
The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform (PRP), is a dissemination tool that offers a comprehensive overview of all projects for Erasmus+ programme. Directly accessible to the public, this tool gives access to descriptions, contact information, results and grant amounts of all projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme.

The Erasmus+ Project Results Platform consists of restricted working areas - Beneficiary and Officer dashboards. These restricted dashboards are available for Beneficiaries of Erasmus+ projects for which results can or have to be published, and for NA Officers to review them before the results become published.

The project results are assessed at the same time as the beneficiary report; therefore, it is advisable to submit the results at the same time as submitting the final beneficiary report. If you terminate the project without completing the review of all the project results in NA Officer Dashboard, you will no longer have access to the project in the NA Officer Dashboard and you will have to ask the helpdesk to manually re-open the project to make it available again in the NA Officer Dashboard.

The Beneficiary Dashboard is only available for Erasmus+ projects that require results to be published.

The Beneficiary Dashboard is used to upload the results and submit. The project results are then approved by the Project Officer and published once the project is finalised or the project has been terminated with eligible costs.

Project Results Platform

The project results can be submitted for review to the Project Results Platform only after one of the following has occurred:

  • the submission of the final beneficiary report
  • the end date of the project has been reached

Access to the dashboards is granted via EU Login - the European Commission Authentication Service. You must login with the same email address as the email notification was sent to.

This page explains how beneficiaries can log in, upload results, modify the results if requested by the NA. For an overview of the process please see Beneficiary overview of Project Results Platform for Erasmus + and ESC.



1. Email Notification of project available in E+ Project Results Platform

Once the National Agency sends the signed contract to the Beneficiary, the project becomes available in the E+ Project Results Platform. You will receive an automatic notification with a link to your Erasmus+ Beneficiary Dashboard. The email notification is sent to the person identified as a contact person of the project in the National Agency Project Management module. Only this person has automatic access to the Beneficiary Dashboard. You must login with the same email address as the email notification was sent to.

Email heading example

2. Access the Beneficiary Dashboard

You can access the Beneficiary Dashboard straight from the email notification, by clicking on the available link in the notification e-mail. You must login with the same email address as the email notification was sent to.

You can also access the Beneficiary Dashboard from the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps platform, by clicking on Project Results (available without login) in the main menu to access the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform landing page.

Click on Project Results in the main menu

For projects from the Erasmus+ programme 2021 - 2027, beneficiaries can access the dashboard from the Results section in EESCP by using the Search functionality. For more details, see the page How to use the Erasmus and European Solidarity Corps platform.

Scroll down on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform page until you reach the section  Project participants access and click the link Log in to edit your project content.

Project participant access

Alternatively, click the drop-down menu Projects → Manage my projects  to login.

Manage my projects access


3. Use your EU Login account to sign in

Once you click on the login link, you will be redirected to the European Commission's Authentication System - EU Login. Insert your EU Login username or your email address, click next, and then insert your EU Login password and click on the Login button.

EU Login screen

The email address you use to for your EU Login must be the same as the one you have provided to receive email notifications. If you insert a different email address, you will not be able to access the Dashboard and will see the following screen.

Access Forbidden screen

If you have inserted the correct login credentials and are still having problems logging in, ensure that you have closed all other windows and/or tabs, you have cleaned your cache and history and you have no other service(s) open or running, which require authentication through EU Login. After doing that, try again to log in to your Beneficiary Dashboard. If you are still experiencing trouble connecting to your dashboard, please contact your National Agency.

4. Grant additional users access to the beneficiary Dashboard

To change the contact person of your project, please contact your National Agency.

To create additional user(s) access to the Beneficiary Dashboard, you can do this in the Beneficiary Module. You open the Associated Persons (1) section for your project in the Beneficiary Module. Click on the Create (2) button and insert all the details of the additional contact person.

