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LPIS - Application and quality

Hotel Arena, Sofia, Bulgaria

6-18 September


SESSION 1 : Opening

CAP Health Check: LPIS and second pillar of the CAP

SESSION 2 : Geomatics in domain of the CAP

  • INSPIRE process, standardization of geoinformation in Europe
  • LPIS Conceptual Model
  • LPIS experience in Malta within a new generation of Integrated Administration and Control Systems
  • LPIS structure and procedures in the Netherlands
  • Standardization of the land cover classes using FAO Land Cover Classification System (LCCS)

SESSION 3: Database issues & management quality

  • Orthoimage Specifications
  • Increased quality of the Swedish LPIS
  • Workflow for updating LPIS - The reference maintenance request system in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)
  • Quality issues in LPIS: Towards quality assurance

SESSION 4: LPIS and second pillar of the CAP

  • The Land Parcel Identification System and Integrated Controls in an evolving CAP
  • LPIS creation and updating in Slovak Republic, and IACS activities on SSCRI
  • Discussion and presentation of the results from the LPIS questionnaire

SESSION 5: Lessons learnt during creating of LPIS

  • Maintenance and progress of Land Parcels Identification System (LPIS)
  • LPIS as part of the NSDI of Bulgaria
  • First Step in Updating LPIS
  • Results of the LPIS pilot project in Croatia

SESSION 6: Research on IACS-LPIS

  • AgriXchange - European Data Exchange in Agriculture
  • Data Model for the Collaboration of LASs and IACS/LPISs
  • Sampling of anomalies within LPIS: Towards the combination of ecological methodologies and GIS technologies
  • Workshop wrap -up discussion



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WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 5 January 2021, at 13:05.

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