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PRIME members may decide to hold joint meetings with other bodies such as the ENRRB (European Network of Rail Regulatory Bodies) or the RU Dialogue (Railway Undertaking Dialogue) to discuss matters falling within common areas of responsibility and interest.

PRIME and RU Dialogue

RU Dialogue is similar platform to PRIME bringing together European railway undertakings.

First PRIME-RU Dialogue joint meeting took place on 28 March 2017 in Brussels, discussing both strategic and operational priorities. 

PRIME and regulators bodies (ENRRB) cooperation

Two main areas of cooperation of the rail infrastructure managers and regulatory bodies are the implementation of the Recast Directive (2012/34/EU) and facilitation of international rail traffic. The goal is to be aware and informed about the concerns of both sides, exchange views on mutually beneficial solutions to practical problems and exchange best practices between the countries.


12 October 2017, Warsaw - PRIME-ENRBB Plenary

3 February 2017, Brussels - PRIME-ENRBB Charging Workshop

11 October 2016, Turin - 2nd PRIME-ENRRB Plenary

28 January 2016, Vienna - Annual RailNetEurope-ENRRB meeting

18 September 2015, London - 1st PRIME-ENRRB Plenary

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