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This page contains the (incomplete) list of publications related to the team's support on IACS processes in third party journals or conference proceedings.  Because copyright might apply, the articles are not accessible via this wikis platform.

They are sorted by JRC-number or, in absence,  year of publication.

  1. Kay, S., Léo, O., Meyer Roux J., Delincé, J., Van de Steene, M. (1997). Operational activities involving airborne remote sensing related to the common agricultural policy. 3rd International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, 7-10 July, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. I-79-86. 
  2. Peedell, S., Kay S., Giardino, G. (1998). Seeing the (olive) trees from the wood - using GIS in Europe for olive tree identification (ESRI User Conference 1998, San Diego)
  3. Delincé, J., Decocq, O., Kay, S. (1998) Le Problème des Unités d'Observation. In: Les systèmes d'information sur l'occupation et l'utilisation des sols pour les besoin des politiques communautaires, Eurostat, thème 5, CA-23-99-702, pp93-99
  4. Kay, S., Peedell, S., Léo, O., Giardino, G., (1998),. Computer-assisted recognition of Olive trees in digital imagery, ISPRS BP’98, Budapest
  5. Baruth B, Astrand P. A Possible Contribution of Remote Sensing Data to Control Area Based Rural Development Measures.. In: 4th Intern. Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development; 04 June 2003; Siena (Italy). Advances in Ecological Sciences 18; 2003. - JRC24499
  6. Kay, S., Spruyt, P., Alexandrou, K., (2003) Geometric Quality Assessment of Orthorectified VHR Space Image Data. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing vol. 69 no. 5 p. 484-491JRC25428
  7. Chevrel S, Kuosmanen V, Groesel K, Marsh S, Tukiainen T, Schaeffer U, Quental L, Vosen P, Loudjani P, Kuronen E, Aastrup P. (2003), Environmental Impacts. Remote-Sensing Monitoring of Environmental Impacts. Mining Environmental Management (November); 2003. p. 19-23. - JRC28148
  8. Spruyt P., Kay S. (2004) Quality assessment of digital airborne orthoimagery: A test study using the Leica Geosystems ADS40, GIM International, Vol. June p. 35-37JRC28007
  9. Kay S. (2005) Preventing Oversubsidisation of EU Farmers: Field Area Checks Using GPS, GIM INTERNATIONAL vol. 19 no. 7 p. 33-35 - JRC30722
  10. Kay S., (2005), GNSS assisted survey and mapping in EU geospatial data structures. In Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the Workshop on EGNOS performance and applications. 2005. - JRC30725
  11. Devos, W., Kay, S. (2005) Assessing Geometric Accuracy of Ortho-imagery: towards Product Specification of Fully Orthorectified Imagery for Urban Areas, GIM INTERNATIONAL vol. 19 no. 6 p. 14-17 - JRC30741
  12. Bogaert, P., Delincé, J., Kay, S. (2005) Assessing the Error of Polygonal Area Measurements: a General Formulation with Applications to Agriculture, Measurement Science & Technology vol. 16 p. 1170-1178 . – JRC31279
  13. Kay S. (2006) Field Area Checks using GPS Part 2: from Theory to Practice, GIM International vol. 20 no. 1 p. 43-45JRC31911
  14. Aastrand P. Controls with remote sensing of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) arable- and forage- area-based subsidies: a yearly more than 700-image and 3-M euro affair. In Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of SPIE - Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites VIII. Vol. 5570. Bellingham, WA (United States of America): SPIE; 2004. p. 577-588. - JRC32533
  15. Pluto-Kossakowska J, Kerdiles H., 2007),  Control of Land Cover during Winter using Radar Data. In Conference Proceedings: Z. Bochenek, editor. Proceedings of the 26th Symposium of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories - New Developments and Challenges in Remote Sensing. Rotterdam (The Netherlands): Millpress Science Publishers; 2007. p. 481-490. - JRC34331
  16. Winkler, P., Gyula, I., Kay, S., Spruyt, P., Zielinski, R. (2006) Quality Checking of DSM Derived from Satellite Data (SPOT and SRTM) on the Base of Hungarian High Resolution DEM, Geodézia es Kartográfia vol. 58 p. 22-31 - JRC36045
  17. Zielinski R, Kay S., (2007), Orthorectification and Geometric Quality Assessment of Cartosat-1 For Common Agricultural Policy Monitoring: Final Results. In Conference Proceedings: C. Heipke, K. Jacobsen, M. Gerke, editors. High-Resolution Earth Imaging for Geospatial Information. Vol. Volume XXXVI-1/W51. Hannover (Germany): ISPRS; 2007. p. 6. - JRC37349