Associated persons

Choose one of the options in the section Access to project dissemination, the type of access you want to give to the person. You can choose between:

  • Edit - Edit access to the Project Results Portal Beneficiary Dashboard,
  • View - View-only access to the Projects Results Portal Beneficiary Dashboard or
  • None - No access the Projects Results Portal Beneficiary Dashboard.

Click Save at the bottom. The additional person(s) can now access the Beneficiary Dashboard according to their granted access level.

Project Activities and Budget Details in the Beneficiary Module


5. Click "Yes" in the Terms and Conditions pop-up

Once you have provided your login credentials, a pop-up box appears asking you to read the terms and conditions and accept them by clicking the Yes button before you proceed.

You can access the terms and conditions of use of the platform at any time during the lifetime of your project, by clicking the links available at the bottom of the dashboard.

Terms and Conditions pop-up

6. The Beneficiary Dashboard "My Projects" page opens

Once you accept the terms and conditions, you will be able to see all your ongoing projects. The dashboard also consists of a number of sections available:

  1. Programme: drop-down and Project Filter fields: Use the drop-down and the field to filter the results by multiannual financial framework programme, project number or title.
  2. My Projects: a list of the projects that have been registered for you. The section contains the following columns:
    • Identifier- Project code details
    • Title- Project title details
    • Status- Indicating the status of the project results (see below for more details)
    • Key Action- Details of the key action
    • Action Type- Details of the action type
    • Icon columnEdit Project DetailsInformation and Manage My Data icons
  3. Site Links: List of links related to the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform guide including Frequently Asked Questions, Helpdesk Information (Linking contact information for your National Agency) and Terms and Conditions.

Beneficiary dashboard

7. Project Statuses

  • Open for uploading results - When the signed grant agreement is sent to the applicant and while the project is still ongoing, you can start uploading results.
  • Available for submission after all results uploaded - Once a project has reached its end date or the final report has been submitted, the beneficiary will receive an automatic notification informing them of the need to submit their results for review. In the Project Results Platform, there are a number of project statuses indicating at what stage the project results are at within the results lifecycle.
  • Under review - Submitted projects that are under review by the Project Officer.
  • Modifications required - If the results have been reviewed by the NA Project Officer and the project is returned to you for further modifications. This requires resubmitting the results for review.
  • Review completed - Submitted projects for which the Project Officer has completed the review of all results.
  • Submission ongoing - This is a temporary status after submission and will automatically turn into another status within 24h.
  • Submission failed - This status indicates that a technical error occurred while submitting projects results.


8. Click the "Manage my data" (person) icon to access the "Personal Data Management" section

Contact details of your organisation and partners are hidden by default, but once you click on the icon Manage my data (1), you will be redirected to the section called Personal Data Management (2).

Manage my data icon

The Personal Data Management section contains:

  • Project details - Identifier (project number) and Title

  • Coordinating Organisation details

  • Partner(s) details

On this page you can choose which contact details (email address(es), phone number(s), name) of the contact person of the Coordinating Organisation and partner organisation you would like to make visible or keep them hidden for the public. You must be able to provide proof that you have the consent to display the data if you are asked to do so. (3). The person(s) whose personal details are displayed will receive an automatic notification.

Please note that information is only published, once the project is finalised in the National Agency Project Management module and also the results are reviewed and approved by the National Agency Officer.

The section also contains contact details of the Partner Organisation(s) (where applicable) (4).

Personal Data Management section

Once you have indicated which details of the contact persons of each partner organisations should be published, click on the Save button. To return to the first page of the Beneficiary Dashboard, click on the Go Back  button.

Save and Go Back buttons

9. Click the "Edit project" (pencil) icon to edit certain project details

To manage your project details, click on the Edit project icon to access the Project Information section.

Edit project icon

The Project Information section contains:

  1. Project Details tab - includes the Project Number (read-only), Title (read-only), End date (read-only), Submission date and time and Website details

  2. Results tab - includes the List of Project Results, where results can also be uploaded

  3. Logo section - Option to upload your project logo

You cannot update contractual information. This is displayed in read-only mode. To update this information, please contact your National Agency.

