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GAEC workshop 2012

Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy

8-10 November 2012


SESSION 1: Soils references and mapping: a support to soil related GAECs?

  • Pan-European assessments of soil erosion data within the European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC)
  • Monitoring, mapping and predicting Soil Organic Carbon in Europe under different Land Uses and Managements

SESSION 2: Water issues

Accuracy test of Digital Surface Model (DSM) for buffer strip calculation and land monitoring

SESSION 3: GAEC database and studies on GAEC

  • Current situation of the use of the GAEC database for notification
  • Web database on GAEC related studies

Field trip

SESSION 4: identification and measurement of landscape features

  • Identification of landscape features using VHR unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery
  • Modelling landscape features: from polygon to line and back
  • Analysis of landscape features in the LPIS: eligibility profile and presence of datasets

SESSION 5: landscape features management concerns

  • Original motives for landscape features protection compared with GAEC practical implementation: harmony or tension?
  • Delineating features valuable for the ecological network with the use of the LPIS data
  • Assessment of ecologica features at farm level



The conference website is no more available 

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 20 January 2021, at 16:12

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