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LPIS 2014 Workshop

CCAB, Brussels, Belgium

22-24 April



  • Keynote: main challenges from the reform
  • Focusing on Ecological Focus Area
  • Workshop challenges

SESSION 1: LPIS Quality Assessment

  • Overview of the 2013 scores + feedback on the remedial action plans
  • Experience from crop measurement
  • Changes to the 2014-2015 LPIS quality assessment guidance

SESSION 2: Geospatial Application (GA)

  • How will the GA affect the administration and control of Area aids?
  • Member State experience Romania
  • The technical function of geospatial applications in Greece
  • Implications of the GA on the LPIS
  • Declaring EFA: a virtual case

SESSION 3: LPIS update

  • The 2% stability threshold
  • Member State experience Latvia
  • Member State experience Ireland
  • How does this impact on the LPIS activities (upkeep and update)

SESSION 4: Greening in the LPIS

  • Main challenges from the reform (EFA layer)
  • Member State experience Lithuania
  • Some aspects concerning ecological focus area and permanent grassland
  • Implications on the LPIS core model
  • MS Q&A

SESSION 5: Grassland and pasture

  • Identification and delineation of grassland and pasture in the lower Danube basin (BG-RO)
  • Reduction coefficient on permanent grassland
  • SESSION 6: Future of the OTSC
  • Effect of reform on OTSC
  • Possible add-on : Biodiversity data collection methodology

SESSION 7: The environmental dimension

  • Possible add-on: Climate data collection methodology
  • Possible add-on: Biodiversity data collection methodology



The conference website is no longer available 

WikiCAP: This page was last edited on 10 April 2021, at 07:52

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