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GAEC workshop 2011

Trend Hotel Schloss Wilhelminenberg, Vienna, Austria

3-5 October 2011


SESSION 1: Agriculture and GAEC in Austria

  • Austrian Agriculture
  • GAEC in Austria
  • Irrigation in Austria

SESSION 2: Buffer strips

  • Buffer strips in Austria
  • Introduction of water protection buffer strips as a GAEC measure in Hungary, using GIS and remote sensing
  • Defining buffer strips in Italy: results of preliminary tests

SESSION 3: The GAEC Web-Database

  • Current use of notifications by DG AGRI and its follow-up
  • Possible future use of the GAEC database for notification to DG AGRI
  • GAEC database user guide

SESSION 4: Preparation for the field visit

  • Terraces in the second pillar
  • Maintenance of vines in good vegetative condition and wine terraces in Austria

Field Visit

SESSION 5: Audits on Cross Compliance

Overview of cross compliance audits regarding GAEC in EU MS

SESSION 6:Controlling GAEC with Remote sensing

  • The use of RS to control GAEC
  • Experiences from MSs: CZ, FR, IT



The conference website is no more available 

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 14 April 2021, at 14:05.

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