  18. Pizziol P, Loudjani P, Grandgirard D., (2007), On-farm Geotraceability as Advanced Tool for a Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture. In Conference Proceedings: International Conference on Traceability for Food Safety. Suwon (Republic of Korea): Rural Development Administration (Ministry of Agriculture); 2007. p. 121-135. - JRC37401
  19. Kay, S., Sima, A (2007) Optimizing the Use of Digital Airborne Images for 2.5D Visualization, EARSeL e-Proceedings vol. 6 p. 58-66 - JRC37501
  20. Pluto-Kossakowska J, Grandgirard D, Kerdiles H., (2007), Assessment of Parcel Area Measurement based on VHR SAR Images. In Conference Proceedings: J. Mills, M. Williams, editors. Proceedings of the 2007 Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc 2007). Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society; 2007. - JRC37819
  21. Sagris V, Devos W, Milenov P, Kay S.,(2008), New Evidence of Land Management in the Frame of Common Agricultural Policy: needs for Standardization. In Conference Proceedings: FIG Working Week - Integrating Generations, Proceedings - ISBN 978-87-90907-67-9. Copenhagen (Denmark): International Federation of Serveyors; 2008. p. 1-15 (2853). - JRC44346
  22. Milenov P, Kay S., (2008), Provision of Technical Support and Regulatory Reference Information on the Control of Agriculture Subsidies in EU through Wiki-based Knowledge Management. In Conference Proceedings: Sharing Good Practices: E-learning in Surveying, Geo-information Sciences. Copenhagen (Denmark): FIG; 2008. p. 1-15. - JRC44986
  23. Pizziol P., Loudjani P.  (2008), Traceability in the EU: an Opportunity for the Common Agricultural Policy. In: Smith IG, Furness A, editors. Food Traceability around the World. Halifax (United Kingdom): Vicarage Publications; 2008. p. 20-29. - JRC45425
  24. Pluto-Kossakowska J, Grandgirard D, Zielinski R, Kay S., (2008), Assessment of the Area Measurement on Cartosat-1 Image. In Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 21st Congress ISPRS Silk Road for Information from Imagery. Vol. 37. Lemmer (The Netherlands): International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (ISPRS); 2008. p. 1315-1322. - JRC47006
  25. Milenov P, Kapnias D, Devos W., (2008), Best Practice and Quality Checking of Ortho Imagery - Toward a Common Approach . In Conference Proceedings: M. Ehlers, K. Behnche, F. W. Gerstengarbe, F. Hillen, L. Koppers, L. Stroink, J. Wachter, editors. Digital Earth Summit on Geoinformatics 2008: Tools for Global Change Research. Heidelberg (Germany): Wichmann; 2008. p. 107-112. - JRC48763
  26. Angileri V.  (2009) Politica Agricola Comune e protezione del paesaggio. In: Maria Chiara Zerbi, Federica Fiore, editors. Sviluppo sostenibile e risorse del territorio. Il ruolo del patrimonio rurale. Torino (Italy): G. Giappichelli Editore; 2009. p. 41-53. - JRC54824
  27. Kay, S., Loudjani, P (2009) Future measures for European and global agriculture, Aspects of Applied Biology p. 65-71 - JRC56316
  28. Wassenaar T., Baraldi A. and Kay S. (2010), Operational Performance of an Automatic Preliminary Spectral Rule-Based Decision-Tree Classifier of Spaceborne Very High Resolution Optical Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, No. 9, September 2010 – JRC51833
  29. Inan H.I, Sagris V., Devos W., Milenov P, van Oosterom P. and Zevenbergen J., (2010), Data model for the collaboration between land administration systems and agricultural land parcel identification systems, Journal of Environmental Management 91 (2010) 2440-2454 – JRC55737
  30. Angileri V, Fasolini D, Pampaluna M, Loudjani P. (2010) Potential use of the Farm Advisory System for successful implementation of agri-environmental schemes. In: Agri-environment schemes - what have they achieved and where do we go from here; 27 April 2010; University of Leicester (Oadby (UK). Aspects of Applied Biology (100); 2010.p. 303-310. - JRC56200
  31. Tasdemir K, Milenov P., (2010), An automated SOM clustering based on data topology. In Conference Proceedings: Michel Verleysen, editor. Proceedings of the 18th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (ESANN 2010) - ISBN 2-930307-10-2. Evere (Belgium): d-side; 2010. p. 375-380. - JRC56716
  32. Tapsall B, Milenov P, Tasdemir K. (2010), Analysis of rapieye imagery for annual landcover mapping as an aid to European Union (EU) common agricultural policy. In: ISPRS Technical Commission VII Symposium - 100 Years ISPRS Advancing Remote Sensing Science; 05 July 2010; Vienna (Austria). International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XXXVIII (7B); 2010.p. 568-573. - JRC59234
