Working Group deliverables:
Working Group operating documents:
Terms of reference (July 2021)
- Rules of procedure
Other useful resources and policy documents:
- Council Recommendation on VET for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience (2020)
- Osnabruck Declaration on VET (2020)
Inspiring practices from the 2023 edition of the Compendium
- Albania - Green Elements for VET Curricula in Albania
- Austria - Apprenticeship Metal Technology
- Austria - Climate Protection Training Centre
- Austria - Financial Support 'Digi Scheck for Apprentices'
- Austria - Green Village Training Centre
- Austria - Photovoltaic Academy
- Belgium (Wallonia) - Adaptation of the training offer
- Belgium - Erasmus+ mobility project Itineris
- Belgium (Wallonia) - Regal Plan
- Cyprus - Classic car restoration and electric car conversion
- Cyprus - Online workshop 'VET goes green'
- Cyprus - The LIFE FOODPRINT project
- Denmark - Mapping of future competence needs in relation to the green transition
- Denmark - Pool for development and testing of teaching courses
- Denmark - Pool for equipment investments and associated skills development
- Denmark - Pool with an entrepreneur green focus across youth education
- Denmark - Special subsidy for providers of VET and labour market education in the technical field
- Denmark - Subsidy for nine knowledge centres related to green transition and sustainability
- Denmark - Subsidy or Centre for IT in teaching VET
- Estonia - Green Talks
- Germany - BOOM Holiday Camps in North Rhine-Westphalia
- Germany - Network Education for Resource Conservation and Efficiency
- Germany - Transfer phase of VET for Sustainable Development
- Germany - Updated nationwide standard for all trainees in the German dual system
- Finland - Development Programme Sustainable development and green transition in VET
- Finland - Optional Unit in initial vocational qualifications 'Working with Climate Responsibility'
- France - The Centres of Vocational Excellence
- France - The Health, Citizenship and Environmental Education Committee of each school
- Hungary - Green Earth Complex sustainability pedagogy programme for VET
- Italy - Civic Education Discipline and ReGeneration School Plan
- Italy - The Reform of Tertiary VET - Higher Technological Institutions
- Luxembourg - Exchange Platform 'Education for Sustainable Development'
- Luxembourg - Modules of the Diplom+ programme 'Green Skills and circular economy'
- Luxembourg - Neobuild
- Luxembourg - Technicians' programme 'Smart Building and Energy'
- Luxembourg - Technicians' programme 'Smart Technologies'
- Luxembourg - Training 'Sustainable Digitalisation'
- Luxembourg - Training programme 'Waste & Resource Management'
- Latvia - The Riga State Technical School
- Latvia - Bulduri Horticultural Secondary Vocational School
- Malta - Reducing the carbon footprint in agribusiness education
- Poland - Establishment and support for the operation of 120 sectoral skills councils
- Poland - Green skills in core curricula and school programmes
- Portugal - Green Skills in the National Catalogue of Qualifications
- Slovenia - Project Climate Goals and contents in education
- Spain - Acuaponic project
- Spain - Construction of an educational High Performance Liquid Chromatograph
- Spain - Green entrepreneurial schools
- Spain - Fair Trade in Action
- Spain - Renewable present
- Spain - Sustainable Fashion Brand project
- Spain - Sustainability-driven entrepreneurship
- Spain - Tknika's Circular Economy Platform
- Spain - Training courses for trainers related to clean energy and energy efficiency
- Sweden - Strengthening the role of Higher Vocational Education
- Türkiye - Increasing employability for Syrian refugees and Turkish host communities
Inspiring practices from the 2024 edition of the Compendium
Austria - Sustainability Coordinator in schools
Austria - Green Energy Solution Competition
Austria - Apprenticeship Climate Gardener
Austria - Green School Energy Project
Austria - Green Transformation Cards
Austria - New Skills Workshops (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Austria - Fighters4Climate (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Belgium (Flanders) - VR in the pipeline
Belgium (Flanders) - Online learning and evaluation automotive
Belgium (Flanders) - New training profiles
Belgium (Flanders) - Research into training needs
Croatia - Development of standards and curricula (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Cyprus - Blue Growth panel discussion
Denmark - Knowledge center
Denmark - Green culinary education standard (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Germany - Designing learning processes in VET with sustainability in mind
Germany - Further qualification of teachers
Germany - Additional qualifications
Germany - Key competences in crafts
Germany - Make it green
Germany - Qualification screening skilled crafts (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Greece - Upskilling and retraining programmes for unemployed
Greece - Integrated intervention training, certification and employment
Greece - Apprenticeship class on green skills
Greece - Upskilling and retraining workers
Greece - Energy saving construction (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Hungary - eSmart Home project
Ireland - Climate justice education
Ireland - National network NZEB / Retrofit centres of excellence
Latvia - Ogre technical school is going green
Latvia - Module green skills
Lithuania - Competencies for green and digital transformations
Lithuania - Apprenticeship
Luxembourg - Sustainability Management
Luxembourg - Web Eco Design
Luxembourg - Competence Centre Energy Efficiency and Transition
Luxembourg - Energy management small companies
Luxembourg - Cycle in CSR
Malta - Buzzing for Biodiversity
Norway - Accounting for future competence
Poland - Sectoral Agreement for VET
Portugal - Specialised Technological Centres
Portugal - Ecotermolab (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Romania - Photovoltaic systems electrician
Romania - Education for Sustainable Cooking
Serbia - Challenge Special
Slovenia - Modernisation vocational and technical secondary education
Slovenia - FoodTuristic (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Slovenia - Forest bathing (*practice proposed by stakeholders)
Spain - Women's Entrepreneurship Lab
Spain - Sustainable Santa Clara
Sweden - Technology Leap
Sweden - Student Finance Scheme
Türkiye - Strengthening VET in special education with zero waste
Türkiye - Climate Workshop
Türkiye - MET-UP Vocational and Technical Education Application Platform
Türkiye - Green Transition in Textbooks
Türkiye - Climate change awareness survey report
- ALBATTS Alliance for Batteries Technology Training and Skills
- Apprenticeship Inter-network (AppInterN)
- CLIMADEMY - CLIMAte change teachers' acaDEMY
- Good DEEDS - Digital Energy Efficiency Designers
- EcoSME Business sustainability skills for SMEs in the Hospitality Sector
- Eco_Tag Achieving sustainable culinary centres
- Energy education - Energie(k) onderwijs
- PARADIGM Tools to Enhance Internet of Things and STEM in Environmental Education
- GreenSkills4H2 - European Hydrogen Skills Alliance
- SIMPLE - Social Impact Measurement Plan, Learning and Empowerment