If your contact person has granted you only View access (see above) you will not see the pencil-icon and will not be able to update project information.

Project Information section


In the top right section, a logo placeholder appears by default, where you have the ability to upload the project logo, by clicking the Upload logo link.

Upload logo link

The Upload File dialogue box appears. Click the Choose File button (1), locate the file, then click the Upload File button (2).

Upload file dialogue box

The logo now appears, replacing the logo placeholder.

Logo updated in Project Details tab

The following logo formats are supported in the Project Results Platform: *.jpeg; *.jpg; *.png; *.gif, with the maximum file size of 100MB.

For any issues regarding the format or the size of your attachments, please contact your National Agency.


11. Click the "Enter website URL" link to insert the project website

Click the link text Enter website  URL and insert the website details of the organisation or project.

Enter website link

Once the full website details have been inserted (1) click the Publish URL button (2) to publish the website details to the Project Results Platform website. 

Publish URL


As soon as the Publish URL button is clicked, the website will be published in the Project Results Portal. The project website is the only item that you can add and will become publicly available during the lifetime of the project.

The project logo and the results, will be published after the results have been reviewed and approved by NA Project Officer and the project is finalised in the National Agency Project Management module.

Once published, the user has the option to hide the website details on the public website, by clicking the Hide button.

Hide website button


12. Click the "Results" tab

To start adding the results of your project, click the Results tab. As the results are added, the following column details are displayed:

  • Title of project result.

  • Description of project result.

  • Type - Based on the category of results chosen.

  • Attachment - details of image or documentation attachments relating to the specific project result.

  • GDPR Compliance - Automatically checked, indicating that all personal details have been removed from the documentation.

  • Officer Decision - details of the NA Officer decision status.

  • Actions - Icons where the result details can be edited or deleted.

During the project lifetime the results remain unpublished and available in your dashboard. While the project is ongoing, you can modify them at any time. 

If your contact person has granted you only View access (see above) you will not see the pencil-icon and won’t be able to update project information.

Project Results tab

Only one attachment per result can be added, which cannot exceed 100 MB. The following formats are supported: *.pdf; *.jpeg; *.jpg; *.tif; *.png; *.gif; *.mpeg; *.mpg; *.ogg; *.ppt; *.pps; *.xls; *.xlsx; *.doc; *.docx; *.rtf; *.txt; *.csv; *.mp4; *.mov; *.mp3

For any issues regarding the format or the size of your attachments, please contact your National Agency.

13. Click the "Add Result" button to upload project results

The maximum number of results that can be added to a project published on the platform is 450. 

Click the Add Result button to open the Add Result window. Remember, for each result you will have to create a separate entry. The Submit for Review button remains disabled until the submission of the final beneficiary report or the end date of the project.

Click the Add Result button

The Add Result dialogue box contains the following sections:

  • Title field - Title of Result(s) (maximum character size is 256)

  • Description field - Description of project results to be inserted into field (maximum character size is 1000)

  • Category - The project results are broken down into the following categories:

    • Feedback from participants

    • Direct effect on participants and project partners

    • Practical and reusable resources for the practitioners

    • Research material bringing forward the reflection in the sector

    • Community building tools

    • Partnerships and Cooperations

    • Dissemination material

    • Organisational and working documents

    • Others

  • Type - Drop-down appears based on the category chosen (not shown in illustration) 

  • Don't publish - Checkbox option to indicate that the results will not be published in the Project Results Portal once the project is completed, for example, because of copyright.

Add result dialogue box

You are requested to insert a title (1), a short description (2), a category (3) and a type of a given result. You should only provide a description of the specific result and avoid repeating the information from your project summary.

