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GTCAP IACS Webinar 2022

Virtual meeting

5 April 2022


Welcome and introduction

CbM concepts and technical framework

Session: Scenarios, agricultural practices and observable land manifestation

  • Why practices?
  • Scenarios and manifestations
  • Irish Monitoring & Agricultural Activities

Session: Markers, ground truth for signal selection and marker evaluation

  • Signal behavior analyses
  • Markers and a decision
  • Testing markers with ground data
  • CbM VCS spring rapeseed (Latvia)

Session: CbM setup on DIAS

  • Setup of DIAS - Back-end tools
  • Setup of DIAS - Front-end tools
  • Transition to monitoring through DIAS at DAA Denmark

Session: Assessing the detection logic in CAP monitoring

  • Use the QA to assess the application of the CbM
  • CbM QA experience of Catalonia
  • Preparing for the CbM QA in Belgium-Wallonia

Session: Other methodologies

  • Setting up a national CwRS campaign
  • Enabling the use of Geotagged photos
  • Make the most of LPIS/GSAA data




WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 26 April 2022, at 10:28

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