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Observation status flags

The observation status flags are not applicable for the purpose of the IFS and ADM data transmissions.


Table 22 – Observation status flags

Code value

Code description

Detailed explanation



Not significant, either:

  • not collected


  • collected under own heading 

Used for a variable of low prevalence: 

  • when some data are not reported/disseminated because the data is not collected


  • when the data is collected under own heading e.g. in order to monitor the evolution of the variable over time

  • W1000T has  "OBS_STATUS"="L". The variable is not collected. In the dataset, this variable is "0" for all records, because "0" is used in this case.

  • E0000T_ORG has "OBS_STATUS"="L". The variable has data different from "0" for at least one record. The extrapolated total for this variable is different from "0".


Not significant, collected in another heading

Used for a variable of low prevalence. The data for this variable is collected. It is not collected under own heading, but it is collected under an alternative heading (field ALT_VARIABLE in the NSNE file).

C1700T has "OBS_STATUS"="N", then "ALT_VARIABLE"="C1900T"


Not existent, missing value, data cannot exist

Used to indicate a true zero

O1000T has  "OBS_STATUS"="M". The variable does not exist. In the dataset, this variable is "0" for all records.

Confidentiality status flags

The confidentiality status flags are not applicable for the purpose of IFS, ADM and NSNE.