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Control with Remote-Sensing of Area Based Subsidies - Final Technical Meeting 1997

Grand Hotel Dino, Baveno, Italy

19-20 November 1997


Session 1: Introduction and Summary of 1997 Campaign

  • Welcome and Introduction
  •  A.I.S activities and orientations in the 5th framework
  •  Statistics and Results of the Controls with Remote sensing
  • Summary of methodologies and strategies in 1997
  • Quality Control in 1997

Session 2:  New and future Satellites data

  • Introduction
  • Acquisition & delivery of satellite data in 1997
  • SPOT Program: Present and future.
  • The IRS1 C and D satellites
  • The RADARSAT SAR data
  • Futures programs of Very High Resolution Satellites

Session 3: Satellite and Aerial Photographs 

  • Introduction R. RIEDERER
  • Use of Use of RADARSAT images in UK
  • Comparative evaluation of the use of SAR images
  • Ortho correction of IRS1 C images
  • Use of 2 dates IRC aerial coverage in SAARLAND 

Session 4: Organisation of controls and field inspections

  • Introduction: Technical tolerances & Field survey strategies
  • Use of rapid field visits In Belgium
  • Use of rapid field visits In Spain
  • Management and general schedule of Controls in Italy
  • Use of rapid field visits In Andalusia
  • Use of Archive for reference year or a posteriori Controls

Session 5: Agri- environment Regulations and Remote sensing

  • Introduction
  • Control of agri-envlronmental and Less favoured area In Finland
  • Control of other schemes and Less favoured area in Portugal
  • R-Sensing & GIS for the management of Agrl-environment Subsidies In France

Sesslon 6: Some points of views from National Administrations

  • Introduction
  • Use of Control with Remote sensing In BELGIUM
  • Use of Control with remote sensing In ENGLAND
  • Use of Control with remote sensing In PORTUGAL
  • Use of Control with remote sensing In FINLAND
  • Prospects and  conclusions


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