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Area Measurement Workshop

Federal Press Office, Berlin, Germany

5-7 November 2013


SESSION 1: GNSS and ortho-imagery for area measurement in the framework of the CAP

  • Welcome - Federal Office for Agriculture and Food
  • Implementation of the „Article 34“ document in WikiCAP - questions and possible challenges arising from the CAP reform
  • Implementation of rugged tablets and backpack GNSS receivers in Poland
  • ‘Untapped Potential’ - GNSS data generated by farmers as a source for accountability in the framework of the CAP
  • Buffer validation on orthoimagery – short presentation of the poster

SESSION 2: Reminders-validation and use of tools for area measurement

  • EGNOS and Galileo in Precision Agriculture
  • Results of the QCM
  • Organization of validation tests (Ortho-imagery + GNSS)

SESSION 3: Field exercise data analysis

  • Focus on validation of ortho imagery for OTS checks
  • Practical use of validated tools (GNSS, Ortho-imagery, for LPIS)



The workshop website is no more available

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 2 February 2021, at 18:02

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