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This project is used for tracking change proposals for the central INSPIRE registers and register federation and their resolution by the control body.

Meetings of the submitting organisations & control body

Submitting and resolving change proposals

The change proposals can be found in the issue tracker.

Change proposals can only be submitted by the official submitting organisations and are validated by the control body. Submitting organisations can be nominated in #2911; members for the control body can be proposed in #2910.

If you would like to make a change proposal, please contact your national submitting organisation or the INSPIRE registry helpdesk.

For more information on the change process, please refer to the Central INSPIRE registry and INSPIRE register federation – Terms of Reference for the control body and submitting organisations document.

If you want to provide feedback related to the INSPIRE registry service user interface, please use this space.

Guidelines for change proposals

When you insert the change proposal, remember to specify all the required information in order to facilitate the correct evaluation and eventual implementation of the proposed changes.

Please follow these instructions as closely as possible to give the control body all the relevant information to take a decision and to facilitate the actual update by the register manager.


Here you should describe:

  • the issue to be addressed including any relevant information that could help the control body to take a decision, and
  • the proposed change(s), described as concretely as possible (please specify all the relevant information, including eventual translations, related to your proposal)


Issue: The definition of the theme AD needs to be updated because it has a typo in the description for the French language.

Proposed change: Change definition from "Localisation des prétés fondée sur les ideniants des adresses, habient le nom de la rue, le numéro de la maon et le code postal" to "Localisation des propriétés fondée sur les identifiants des adresses, habituellement le nom de la rue, le numéro de la maison et le code postal."


Issue: We propose to add some items in the media-types register because we need some missing codes to represent the media-types of our data.

Proposed changes: new proposed items under the media-types/application

  • GeoJSON
Label: application/vnd.geo+json
Definition: The media type shall be used for the GeoJSON file format.
External value: true
  • Gpx
Label: application/gpx+xml
Definition: The media type shall be used for the GPX file format.
External value: false


Please set as assignee the "registers-managers" user group.

Change type

  • Addition: to propose adding a new item to a register or to an existing code list or to propose a new register
  • Clarification: to propose a change to an existing item
  • Supersession: to propose a register item to be retired and replaced by one or more new items
  • Invalidation: to propose to invalidate a register item that has a substantive error, and (optionally) replace it with another  item (or items).
  • Retirement: to propose to retire an item that is no longer useful for producing data.

URI of the item

This field should contain the URI of the item to be updated or the new URI in case of addition proposal. In case the change is related to more than one item, complete this field with the register URI or the collection URI and specify each URI in the body of the proposal.

Example - (an item)

Example - (a collection of items)

  • No labels