  33. Tasdemir K., Milenov P. and Tapsall B., (2011) Topology-Based Hierarchical Clustering of Self-Organizing Maps, IEEE transactions on neural networks, Vol. 22, no. 3, March 2011 – JRC62773
  34. Lucau Danila C, Kerdiles H.,(2011), GNSS Utilization in the Framework of the EU Common Agricultural Policy . In Conference Proceedings: Gerd Rosenthal, editor. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Global Navigation Satellite Systems,. Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development; 2011. p. 60-71. - JRC63703
  35. Angileri V., Loudjani P. and Serafini F., (2011), GAEC implementation in the European Union: situation and perspectives, Italian_journal_of_agronomy Italian Journal of Agronomy 2011; volume 6(s1):e2 - JRC64047
  36. Hejmanowska, B., Kay, S. (2011) A new approach to DTM error estimation basing on Laplacian probability distribution function, Archives of Photogrammetry, Cartography and Remote Sensing, Vol. 22, 2011, pp. 201-213, Polish Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, ISSN 2083-2214. - JRC64854
  37. Goncalves Da Silva V, Van Wimersma Greidanus H, Hejmanowska B, Loudjani P. (2011) UAS Applications With Societal Benefits JRC’s UAS-Related Activities. 2011-2012 UAS Yearbook - UAS: The Global Perspective 9 (June 2011); 2011. p. 127-129. - JRC66629
  38. Wiemann S., Bernard L., Wojda P., Milenov P., Sagris V. and Devos W., (2012), Web Services for Spatial Data Exchange, Schema Transformation and Validation as a Prototypical Implementation for the LPIS Quality Assurance, International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 2012, Vol.7, 66-87 – JRC67015
  39. Åstrand P.,Bongiorni M., Crespi M., Fratarcangeli F., Nowak Da Costa J., Pieralicea F. and Walczynska A. (2012) The potential of WorldView-2 for ortho-image production within the “Control with Remote Sensing Programme” of the European Commission, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 19 (2012) 335–347 – JRC67516
  40. Sagris V., Kikas T. and Angileri V., (2015), Registration of land for the common agricultural policy management: potentials for evaluation of environmental policy integration, Int. J. Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, Vol. 11, No. 1 – JRC68180
  41. Tasdemir K., Milenov P.,Tapsall B., (2012), A hybrid method combining SOM-based clustering and object-based analysis for identifying land in good agricultural condition, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 83 (2012) 92–101 – JRC68648
  42. Goncalves Da Silva V, Van Wimersma Greidanus H, Zarco Tejada P, Loudjani P. (2012),RPAS Applications With Societal Benefits - JRC’s RPAS-Related Activities. 2012 RPAS Yearbook - RPAS: The Global Perspective 10 (June 2012); 2012. p. 42-45. - JRC70563
  43. Devos, W. and Milenov, P., (2012), Introducing the TEGON as the elementary physical land cover feature. In Conference Proceedings: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Agro-Geoinformatics 2012. Amsterdam (The Netherlands): Elsevier B.V.; 2012. - JRC72112
  44. De Araujo Marinho Filho E, Fasbender D, De Kok R. (2012) Spatial Assessment of Categorical Maps: A Proposed Framework. In Conference Proceedings: Raul Queiroz Feitosa, Gilson Alexandre Ostwald Pedro da Costa, Claudia Maria de Almeida, Leila Maris Garcia Fonseca, Hermann Johann Heinrich Kux,, editors. International Conference on Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis 4 (GEOBIA). Sao José dos Campos (Brasil): National Institute for Space Research (INPE); 2012. p. 602-607 - JRC72481
  45. Sagris V., Wojda P., Milenov P. and Devos W., (2013), The harmonised data model for assessing Land Parcel Identification Systems compliance with requirements of direct aid and agri-environmental schemes of the CAP, Journal of Environmental Management 118 (2013) 40-48
  46. Diaz-Varela R.A., P.J. Zarco-Tejada P.J., Angileri V and Loudjani P. (2014), Automatic identification of agricultural terraces through objectoriented analysis of very high resolution DSMs and multispectral imagery obtained from an unmanned aerial vehicle, Journal_of_environmental_management Journal of Environmental Management 134 (2014) 117-126 – JRC81588
  47. Loudjani P., (2013), G-tech supports a Common Agriculture Policy in Europe. Geospatial World special edition on ‘Agriculture’ Septembre 2013 vol 04 (2); 2013. p. 38-40. - JRC83727
  48. Zarco-Tejada,P.J., R. Diaz-Varela R., Angileri V. and Loudjani P., (2014), Tree height quantification using very high resolution imagery acquired from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and automatic 3D photo-reconstruction methods, European_Journal_of_Agronomy European Journal of. Agronomy 55 (2014) 89–99 – JRC85114