Title, description and categories

As you choose the Category, a subsection appears prompting you to insert the Category Type (4)

Category type chosen

As of May 2022, all results published on the Project Results Platform must be compliant with the data protection regulation as stated in the enforced terms and conditions (see above) You will need to declare that you have checked GDPR compliance for this specific result. You will find the GDPR Compliance Guidelines for results in the link above the checkbox and under the Site links section on the Project list page. Click the GDPR compliance checkbox  (1)  and once all requested information about the result is added, click on the Save (2)  button. 

For more information on privacy, click the GDPR guidelines for project results link.

GDPR checkbox

A message appears indicating the draft result has been added successfully to the List of project results

Draft results added

14. Mark a result as "Don't publish"

If you do not wish to have a result publish, click the Don't publish checkbox, then provide a reason (mandatory) in the additional mandatory Reason field that is displayed.

If the Beneficiary has indicated Don't publish, the National Agency cannot change this and the results will not be published.

Mark a result as Don't publish and provide a reason

In the result list, the result is displayed as greyed out and the reason for non-publication can be viewed by placing the mouse cursor over the View icon in the Actions column.

In our example, two results have been marked as Don't publish.

Results marked as Don't publish


15. Submit results for review

Once you have submitted your final report or your project has reached its end date, you will receive an automatic notification informing you that you can submit your results for review, and the status of your project will change to Available for submission after all results uploaded.

At the same time, in the Project Information section, the Submit for Review button will become active. Click on the button to submit your results for review.

Submit for Review button

The submission confirmation dialogue box is displayed, where you can choose Yes to submit the result or No to return to the Results tab, where the results can still be updated at a later stage. In this example, the Yes button is clicked.

Click the Yes button

A message box appears, indicating the project results are being submitted for review.

Submission message box

Once clicked, the project will disappear from the Beneficiary Dashboard and will appear in the Officer dashboard for review. 

My Projects with removed results


16. Rejection of results

In the case where the project results are incomplete or inaccurate, or mandatory results are missing, the beneficiary will be notified by the National Agency officer, prompting them to go back to the Beneficiary Dashboard and update the results as modifications are required.

Please note that during the lifetime of the project the logo and the results remain unpublished. They become publicly available only after the logo and the results have been reviewed and approved by the National Agency officer and the project has been finalised in the National Agency Project Management module.

If there are changes to project information published before the project is finalised, such as start date, end date, partners, those should be communicated to the National Agency officer. Once applied in the National Agency Project Management module, these changes will be automatically transferred to the Project Results Portal.

At the final report stage, all contractual data of your project and the project summary will be updated with the information you have provided in your final report. If any changes are to be applied to the published information after the finalisation of your project, please contact your  National Agency to change the data manually.

In the Beneficiary Dashboard, projects with rejected results are displayed having the status Modifications required.

Click on the Edit (pencil) icon for the respective project to view more details.

 Projects requiring modifications - example

16.1. Add missing mandatory results

If the project has been rejected because of missing mandatory results, a red notification is displayed at the top of the results list in the Beneficiary Dashboard. The NA Officer's comments are also displayed in the comment box under the results list.

Add the missing results and resubmit the project for review to your NA Officer, as explained above.

Notification about mandatory results missing

16.2. Update rejected results per NA Officer's comments

In the results list for the selected project, the results that have been rejected by the NA Officer are marked as Modifications required in the Officer Decision column. The NA Officer's comments are also displayed in the comment box under the results list.

To update a selected result, do the following:

Click the Edit icon in the Actions column.

Click on Edit to update result

The Update result window opens. Update the details as requested by the NA Officer, then click the Save button. All details can be changed, and in our example, we have updated the description.

Update result details and click on Save

In the result list, the result details are updated, and the status in the Officer Decision column has changed to Not Reviewed.

Updated result status changes to Not Reviewed

Once all results are added or updated, submit the results for review as explained above.


Q. Why are project results not published?
A. Beneficiaries should check the status of their project in Beneficiary module and if the project is not in status finalised or terminated with eligible costs, this could be the reason for the project results not being published.