Child pages
  • How to zoom and pan the graphics

Zooming features are available in the following visualisations:

  • Line visualisation:

    • X-Axis zoom: Click on a specific area of the line chart and drag to the right or to the left until the relevant point to zoom on a specific area, then drop the mouse button:

      Click on  to get back to the default X-Axis zoom level.

    • Y-Axis zoom: Use the zoom selector located at the top right of the Line chart:

      Moving this selector to the right direction increases the Y-Axis zoom level (up to 4x). When the zoom level is increased, a vertical scrollbar appears. This scrollbar provides the vertical movement throughout the zoomed line chart.

  • Bar visualisation:

    • X-Axis zoom: Click on a specific area of the bar chart and drag to the right or to the left until the relevant point to zoom on a specific area, then drop the mouse button:

      Click on  to get back to the default zoom level.

  • Map visualisation:

    • Mouse zoom: Using the mouse wheel, the user can increase or decrease the current zoom level.

    • Zoom buttons:

      •  button increases the current zoom level.

      •  button decreases the current zoom level.

    Click on  to get back to the default zoom level and default visualisation position of the map.
