a proposed alternative encoding fully or only partly meets the INSPIRE requirements should be clearly stated in the encoding, but also when proposing it for endorsement by the MIG.

The proposed work plan was generally agreed, but should also include the creation of a common glossary and testing of how data in the proposed alternative encoding can be consumed in client applications. The work should focus mainly on tasks 1 and 2.

  • JRC to propose an updated and more detailed work plan  

The work until the next meeting will focus onthe follwing task.

  • All to provide examples / existing implementations for GeoJSON encodings (also including data that is not strictly INSPIRE-compliant, but similar) and implementations where specific simplification rules have been applied.  
  • JRC to propose a template for collecting existing examples  
  • All to propose terms and definitions to be included in the glossary.  
  • JRC to start a glossary page.

Working methods and tools

The following tools will be used:

  • Wiki on the (new) MIG collaboration platform for meeting minutes, sharing documents and actions

  • Github as issue tracker for discussing open issues

    • JRC to set up an organisation/repository
  • Github & AsciiDoc for editing documents

    • Clemens to share tutorials or documentation on using AsciiDoc with Github
  • Mailing list for e-mail communication with the sub-group
  • JRC WebEx for regular web-conferences

The sub-group will meet on a fixed day/time in the last week of every month, starting in August.

Open questions & AOB


Open Actions

Task report

Looking good, no incomplete tasks.