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LPIS 2009 Workshop

Tallink City Hotel, Tallinn, Estonia

6-8 October



  • Workshop outline - Quality Framework and INSPIRE
  • CAP Regulations review, Health check
  • ARIB as part of Estonian SDI

SESSION 1: LPIS upgrade issues

  • LPIS upgrade in UK
  • LPIS upgrade in Denmark
  • LPIS upgrade in Greece
  • Wednesday, 7th October

SESSION 2: LPIS Quality Assurance Frameworks

  • Strategy and concepts for LPIS Quality Framework development
  • LPIS Quality assurance Implementation in Flanders
  • LPIS Portugal - Quality assurance strategy

SESSION 3: Quality Framework - Measuring LPIS data conformity and quality

  • Abstract Test Suite Explained
  • Abstract Test Suite: Estonian experience
  • Executable Test Suite Explained
  • Executable Test Suite: Belgium- Flanders experience

SESSION 4: Quality Framework - Data source issues

  • Data extraction from orthoimagery for the ETS
  • Control of DOP quality

SESSION 5: LPIS application issues 1 - undeclared land and retroactive claims

Quality improvements in the Hungarianure LPIS: control of nondeclared areas and retroactive proceds

SESSION 6: LPIS application issues 2 - updates and developments

  • Newest developments in Estonian LPIS
  • The Netherlands - LPIS update proces and issues
  • Representation of eligibility for 1st and 2nd pillar
  • Definition, specification and GIS layer creation of landscape features in Slovakia including possible SAPS consequences

SESSION 7: LPIS - new outlooks

  • Czech realtime LPIS upgrade – 3rd generation
  • Land Cover standardization in Europe
  • Methodology and Technology choices

SESSION 8: Gathering Opinions (FR: "tour de table")

Closing Session



The conference website is no more available 

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 11 January 2021, at 12:57.

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