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24th MARS Conference

Valamar, Dubrovnik, Croatia

21-22 November



  • Welcome from The Croatian Paying Agency
  • Welcome from DG Agri
  • Welcome from JRC

Session: Anticipating the new CAP

  • The CAP post-2020: towards a performance-based policy
  • IACS post-2020 - the legislative proposal
  • CAP2020+: Possible technical challenges and consequences
  • Q&A session on new CAP

Session: 2018-2019 in a nutshell

Activity report 2018, 2019 Work-program

Session: Checks by monitoring: everything is there

  • To go for monitoring? lessons learnt in DK
  • Pilot project on monitoring over ESCN (Toledo) CwRS site
  • CAP monitoring system under the article 40a of EU R. 809/2014 - Operational in Italy in 2018
  • Sen4CAP: Sentinels for CAP monitoring approach
  • Check by monitoring: Preparing 2019 – lessons learnt
  • Analysis of the suitability of the LPIS for CAP monitoring in Bulgaria
  • Addressing the small parcels issue

Session: Not-only monitoring Sentinel use

  • CAP monitoring in Romania using Copernicus data – Challenges and Perspectives
  • Use of Sentinel data for LPIS update
  • Parametrisation of markers using machine learning

Session: Good also to know

  • Irish Pro-rata Pilot Project
  • Performance assessment of the geospatial aid application – GSAA
  • CAP related activities at GSA: EGNSS and the geo-tagged photo applications
  • Q&A session

Session: Data sharing: set-up and benefits

  • IACS spatial data sharing - State of play
  • IACS-LPIS data sharing. Reasons and technical solutions
  • Sharing the agricultural data in Slovenia
  • LPIS Data sharing in Czech republic
  • Q&A session data sharing

Pecha Kucha on Copernicus experience, pilots

  • Leica Geosystems - Bring Your Own Device or Fit for Purpose
  • Going deeper: Classical Machine Learning vs Deep Learning for crop classification
  • DIAS – Sobloo: Beyond the Data - Creative Grounds
  • DIAS - Mundi; Sentinel 2 time series for automated monitoring
  • Mowing identification, some lessons learned
  • Impact analysis of the FOI for agricultural monitoring
  • Monitoring agricultural activity and voluntary coupled schemes within the IACS in Malta
  • Soil Tillage Change Identification by using temporal series of Sentinel-1 & Sentinel-2
  • DIANA - Detection and Integrated Assessment of Non-authorised water Abstractions using EO
  • Towards Prototypes for Future Agricultural Copernicus Products – the ECoLaSS Project

Pecha Kucha on IACS supporting tools

  • Survey on the use of (Geo)tagged phots in 2018
  • Testing UAV for field controls in working processes of the Croatian Paying Agency
  • GBDX - Unlocking Insights from Geospatial Data at Speed and Scale
  • BlackSky constellation: very high resolution optical data for multi-daily revisit
  • Monitoring for CAP with daily fresh images and platform for analytics
  • Performance is a partnership

Closing Session:

  • Take home lessons on technology (out of App surveys) (JRC)
  • Wrap-up (Croatia – AGRI - JRC)


  • file
  • Answers to questions asked via Slido

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 12 April 2022, at 18:02

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