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Brainstorming on Copernicus and the CAP

Room 101/1302, JRC Ispra, Italy

17 March 2017


Session 1: Introduction

  • Welcome
  • Setting the scene (DG AGRI C1)
  • OTS-data in IACS and its Copernicus alternatives

Session 2: Current Copernicus uses

  • Current practices on new technologies  (DG AGRI D3)
  • Czechagri experiences  (CZIF)
  • Monitoring grassland to reduce error rate (ARIB) – presented by video recording
  • Copernicus for ecosystem assessment and mapping  (ROSA)

Session 3: How can Copernicus be used in the CAP

  • The history of CwRS and GNSS introduction in the CAP
  • A technology vision for IACS (StMELF)
  • Facilitating Copernicus use through IACS 2.0
  • A framework for innovation uptake  (EIP)
  • Bringing pilot results into operational practices  (APPRRR)
  • DIAS as a platform for a CAP-HUB? (ESA)

Closing session: - General discussion



WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 20 March 2017, at 17:02.

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