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Control Methods Workshop 2011

Centro Congressi De Filippi, Varese, Italy

29-30 March 2011


SESSION: Satellite imagery and CwRS strategies

  • CwRS 2011 Campaign - satellite programming and specifications / discussion with MS
  • Overview CwRS campaign methodologies
  • Further geometry tests on WV2 over Maussane
  • Implications of LPIS QA for CwRS controlsl
  • Electronic, mobile control report in XML format
  • Overview of GAEC controls

SESSION: GNSS measurements

  • GNSS validations state of play
  • GNSS measurements: vertex vs continuos
  • GNSS devices: validation vs certification



The conference website is no more available 

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 27 January 2021, at 17:18

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