  49. Luketic N, Toth K, Angileri V, Devos W. (2014), Greening - a new component in LPIS. In Conference Proceedings: ibl d.o.o. Osijek, editor. Uloga geodezije u uredenju zemljista i upravljanju prostorom, zbornik radova. Zagreb (Croatia): CROATIAN CHAMBER OF CHARTERED GEODETIC ENGINEERS; 2014. p. 48-54. - JRC91680
  50. Bertaglia M; Angileri V; Fasbender D. (2016), The geographic distribution and characterization of EU arable land affected by the “greening” of the Common Agricultural Policy. Eurochoices EuroChoices 15 (3); 2016. p. 39-46. - JRC91683
  51. Devos W. and Milenov P., (2014), Applying tegon, the elementary physical land cover feature, for data interoperability, in: Land Use and Land Cover Semantics - Principles, Best Practices and Prospects, ISBN 9781482237399, CRC Press, Columbia, p 243-270 – JRC92804
  52. Angileri V. Clima e suolo. Intersezioni 56; 2014. p. 1-5. - JRC93107
  53. Astrand P, Loudjani P, Richardson P. (2014)The CAP Fits. GeoConnexion International Magazine 13 (10); 2014. p. 22-24. - JRC93118
  54. Tarko A., de Bruin S., Fasbender D., Devos W. and Bregt A.K., (2015), Users’ Assessment of Orthoimage Photometric Quality for Visual Interpretation of Agricultural Fields, Remote Sens. 2015, 7, 4919-4936; - JRC93752
  55. Tóth K. and Kučas A. (2016), Spatial information in European agricultural data management. Requirements and interoperability supported by a domain model, Land Use Policy 57 (2016), p. 64–79 – JRC97996
  56. Jansen L., Badea A., Milenov P., Moise C., Vassil V., Ljudmila M. and Devos W., (2014), The use of the Land-Cover Classification System in Eastern European countries: experiences, lessons learnt and the way forward. 10.13140/RG.2.1.1993.0726.
  57. Sengupta A., Lemmen C., Devos W., Bandyopadhyay D., and van der Veen A., (2014), Constructing a seamless digital cadastral database using colonial cadastral maps and VHR imagery – an Indian perspective, Survey Review 2014 VOL 0 – JRC101613
  58. Tzilivakis J., Warner D.J., Green A., Lewis K.A. and Angileri V.,(2016), An indicator framework to help maximise potential benefits for ecosystem services and biodiversity from ecological focus areas, Ecological_indicators Ecological Indicators 69 (2016) 859–872 – JRC101946
  59. Tóth K. and Kučas A. (2018), Conformance testing of geographic information. A case study on the Land Parcel Identification System, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 70 (2018), p. 71–83 - JRC106675
  60. Ottoy, S., Angileri, V., Gibert, C., Paracchini, M., Pointereau, P., Terres, J., Van Orshoven, J., Vranken, L. and Dicks, L., (2018),Impacts of selected Ecological Focus Area options in European farmed landscapes on climate regulation and pollination services: a systematic map protocol, Environmental_evidence Environmental Evidence, 2018, ISSN 2047-2382, 7, p. 10, - JRC112060
  61. Fasbender, D., Vajsová, B., Wirnhardt, C. and Lemajic, S. (2019), A simple similarity index for the comparison of remotely sensed time series with scarce simultaneous acquisitions, REMOTE SENSING, ISSN 2072-4292, 11 (13), 2019, p. 1527 - JRC117069.
  62. Lemoine G., Devos W., Milenov P. and d’Andrimont R., (2019), Machine learning for crop identification using country consistent Sentinel-1 time series, 2019 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’19), pp. 81-84 - JRC117422
  63. Vajsová B., Fasbender D., Wirnhardt C. Lemajic S. and Devos W., (2020), Assessing Spatial Limits of Sentinel-2 Data on Arable Crops in the Context of Checks by Monitoring. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2195 – JRC120860

Related PhD theses

  1. Zielinski, Rafal (2010): An automated method for detection of selected non-conformities within LPIS database based on image object extraction approach, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography; 2010. JRC62553
  2. Sagris, Valentina (2013): Land Parcel Identification System conceptual model: development of geoinfo community, Univerity of Tartu Press, ISSN 1406–1295, ISBN 978–9949–32–255–8 (pdf)
  3. Tarko, Agnieszka (2019): Behind subjectivity: Factors affecting visual image interpretation for acquiring reference data for agricultural land monitoring, Wageningen University, Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing, ISBNs 9789463951555
  4. Milenov, Pavel (2022): Assessment of the status of agricultural land through monitoring of land cover with remote sensing,  Agricultural Academy Sofia, COBISS.BG-ID - 5553306

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